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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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George Santos promised reporters a surprise on Tuesday. When he brought coffee and donuts for the journalists staking out his office, it was a letdown. But Santos apparently had another surprise. 


Late Tuesday afternoon, Santos’ political operation filed a flurry of amended campaign finance reports, telling the feds, among other things, that a $500,000 loan he gave to his campaign didn’t, in fact, come from his personal funds as he’d previously claimed. 


However, while the new amended filing told us where the funds did not come from, it also raised a new question—where did the money come from?


While both the old and new campaign filings claim that the loans came “from the candidate,” the campaign’s most recent amended filing had ticked the box for “personal funds of the candidate”; on the new amended filing today, that box is unchecked. 


Another amended filing on Tuesday disclosed that a $125,000 “loan from the candidate” in late October also did not come from his “personal funds,” but like the $500,000 question, did not say where the money came from, when the loan was due, or what entity, if any, backed the money.


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James Comer’s rare skill: He can connect Hunter Biden to anything


Rep. James Comer, the new Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, appeared on Fox News over the weekend, and shared a few thoughts on some diamond Hunter Biden received from a Chinese businessman several years ago. Here was the pitch the GOP congressman took to Fox’s viewers:


“That diamond was given to Hunter at about the time these documents were being transported to different locations. It’s very concerning. Two ways the Chinese try to launder money into the United States are through the art world and through diamonds. Do you see a connection here?”


I’m going to assume that was a rhetorical question.


In context, the Oversight Committee chairman’s comment about “these documents” was in reference to President Joe Biden, or at least those who packed his belongings in years past, handling classified materials several years ago in a sloppy way. In other words, the ongoing presidential controversy, as far as Comer is concerned, might secretly be connected to the Democrat’s son.


This is a weird theory, to be sure, but it’s also quite predictable. I’m reminded of a column from The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, published last spring, examining Comer’s signature preoccupation.


“So, to recap,” Milbank explained, pointing to the GOP congressman’s rhetoric, “Hunter Biden controls cobalt in Congo, fentanyl in Mexico, coronavirus in Wuhan and war in Ukraine. It is just a matter of time until Republicans find a Hunter Biden angle in Jeffrey Epstein’s demise and UFOs off the coast of California. ‘Where’s Hunter?’ went the popular refrain at Trump rallies. Now we know. In the Republican imagination, Hunter is everywhere.”


Note, exactly one day after House Republicans secured their majority after the 2022 midterm elections, Comer held a news conference to tell reporters that his Hunter Biden conspiracy theories were “kind of a big deal.”


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3 hours ago, Dan T. said:



Fastest Growing Jobs in the U.S., per the U.S. Bureau of Labor


1. Nurse practitioner



this is 100% the result of the ACA


and if you’re a liberal a neat side effect is you pushed a lot of women into the role of basically being a doctor - not by design it’s just most nurses are women so almost every DNP is a woman. 

Remember when the republicans got all ****y about cvs stopping the sale of tobacco? How it was going to ruin them?




then they bought minute clinic hired a ton of DNP’s and now are the defecto primary care service for tons of communities. 

Been nuts to watch. 

It also created a huge academic field for DNP programs which  are also run and staff d by women 


women in the healthcare industry are finally getting their much overdue day, as they’re basically taking over a huge portion of it. Which are high paying jobs. 

Edited by tshile
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7 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Gonna take a wild guess and say we not getting a special prosecutor for this. Seems like all living Presidents and Vice Presidents will have something. What matters is what happens when they find out.



When asked if he took any classified documents from the White House, Pence nods his head "yes" as he says "I did not" lol...detectives say that body language is a sign that he's lying.

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RNC to consider resolution condemning Kanye West, Fuentes and antisemitism writ large


Republican National Committee members are set to vote on a resolution this week condemning not just antisemitism, but Ye, better known as Kanye West, and other conservative provocateurs who have made antisemitic remarks.


The resolution was filed by California national committeeman Shawn Steel, an Orange County attorney and past California Republican Party chair who said in an interview that he did not want a handful of antisemitic “nitwits” to represent the GOP.


Steel’s decision to urge his RNC colleagues to speak out against antisemitism follows Donald Trump’s dinner meeting last fall with Ye and white nationalist Nick Fuentes. It follows comments by the former president warning Jews in the United States to “get their act together” and show more appreciation for his policies toward Israel.


The resolution, first reported by POLITICO, does not mention Trump, but condemns Ye, Fuentes and conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos by name. It also calls out a handful of Democratic politicians — including Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — for remarks highly critical of Israel and for ties they had with antisemitic figures.


“I want to create a standard for all political parties in America, that we don’t tolerate bigotry, and in this particular case, antisemitism,” Steel said.


The resolution, if adopted, would “formally condemn, denounce, censure and oppose all forms of bigotry, racism, ethnic prejudice, religious intolerance, antisemitism, antisemitic statements, and any antisemitic elements that seek to infiltrate the Republican Party,” according to a copy of the document obtained by POLITICO.


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Branching off from @tshile 's post. 

When I went through my LPN to RM program, one of the LPNs in my program worked at an urgent care in a rural community. And he really knew his ****. 

Where I am, in a university town with a medical school and three hospitals, urgent care was where you went for flu shots, employment physicals, and drug testing. 

But where he was, that urgent care center, under an NP, was the primary care for a good chunk of a county. They did X rays, ultrasounds, wound care. Prenatal checkups.

And I could see that being a good way to deliver primary care, in a rural area. An urgent care, with an NP and a telemedicine room. 

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In accepting the endorsement from the New York Young Republican Club, George Santos pledged that if elected he would never take a salary.




Lie or true statement? Business Insider plans to find out.



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6 hours ago, Dan T. said:

Oh no! George Santos survived an assassination attempt and was subsequently provided police protection.  According to George Santos. And he also had his shoes stolen off his feet along 5th Avenue in the middle of the day. According to George Santos.


George Santos claims he survived assassination attempt (nypost.com)


:ols:  This ****ing guy, man.


Since pathological lying isn't an actual diagnosis in the DSM, can we just give Santos the generic nickname "Cluster B"?

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On 11/29/2022 at 9:51 AM, Dan T. said:

GOP, PLEASE elect Mike Lindell as RNC Chair. I double dog dare ya.


The MyPillow Guy’s Fake Campaign For RNC Chair Is a Real Disaster


Mike Lindell told VICE News he'll admit defeat if he loses on Friday, making it the first time in a while he's accepted an election result.

Mike Lindell is running for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee. But no one involved in the RNC, which is gathering for its winter meetings in California this week, seems to know why—or who’s backing him.


Lindell, a close ally of former President Donald Trump and a lead booster of Trump’s 2020 election lies, is one of three candidates vying for the chairmanship. The MyPillow CEO and election conspiracy theorist has been publicly endorsed by exactly one of the committee’s 168 voting members. And many of the RNC’s voting members are rolling their eyes at his quixotic bid to take over the party and force it to put his obsession with supposed election fraud front-and-center, just months after candidates he backed cost them winnable races across the country.


Iowa Republican Party Chairman Jeff Kaufmann told VICE News that Lindell was running a “pseudo-campaign” that didn’t amount to more than some cookie-cutter form emails from fringe activists.


He said that illustrated how bad a job Lindell would do as RNC chairman if he won at the core part of the job: winning elections.


“His candidacy for the RNC shows he doesn’t know how to campaign for an office. Do you see the irony here? He’s campaigning to be the RNC chair for more campaigns, and his campaign for RNC chair is a bunch of boilerplate emails that have come very, very late,” Kaufmann told VICE News. “Making pillows and winning elections—I don’t think there’s a correlation there.”


Lindell told VICE News that he has qualified to appear on the ballot, which two RNC members said they’d confirmed with the committee. That means that at least two members from three states or territories have signed his paperwork. But Lindell refused to say who supports him.


Click on the link for the full article



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1 hour ago, Captain Wiggles said:


l mean...I don't disagree with the concept. But let's not pretend that it has a chance of passing, given how many lawmakers on both sides probably have a fair amount of money in the stock market.


He's pulling the boilerplate circus act of introducing a bill the American people would likely get behind, but that they know would never pass, just so they can point to the other side voting against it.


Sort of like the term limit bull**** bills. They know that a large majority of Americans support some sort of term limits for Congress, but they would never actually pass it because it would mean they can't stay in power ad infinitum.


Sideshow bull****. 

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