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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Re Sarah Sanders: her being a pathological liar isn’t news. The only people who don’t object to her and this administrations relationship with the truth are the knuckleheads who’ve surrender their neocortex to Donald Trump.


Trump and the Republican Party function with the assumption that their base is full of morons who will believe anything and time and time again they are proven right. Why change?

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3 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Maybe he meant he was ruling out impeachment proceedings................ for today's session?





“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point,” Hoyer said in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. “Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgment.”


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Do you think that the Dems in the house are reluctant of impeachment because they feel it needs to be something the Senate is united with them on or it will just devolve into a nasty political fight for the next 18 months? (Even though one side is clearly on the ride side of history).

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5 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Do you think that the Dems in the house are reluctant of impeachment because they feel it needs to be something the Senate is united with them on or it will just devolve into a nasty political fight for the next 18 months? (Even though one side is clearly on the ride side of history).


Dems aren't organized enough to do something like that. They just aren't. Hell, they have all the soundbites and video to make a campaign around "Putting American before Trump". But for all their Hollywood insider connections, nobody is mass producing this stuff. But that's best left for a campaign thread.


The Dems should get Mueller in for public testimony ASAP. Also, they are hoping the other cases still going (Stone) end with people like him in prison. 

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7 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Do you think that the Dems in the house are reluctant of impeachment because they feel it needs to be something the Senate is united with them on or it will just devolve into a nasty political fight for the next 18 months? (Even though one side is clearly on the ride side of history).


Dem establishment is full of pansies and has been playing defense against wolves for decades. 


As usual, I am expecting them to flub this.


This would never happen if the Dem establishment was more AOC and less chicken **** boomer liberalism. 

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14 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Do you think that the Dems in the house are reluctant of impeachment because they feel it needs to be something the Senate is united with them on or it will just devolve into a nasty political fight for the next 18 months? (Even though one side is clearly on the ride side of history).


I think they've probably polled it and gamed out the possibly outcomes, and decided that impeaching him with no chance of conviction in the Senate harms their chances to make electoral gains next year.  Or possibly they are keeping their powder dry and plan to do it closer to the election for maximum impact.


Or maybe Ol' Steny is just off message?  Seems like they might want to think about this one for more than a few hours before ruling it out.  

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5 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Do you think that the Dems in the house are reluctant of impeachment because they feel it needs to be something the Senate is united with them on or it will just devolve into a nasty political fight for the next 18 months? (Even though one side is clearly on the ride side of history).


Barring (no pun intended) a massive paradigm shift, the net result of impeachment is:


1). Every Dem votes for it. 

2). Virtually every R votes against it. 

3). The Rs will point at this and yell real loud that this proves that the entire thing was a partisan witch hunt. 

4). Another decade of ES trolls saying "both sides . . ."

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Don’t see how the Dems can know what the result will be politically when the report just came out.  It shouldn’t matter anyway. It’s their duty to impeach Trump (both Republicans and Democrats).  I do understand if they want or bring in legal experts or Mueller investigation folks to get their private and/or public take on it first though.

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The Democrats dont have to convince the entire country but it’s utterly pathetic if they don’t even attempt to make a case to roughly 55% of the country that disapproves of this administration.


Shame on them if they refuse to impeach. If there is a way to lose my vote in 2020, this is it.

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4 minutes ago, Larry said:


Barring (no pun intended) a massive paradigm shift, the net result of impeachment is:


1). Every Dem votes for it. 

2). Virtually every R votes against it. 

3). The Rs will point at this and yell real loud that this proves that the entire thing was a partisan witch hunt. 

4). Another decade of ES trolls saying "both sides . . ."

I agree, why it's not worth it... Vote the douchebag out of office... 

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4 minutes ago, killerbee99 said:

I agree, why it's not worth it... Vote the douchebag out of office... 

That makes it look like he's above the law, and would't even be punished politically for two years. 

Plus, as I've said I don't know why people think if he views himself as above the law (and this is confirmed by both his cabinet and congress), he will allow someone to beat him in 2020.  

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Regardless of what the Dems are saying publicly I would be shocked if they aren't working on the logistics of the "what if....." scenarios behind closed doors.  I'd imagine they have been preparing for awhile once they took the House.  I just think maybe they don't want to show their entire hand until all the ducks are in order.  It's clear they want Mueller to come before Congress, once that happens, it may be more likely we hear the "I" word being floated more.  

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He needs to be impeached and immediately. any other scenario is a cowardly response. Worst case is you don’t convince any of his moronic cult following base. Ok, you went down in history as fulfilling your constitutional duties and put republicans on record voting to support multiple crimes and corrupt practices. 


I don’t see how that doesn’t energize Dems heading into 2020 and you can deeply damage trump politically by tying him up in this until then. 


Beyond all that, it is the right thing to do. We have checks and balances for a reason. There is a justice system that should work. This is how our country is supposed to function. Impeach him. 

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11 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Regardless of what the Dems are saying publicly I would be shocked if they aren't working on the logistics of the "what if....." scenarios behind closed doors.  I'd imagine they have been preparing for awhile once they took the House.  I just think maybe they don't want to show their entire hand until all the ducks are in order.  It's clear they want Mueller to come before Congress, once that happens, it may be more likely we hear the "I" word being floated more.  


I also think that announcing Impeachment hearings before you've had a chance to read and digest the report makes it look like the Dems always planned to do it regardless of the facts.  


They really need to take the time necessary to absorb the information, discuss it with real lawyers, and see how it holds up.  To me, it looks like Mueller literally handed them a roadmap to impeachment, but I'd much prefer they not do the Trump thing of just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind and then being stuck with it.  


7 minutes ago, Springfield said:

I’m not calling for impeachment, but if they do and it isn’t ratified by the senate then it’s just another point towards needing to VOTE Trump out of office.


Make the message about the people.


This is, and was, always going to come down to that.  

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