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Dan Snyder is the Problem. Bruce is a mouthpiece of Snyder


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We have a dozen merged threads blaming the FO on Bruce Wayne and GMSM.  Not one is directly about why and how Snyder has messed up the Redskins repeatedly. Here are just a few off of the top of my head, and I've left out a bunch like the Shanny debacle, ice cream gate, sign gate, and etc. 


1) firing CC

2) firing Marty

3) hiring Zorn, blowing up Gibbs 2 team

4) RG3

5) Kirk Cousins not signed to a 19.5 x 3 deal

6) GMSM neutering 

7) not signing Kirk or trading him 

8) not signing PG, DJax, signing Deion, letting Ryan go, Archellta, McNugget, Jason Taylor the dancing king, etc. 


Can anyone defend Snyder's ownership or add a reason to be hopeful for the rest of his tenure as owner? 

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I've said it on this site since the first day I joined: Dan Synder is, and always will be, the problem with this franchise.  We can at times pretend that's not the case--like when he actually goes through the motions of putting a real front office in place.  But, sooner or later, he always reverts back to his old meddling ways--either explicitly or implicitly.  In retrospect, hiring GMSM and keeping Bruce Allen around was bound to end this way.  Bruce Allen is Vinny Cerrato 2.0; he is effectively Snyder's errand boy as you've pointed out.  None of this will end until Snyder is out of the picture.   

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Charley Casserly had performed very poorly as out GM in the years leading up to Snyder buying the team


Marty quit


Blowing up Gibbs 2.0?  Are you referring to not giving Williams the coaching job?


RG3 won us a division championship and RotY, much of our failure after was based on the NFL colluding against players and us not going along

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i have always looked at snyder as a guy who's heart was actually in the right place (most of the time), but he couldnt put the 'right' people in charge.


firing marty after a year was a mistake, of course. since then, i thought he tried to make a good, splashy hire in spurrier who was the hot college coach. he let him bring in his gators. it didnt work with them, it didnt work with other players.....ok...then, of course, joe gibbs. fantasitc. let him run the show. except joe, while being possibly the greatest HC of all time (imo), is not a great personnel guy. but, good try anyway. then, theres zorn. couldnt get your guy out of the box hire, whatever. dan stepped in to 'help' when it was going south......then, mike shanahan. i was all in on mike. give him the keys to the castle. so what if thats what got him fired in denver, and without elway he's almost exaclty a .500 coach. i cant hate him for trying. 



point is, i always saw his as 'trying to win'- he hired some proven coaches - i just thought he was always missing an actual GM. then, he got one in GMSM. now, hes all but gone. 


i cant defend this anymore. 

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He is 100% the problem. If it's not his direct decisions that are ****ed up, it's the people he puts in place that **** things up. Not to mention I bet he has an aura that just breeds chaos. I've worked for people like that. You can't get rid of it.

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1 minute ago, dyst said:

He is 100% the problem. If it's not his direct decisions that are ****ed up, it's the people he puts in place that **** things up. Not to mention I bet he has an aura that just breeds chaos. I've worked for people like that. You can't get rid of it.


he put GMSM there

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I think Snyder is just bad at what he does. I actually still believe he tries and has his heart in the right place. I just don't think he has the proper leadership/people skills to build a consistently productive operation. 


He is probably the kind of guy that can't balance being too involved vs not being involved enough. Early in his tenure he probably had his hands in way too much of football operations and he created chaos. I think this likely surprised him and he was likely embarrassed at the public backlash he received. 


Unlike Jurruh, Snyder does NOT seek the spotlight. In contrast, he runs from it. He probably just likes to be involved-- to be "one of the boys." I have no clue, but my guess is that he really did turn the team over to Vinny, then Gibbs, then Vinny again, then Shanny, then Allen. I think the Vinny stints were likely when he was more involved too. But I have always believed that he gave Gibbs and Shanny full power-- and again, likely just wanted to be invited to dinner when they'd meet with guys. 


With Allen and GMSM I wouldn't be surprised if he was like "Hey, you guys figure it out..." Maybe he isn't involved ENOUGH. He is ultimately the boss and the boss has to make very clear what the chain of command is-- if he relinquished too much of that power then it becomes more likely the power gets abused. Then he's getting two sides of a story and as we have seen in the past, Snyder's judgment on who to stick with isn't the best. 


So I guess i see it both ways. Snyder is not good at this. This seems undeniable at this point. But I don't think he's sinister. I think each time something crumbles he is probably genuinely confused wondering how it all fell apart because he thought he did it the right way this time. 


Snyder honestly did what I wanted him to do. By hiring Allen in his current role, Snyder basically fired himself. He said "Here Bruce, you figure how to structure it all." Unfortunately it appears he hired the wrong guy. Again. 



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This thread is premature and venting could be had in any number of threads imo. 


I want to wait until the offseason is over and we have a clearer picture of what went wrong. 


Also, I really dont care about what happened pre-2015. We beat that drum enough. Besides theres enough happening in the past month that old dirt isnt necessary. 


edit - I hear ya Cliff. Ppl are forming opinions now, I just think there is much more to come down the pipeline that may change, shed light or cement ppl's opinions. 

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24 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

This thread is premature and venting could be had in any number of threads imo. 


I want to wait until the offseason is over and we have a clearer picture of what went wrong. 


Also, I really dont care about what happened pre-2015. We beat that drum enough. Besides theres enough happening in the past month that old dirt isnt necessary. 

I see your point but... None of the other threads are about Snyder.  They are about Bruce, and GMSM, and all things like that. The reports are coming out though that Bruce and Snyder didn't want KC to a ltd, and Jay/Scot did.  So there is new evidence that there are issues with the owner.


Apparently Kirk had a meeting directly with Snyder asking for a LTD or trade.  I think we have to discuss Snyder too, imho.  Maybe I am wrong? 

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Dan Snyder is the worst owner in professional sports history.  Think about Dan Snyders ego for a sec.  He hasn't listened to a damn thing any critic has ever said EVER!  He literally still, after 20+ years of futility , hasn't listened to a damn negative thing ever said!  Ego is the enemy!  He has zero self awareness! Literally, the guy is oblivious!  ****! LOL

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I had at least 1 foot on the Snyder has turned control over Scot M. bandwagon.  I half believed it because I wanted to believe it so bad.  Isn't that always the way it works when your heart wants something so badly it works overtime to shoutdown the screaming voice in my head telling me Snyder will spoil it.


Now Snyder will probably hire Mike Maylock as the GM because he thinks everyone is sold Maylock is a great talent evaluator because he drones endlessly on ESPN every spring.  I'm not buying into another Snyder marketing fumblerooski  

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6 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

I had at least 1 foot on the Snyder has turned control over Scot M. bandwagon.  I half believed it because I wanted to believe it so bad.  Isn't that always the way it works when your heart wants something so badly it works overtime to shoutdown the screaming voice in my head telling me Snyder will spoil it.


Now Snyder will probably hire Mike Maylock as the GM because he thinks everyone is sold Maylock is a great talent evaluator because he drones endlessly on ESPN every spring.  I'm not buying into another Snyder marketing fumblerooski  


We're going to hire the guy who would have picked blaine gabbert number 1 overall. We're going to hire the guy who would have picked blaine gabbert number 1 overall. Must. Not. Panic. 

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34 minutes ago, nkoucheki said:


We're going to hire the guy who would have picked blaine gabbert number 1 overall. We're going to hire the guy who would have picked blaine gabbert number 1 overall. Must. Not. Panic. 


So your going to pick one player and judge a guys talent evaluation off of that. Lets not forget that if you hit 30% on your draft picks you are a hell of a talent evaluator

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Check the sig. learn the sig, know the sig. check the avatar. Understand what we're dealing with. As long as Dan Snyder wants to bring in lackeys that do his bidding we'll always be what we've been these many years under his control. When real football people are brought in, they get stomped. This is the Washington Redskins. This is our football team. $$$ This is the result. Dan might love the team, but he loves the pain of loss more. Why else would he do what he's doing?

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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 1:21 PM, carex said:

Charley Casserly had performed very poorly as out GM in the years leading up to Snyder buying the team


Marty quit


Blowing up Gibbs 2.0?  Are you referring to not giving Williams the coaching job?


RG3 won us a division championship and RotY, much of our failure after was based on the NFL colluding against players and us not going along

Casserly had some dog poop drafts but he cleaned up the team and it was in real good shape in 1999. The 99 team should have been in the NFC Championship game. That was all Casserly and Snyder had zero input in putting that team together.


Marty was forced to quit or he was going to be fired.


Williams didn't get the job cause Vinny knew he couldn't control Greg.


RG3 was a part of winning the division. He certainly didn't do it all by himself.

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1 minute ago, Alexa said:

Casserly had some dog poop drafts but he cleaned up the team and it was in real good shape in 1999. The 99 team should have been in the NFC Championship game. That was all Casserly and Snyder had zero input in putting that team together.


Marty was forced to quit or he was going to be fired.


Williams didn't get the job cause Vinny knew he couldn't control Greg.


RG3 was a part of winning the division. He certainly didn't do it all by himself.


Marty was just going to lose total roster control.  Williams hasn't been given a head coaching job since either.  Alfred Morris was a key part but without RG3 I don't see it happening, considering the head coach himself was ready to put us into roster evaluation mode.  Casserly got ever pick of the Saints in the 1999 draft, the only draft picks that made the team were Bailey and Jansen


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3 minutes ago, carex said:


Marty was just going to lose total roster control.  Williams hasn't been given a head coaching job since either.  Alfred Morris was a key part but without RG3 I don't see it happening, considering the head coach himself was ready to put us into roster evaluation mode.  Casserly got ever pick of the Saints in the 1999 draft, the only draft picks that made the team were Bailey and Jansen


There were several drafted players on the 99 team and those were players drafted by Casserly. He did draft a lot of good players plus made the trade for Brad Johnson and picked up Larry Centers.


The defense also played very well during that winning streak in 2012. Kirk also came in and played well. Total team effort, not just RG3.



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