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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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AZ Republican: Only 'Promiscuous' Women Need Contraception


A bid to make birth control a right in Arizona that was a top policy priority for Gov. Katie Hobbs has stagnated in the Republican-controlled legislature and is likely dead. 


The Democrat lashed out at the GOP on Thursday, questioning its support for contraceptive access. Republicans hold a one-seat majority in each legislative chamber, and every legislative committee chair is a Republican. Those chairs choose which bills get heard and which don’t move forward. 


“This basic, commonsense proposal hasn’t made it past step one,” Hobbs said. “It begs the question: Why won’t they codify this basic freedom into law? What do they have against allowing us to have control over our own bodies and access to basic health care?”


The governor unveiled her intention to push for contraceptive access as a right last year, and the Democratic lawmaker who initially sponsored the measure to accomplish that goal touted it as a way to put Republicans on the record about their reproductive health care stances. 


Dubbed “The Right to Contraception Act,” the proposal sought to protect the ability of Arizonans to obtain all forms of birth control, including Plan B, and guarantee the right of health care providers to prescribe contraceptives or give information about them to patients. It would also have outlawed any attempt to limit or infringe on a person’s ability to access contraceptives or a doctor’s ability to offer them. 


Both the Senate and House versions of the act were assigned to several committees, but neither was given a single hearing. 


One Republican’s response to questions Thursday about contraceptives highlights the challenges Hobbs and legislative Democrats face in guaranteeing the right to contraceptive access in Arizona while the GOP controls the legislative agenda.


Sen. Sonny Borrelli, the No. 2 Republican in the state Senate, responded to a question about whether he would oppose future efforts to restrict access to emergency contraceptives by saying that women wouldn’t need contraceptives if they weren’t so promiscuous.


“Like I said, Bayer Company invented aspirin. Put it between your knees,” he said, implying that, if women hold aspirin between their legs, they won’t be able to have sex and risk pregnancy.


Click on the link for the full article

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Was not sure where to post this but here seems as good as any. Talk about nutters, it seems Aaron Rogers has been spreading the false co nspiracy that Sandy Hook was a government excersie and the parents and children were actors. I knew he was an idiot but apperantly he is even more a nut case than previously thought. We also know why his family is not interested in having a relationship with him. 




"Brown was covering the Kentucky Derby for CNN in 2013 when she was introduced to Rodgers, then with the Green Bay Packers, at a post-Derby party. Hearing that she was a journalist with CNN, Rodgers immediately began attacking the news media for covering up important stories. Rodgers brought up the tragic killing of 20 children and 6 adults by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming it was actually a government inside job and the media was intentionally ignoring it."





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30 minutes ago, goskins10 said:

Was not sure where to post this but here seems as good as any. Talk about nutters, it seems Aaron Rogers has been spreading the false co nspiracy that Sandy Hook was a government excersie and the parents and children were actors. I knew he was an idiot but apperantly he is even more a nut case than previously thought. We also know why his family is not interested in having a relationship with him. 




"Brown was covering the Kentucky Derby for CNN in 2013 when she was introduced to Rodgers, then with the Green Bay Packers, at a post-Derby party. Hearing that she was a journalist with CNN, Rodgers immediately began attacking the news media for covering up important stories. Rodgers brought up the tragic killing of 20 children and 6 adults by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming it was actually a government inside job and the media was intentionally ignoring it."





Maybe the QAnon thread.


I can follow the logic of a professional athlete being concerned about taking a new vaccine. And with the accompanying narcissism and jealousy, I can see where Rodgers comes from with his stance on COVID-19, Dr. Fauci, and Kelce.


But this Sandy Hook thing is beyond the pale. Only terrible people subscribe to that conspiracy. 

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13 hours ago, China said:

AZ Republican: Only 'Promiscuous' Women Need Contraception


“Like I said, Bayer Company invented aspirin. Put it between your knees,” he said, implying that, if women hold aspirin between their legs, they won’t be able to have sex and risk pregnancy.


Click on the link for the full article

I heard this all the time growing up in a conservative and religious setting. As I get older, it becomes so funny and sad to hear people say this, because all I can hear is "I'm bad a sex and have only ever done missionary in my life." No wonder they're so cranky.

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9 minutes ago, GhostofSparta said:

I heard this all the time growing up in a conservative and religious setting. As I get older, it becomes so funny and sad to hear people say this, because all I can hear is "I'm bad a sex and have only ever done missionary in my life." No wonder they're so cranky.

My dad was a Methodist minister since before I was born.  Imagine what happened when I hit the USN. 

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8 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

My dad was a Methodist minister since before I was born.  Imagine what happened when I hit the USN. 

I mean, according to the stereotypes, the Navy is where all the homosexual men go, right? So in theory you'd be a virgin for your entire time serving. What's the problem?

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1 minute ago, skinsmarydu said:

You gonna say that to the Chief amongst us?  I double-dog dare you. 


a double dog...?  


that DOES sound naughty!   




.......... and not at all gay....  😕 

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4 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

You gonna say that to the Chief amongst us?  I double-dog dare you. 


2 minutes ago, mcsluggo said:


a double dog...?  


that DOES sound naughty!   




.......... and not at all gay....  😕 


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On 3/12/2024 at 8:29 PM, The Evil Genius said:


You act like one party isn't already compromising and hasn't been trying to reach across the aisle.


The problem is, MAGA doesn't want to compromise. Authoritarianism doesn't allow for it. 


you are confusing describing a situation with approving of it.   


MAGA-ts are all of the atrocious things you describe.   AND... people will continue to vote for them.     


In fact, there are signs that things might actually be getting worse, not better.   (and it is global trends, not just US trends).    Trump is a symbol of the rot, and has probably helped to assist/accelerate the rot, bit he mostly is just riding a wave that can more be traced to broader trends ... many of which are based on things that are mostly caused by things that the internet fosters--- the dissemination of bad information and the drowning out of good/reliable/verified 

  • echo chambers
  • the gutting and undercutting of a viable accountable sources of information and or "authority" (and the press portion is just part of a broader undercutting of ALL sources of accountable and verifiable information or authority: 
    • the education system at all levels (from schools for young children through high schools up to Universities)
    • government /diplomacy/ multilateral institutions
    • science and scientists
    • the entire ****ing scientific method 
    • the sense of a cohesive and caring community (rather than a fortress that is under siege)
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a lot of us...me included... have been thinking (assuming?) that the younger generation is more progressive and less willing to put up with the MAGA bull**** and ignorance.    It turns out that this story is more complicated.     Younger woman are are getting less willing to put up with MAGA bull****... younger men may be getting more drawn into the ignorance web.


below is an abbreviated leader to a longer story (that is part of a section of stories around this theme) ... but the teaser is (grossly simplified):   


  • young men are falling behind young women academically 
  • young woman are in turn, seeing both greater opportunity, and also learning about the **** that other generations of women had to put up with and the struggles that women (and men) have made to advance their opportunities and reduce the oppressive crap layered on women.
  • young woman have (on average) gotten more progressive with this education
  • young men are split in two ... some are flourishing along side woman and are also getting more progressive (and more educated),
  • but an increasing proportion of young men are falling behind academically.  in a more integrated world, there is less economic opportunity for those with few skills.   a larger portion of this crowd is getting bitter about things that they perceive that they have lost (relative to previous generations, relative to "foreigners" -- both here and abroad that are "stealing their jobs"; relative to women), and become ripe for MAGA echo chambers
  • (woman are divided in to these two groups as well....  but the proportion of "winning" young women is growing, while the relative proportion of "losing" young men is growing)
  • these trends lead to a greater proportion of women (that are flourishing) being less willing to put up with young men's maga bull****... leading to whole additional incel channels of resentment and bitterness.
  • the alt right gleefully stokes this resentment.... and flourishes     



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Angry young men

Making sense of the gulf between young men and women

It’s complicated. But better schooling for boys might help

A young man and woman stand with their backs to each other either side of a deep crack in the ground

Mar 14th 2024


Men and women have different experiences, so you would expect them to have different worldviews. Nonetheless, the growing gulf between young men and women in developed countries is striking. Polling data from 20 such countries shows that, whereas two decades ago there was little difference between the share of men and women aged 18-29 who described themselves as liberal rather than conservative, the gap has grown to 25 percentage points. Young men also seem more anti-feminist than older men, bucking the trend for each generation to be more liberal than its predecessor. Polls from 27 European countries found that men under 30 were more likely than those over 65 to agree that “advancing women’s and girls’ rights has gone too far because it threatens men’s and boys’ opportunities”. Similar results can be found in Britain, South Korea and China. Young women were likely to believe the opposite.


Unpicking what is going on is not simple. A good place to start is to note that young women are soaring ahead of their male peers academically. In the European Union fully 46% of them earn degrees, versus 35% of young men, a gap that has doubled since 2002. One consequence is that young women are more likely than men to spend their early adulthood in a cocoon of campus liberalism. Meanwhile, boys outnumber girls at the bottom end of the scholastic scale. Across rich countries, 28% of them fail to learn to read to a basic level. That is true of only 18% of girls.


Another big change is that, to varying degrees across the developed world, immense progress has been made in reducing the barriers to women having successful careers. College-educated men are still thriving, too—often as one half of a double-high-income heterosexual couple. Many men welcome these advances and argue for more. However, those among their less-educated brothers who are struggling in the workplace and the dating market are more likely to be resentful, and to blame women for their loss of relative status. And young women, by and large, are glad of past progress but are keenly aware that real threats and unfairness remain, from male violence to the difficulty of juggling careers and children. In short, most young women and worryingly large numbers of young men complain that society is biased against their own sex.


Young women tend to vote for parties of the liberal left. Angry young men, sometimes dismissed as toxically masculine by those parties, are being shrewdly wooed by politicians from the right and the far right. In South Korea their support helped an overtly anti-feminist president win power. In America polls are muddy but some pollsters think young men are souring on the Democrats. In Europe, where many countries offer a kaleidoscope of political choices, young male votes have helped fuel the rise of reactionary outfits such as the afd in Germany, Confederation in Poland and Chega, which surged at Portugal’s election on March 10th.


There is no easy solution to any of this. But clearly, more should be done to help boys lagging behind at school to do better. Some policies that might work without harming their female classmates include hiring more male teachers (who are exceptionally scarce at primary schools in rich countries), and allowing boys to start school a year later than girls, to reflect the fact that they mature later. Better vocational training could encourage young men to consider jobs they have traditionally shunned, from nursing to administration. Schooling boys better would not only help boys. Increasing the supply of educated and (one hopes) less angry men would be good for the women who must share the same world. 


This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "Young men and women are drifting apart".   

More related articles available at economist.com (behind a paywall)




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Because genius men don't really try to meet smart women. 

My husband was the one who did.  And I was just his bartender. 

He liked my butt.  I asked him why mine was different.  He said, "Yours came with a brain." 

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