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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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53 minutes ago, Bang said:

I think if we did have any states secede or in any way divide ourselves, China and Russia will take a victory lap. Even in times of highly contentious political climates, an emergency has brought us together. But I wonder what would happen if we had something like 9/11 happen now? 
Would we come together as a somewhat whole?
When that happened, we did have a number of crazies who yelled "false flag!", and that the US govt flew the planes, yadda yadda Zeitgeistblahblahblah.
But by and large we came together to accept the truth of the matter. We went to do what we thought needed to be done, and people volunteered from all walks of American life.

Could we do that now? Or would some sort of major attack be the tipping point that burns us down?


I'm genuinely asking, what does everyone think?
I want to believe we can. I want to believe that while lunatics are in power and the loud get the headlines, most of us down here on Main street are still relatively cordial.

But I'm not sure.



It's a class war and we're losing...

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Last October, a federal jury convicted Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas on criminal campaign finance charges for concealing the source of a $325,000 contribution to a group backing then President Donald Trump.  But seven months later, according to a decision that hasn’t yet been made public, the Federal Election Commission—the agency tasked with civil enforcement of campaign finance regulations—failed to muster enough votes to enforce the same law.  The outcome was disclosed last week in an exhibit attached to a brief that Parnas’ attorney filed ahead of his client’s sentencing, scheduled for Wednesday. It’s the latest in a series of befuddling non-decisions from the notoriously sclerotic FEC, whose Republican commissioners have declined time and again to take action against accused violators, even in the face of evidence of wrongdoing.


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She's needs to have one of her sidearms accidentally discharge into her cranium...although that might be dangerous because the large vacuum in there might initiate a vortex that would suck in surrounding people.

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18 minutes ago, balki1867 said:

The United States was literally founded by people escaping... *checks notes*... a Christian Theocracy.  I don't think our founding fathers would want us to implement one here.


It says God in the constitution. Not Hydra. 


Take that commies 

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Didn’t know where to put this, anyways, this could backfire. More at the link. 

NPR - Democrats are bankrolling ads promoting fringe Republican candidates


In multiple states – including Colorado and Illinois, which hold primaries on Tuesday – Democrats have been attempting to boost far-right Republicans, under the assumption that they would be easier to beat in a general election.

It's a political gamble, but it has worked in the past.

"This has to be done very carefully," said Claire McCaskill, a former Democratic Senator from Missouri. 

In 2012, McCaskill's reelection campaign spent $1.7 million on an advertising blitz during the GOP primary to highlight the conservative credentials of candidate Todd Akin. It was more money than Akin's campaign had spent throughout the entire primary.

"There were three viable candidates and Todd Akin was kind of the weirdest one," McCaskill said. "I knew he might say some weird things if he were nominated. And he had less money, so we took a poll and figured out what Republican voters would really like about him."


McCaskill put her name on the ads, as is required for political advertising, but casual viewers may not have realized they were paid for by a Democrat.

For most of the primary season, Akin had been behind in the polls. But he surged in the last two weeks of the campaign as McCaskill's ads aired across Missouri. He ended up winning the primary, then losing handily to McCaskill in the general election.


In Pennsylvania, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Josh Shapiro spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on TV ads attacking GOP primary candidate Doug Mastriano. While the ads were negative, they deliberately gave a large platform to issues that resonate with many conservative voters, including skepticism about the legitimacy of the 2020 election – a kind of reverse psychology that Mastriano himself welcomed.

"I'm going to have to send him a thank you card," Mastriano later told a local news outlet after seeing the ads. Mastriano, who is being investigated by the House January 6th Committee, went on to win the Republican nomination for governor in May.

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Yeah that’s the “vote for trump in the primary, he can’t beat Clinton” mentality and that backfired in an extraordinary way. 

I’d prefer they avoid the cute or overly-clever tactics and run on what they are and leave it at that. 

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