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The Politics Sexual Assault Thread

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I wish it weren't so as I actually thought Franken was the Dem I most wanted to run for president.  However, the Dems have a chance to be on the right side of history here.  If they condemn a rising star for this behavior, it is harder to say their position is the typical lip service paid to the porcelain throne of political correctness.  They can make a serious push for change from the same old patriarch dominated politics toward a set of more gender level societal norms.  It has the potential to be a short term loss to put the party, and more importantly the country, in a better position going forward. 


"Yes, sexism and assaults are not a partisan occurrence.  The responses to them have been.  Which side do you support, the side that protects and defends P@#$% grabbers and pedophiles or the side that throws them out of businesses and governmental positions regardless of their influence?  One side fired while the other promoted and elected.  That was the past, but which side do you support going forward?"

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18 minutes ago, gbear said:


"Yes, sexism and assaults are not a partisan occurrence.  The responses to them have been.  Which side do you support, the side that protects and defends P@#$% grabbers and pedophiles or the side that throws them out of businesses and governmental positions regardless of their influence?  One side fired while the other promoted and elected.  That was the past, but which side do you support going forward?"


I can, unfortunately, destroy this argument with 2 words:  Bill Clinton.


You can bet "the right" will never, ever, ever, ever, ever let that go. 

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20 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I can, unfortunately, destroy this argument with 2 words:  Bill Clinton.


You can bet "the right" will never, ever, ever, ever, ever let that go. 


That and the Klan leader were rather epic.....kinda like the Dumpster.

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Geez, look so far this year! 


Sexual harassment and assault is everywhere, Congress is no exception. 


McConnell needs to investigate Moore like he did Packwood years ago. And get rid of Moore. 


And I want the names of lawmakers and staff outed immediately.

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15 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

We almost always dump our rising stars.


Gary Hart

John Edwards


The list goes on. 


But the Right always doubles down. The only one I remember from recently is Mark Foley, and that's because it was homosexual in nature.


I'm not sure about Gary Hart, but John Edwards was having affairs left and right.  Weiner was...showing his weiner to minors.


I'm not sure what you mean about dumping our rising stars but I think these people have no one to blame but themselves.  

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I may misremember, but wasn't all the outrage over Clinton that he lied, not that he cheated. Up to his presidency, every president save Carter had a history of cheating on their wives. Carter only listed in his heart. Painting Clinton as a molester seems a bit revisionist, but it may just be my memory.  The point is which party wants to move to a 21st century model of gender equality and which would just assume go back to the 19th century?

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18 minutes ago, gbear said:

I may misremember, but wasn't all the outrage over Clinton that he liked, not that he cheated. Up to his presidency, every president save Carter had a history of cheating on their wives. Carter only listed in his heart. Painting Clinton as a molester seems a bit revisionist, but it may just be my memory. 

This article talks about it. (no molestation) 

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1 hour ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I'm not sure about Gary Hart, but John Edwards was having affairs left and right.  Weiner was...showing his weiner to minors.


I'm not sure what you mean about dumping our rising stars but I think these people have no one to blame but themselves.  


Their careers were dead. I call that getting dumped by the party.

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5 hours ago, visionary said:




“I made a statement about the budget numbers, Franken challenged me, I challenged him back. It was about spending priorities, actually just a mundane discussion. But he obsessed over it.”

After the show, Morgan said Franken wouldn’t leave her alone, insisting on continuing the argument.

“He approached me backstage, angrily called me out on those numbers and insisted he would prove he was right. He wouldn’t leave me alone, he kept following me. As a woman, his presence and proximity to me felt very threatening and intimindating.

“I didn’t realize his creepy behavior after the show meant it would continue in the days to come.

“He approached Carol, the show’s producer and demanded my home phone number, which was a clear violation of network protocol. I had thought that was the end of the story and was shocked when he started calling my home, badgering me repeatedly.

“I became fearful and called Carol to complain and asked her to tell him to back off. But he made another call after that. I thought that he might end up stalking me at my home in Northern California, it was that bad.

“By the third phone call I was outraged and terrified, as he is really disturbed,” Morgan recounted.

Morgan said Franken finally left her alone, but only after she pushed back and threatened “to call the police and make a report that he was harassing me.”



I know we're in the middle of a bizarre moment in which we are supposed to believe everything and question nothing, which strikes me as painfully naive by the way, but are we allowed to at least question if the specifics of whats being alleged is a crime of any sort?  He got into a argument with someone over budget numbers and couldn't let it go to the point that he called her to argue over budget numbers some more.  What am I supposed to do with that?  I'm having trouble placing unwanted phone calls about a stupid argument into the context of sexual harassment.  This looks like a big nothing.  Can I say that or does it make me a monster?  Perhaps there was a power imbalance that I'm unaware of that made it impossible for her to hang the phone up or not answer it in the first place .  I'm sure someone will be along shortly to reeducate me on why I'm wrong and how my attitude makes healing impossible or some such thing.     

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