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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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Scientists running for Congress are about to face a test in Texas.


The Trump administration’s reliance on alternative facts has inspired an unusual type of office seeker this year: the activist scientist.


According to the nonprofit advocacy group 314 Action, a record-breaking 60 candidates with science backgrounds have set their sights on Congress for the upcoming midterm elections. Many of those candidates are political novices with limited funding, and some are running in historically red districts.




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14 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

The primary elections in Texas are today.  There are like several hundred people running overall, so I don't think any one outcome is particularly important.  Probably the biggest takeaway will be the overall turnout for each party.  


Turnout for primaries is not very indicative, I doubt I will vote today.

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3 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Agree it isn't hugely indicative.  It isn't entirely irrelevant either.  Gov. Abbott was verbally peepeeing his pants, and the last poll I saw for his race had him up by 90 points.  


Just trying to incite the masses, best left to nut cuttin time imo.

I'd expect Dem turnout will be up due to the numbers running,hell I think there are 8-9 running for my congressional seat.:ols:....half of them named Garcia.

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Just now, visionary said:





Sylvia took down the Pakistani invader and the 'real' hispanic....you go girl. :ols:


Meanwhile the Venezuelan I could get behind is losing to the Hungarian Dr.


I love my district.



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The special election on Tuesday in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District isn’t the huge story that Alabama’s U.S. Senate race was. But the Keystone State campaign might still have implications beyond just deciding who will represent the people in this district in the U.S. House for the next 10 months.1

Democratic candidate Conor Lamb, a former federal prosecutor, is essentially tied with Republican Rick Saccone, a Pennsylvania state representative, according to a couple of polls released this week. An Emerson College survey showed Lamb leading Saccone 48 percent to 45 percent. A Gravis Marketing poll had Saccone up 45 percent to 42 percent.

One piece of good news for Lamb (and potentially Democrats more generally): In the Emerson survey, 63 percent of Lamb’s backers reported that they were “very excited” to vote next week, compared with 53 percent of Saccone’s supporters. That could be a sign of greater enthusiasm on the Democratic side, as we have seen in other special elections in 2017 and 2018.


Not hopeful for a Dem won here, but Saccone is a terrible candidate. 

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18 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Felito runs from his Hispanic nickname and Beto (who isn't) embraces his nickname.


Only in Texas.


Beto didn't sell well in the valley....got a clue why? :)


his nickname isn't all he embraces




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On 3/10/2018 at 7:59 AM, twa said:


Beto didn't sell well in the valley....got a clue why? :)


his nickname isn't all he embraces




Because Latinos near the border tend to vote based off surnames.  

Beto is a special dude - just saw him in person finally.  Truly believe he could win a majority of Republican voters if they took the time to listen to him (and we weren’t so tribal).  

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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Does.....does Trump not know that the Senate is part of Congress?


Well, he doesn't know that he's the President of the Virgin Islands.  


(Or, apparently, of Puerto Rico.)  



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