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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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On April 15, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

It's not hard to discern.



Yep. Its what ever you (or me, or they) believe. That is whats real. And its been proven multiple times. Believe it, kalakazam, its real. When you get other people to believe your reality, its more real.

Edited by RedskinsMayne
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On April 15, 2017 at 6:58 PM, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

The GOP has it figured it out. You don't have to produce results or provide even minimal substance if your base is mindless.


Trump should have been forced to resign after his made up accusations about Obama wiretapping him. Instead, that whole thing seems to have blown over. No consequences... no apology... no repercussions whatsoever. And in fact, he's still claiming it like it actually happened.


That's not all on the right though. The left needs to stop being such *******. You can bet your ass that if the roles were reversed, this would be the scandal to end all scandals. Dems don't have the stomach for that sort of thing it seems, even when they don't have to make up phony scandals as their opposition is so inclined to do.



Out of curiosity, what about saying "Obama wire tapped me" is cause for resignation? What kind of repercussions should there be? What precedences are there for ousting an American politician for attacking a political opponent? Seems like petty squabble to me. It was stupid for Trump to say but you are over reacting.

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It's flat out lying, which he and his minions have done since he announced. Nothing is ever proved, and precious resources are being forced to either find something, make something up, or make it go away. 


It's no way to run a government. Really, can't believe anything from these guys. 

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13 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:



Out of curiosity, what about saying "Obama wire tapped me" is cause for resignation? What kind of repercussions should there be? What precedences are there for ousting an American politician for attacking a political opponent? Seems like petty squabble to me. It was stupid for Trump to say but you are over reacting.

Name another President who has made baseless accusations of criminal behavior by his predecessor. Our society is starting to not even give a crap about truth and reality.  We take on the characteristics of our leaders.  Let that sink in.

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8 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

I mean, syphilitic insanity, leading to him making baseless accusations based on paranoid delusions, probably isn't impeachable but certainly it's immoral he didn't disclose it during the election.


He did disclose it during the election.  


Heck, the guy's one of the world's most famous Birthers, to just pick one example.  


And the crowd cheered, and voted for him.  


Edited by Larry
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Just now, Larry said:


He did disclose it during the election.  


Heck, the guy's one of the world's most famous Birthers, to just pick one example.  


I think he did the "show" part of "show and tell."  He left the "tell" part to his doctor, who apparently is as loony as Trump, and investigated Trump's health about as thoroughly as Putin investigates Russian corruption.

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37 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:

Out of curiosity, what about saying "Obama wire tapped me" is cause for resignation? What kind of repercussions should there be? What precedences are there for ousting an American politician for attacking a political opponent? Seems like petty squabble to me. It was stupid for Trump to say but you are over reacting.

No I'm not. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can not carelessly run around slandering people with false accusations, spreading bull**** conspiracy theories from tabloidal right wing idiot websites.... Certainly not when the person he is slandering is the former POTUS. You'll get no argument that there is no precedent for this level of buffoonery disgracing what used to be the most respected office in the world.

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53 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

No I'm not. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can not carelessly run around slandering people with false accusations, spreading bull**** conspiracy theories from tabloidal right wing idiot websites.... Certainly not when the person he is slandering is the former POTUS. You'll get no argument that there is no precedent for this level of buffoonery disgracing what used to be the most respected office in the world.



andrew jackson shot someone. :shrugs:  Thomas jefferson had affairs with his slaves... bill clinton did what he did, nixon actually did wiretapping. George W. made up facts to support his thesis...  Obama basically did nothing for eight years. So, i mean, yeah, there is plent of precedence for bufoonery. 


Actually, when you consider all the ****ty things presidents have done over the years, Trump claiming Obama wiretapped him might be the least damaging thing. Especially when you consider that zero rational people believe him.

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15 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:

andrew jackson shot someone. :shrugs:  Thomas jefferson had affairs with his slaves... bill clinton did what he did, nixon actually did wiretapping. George W. made up facts to support his thesis...  Obama basically did nothing for eight years. So, i mean, yeah, there is plent of precedence for bufoonery. 


Actually, when you consider all the ****ty things presidents have done over the years, Trump claiming Obama wiretapped him might be the least damaging thing. Especially when you consider that zero rational people believe him.

Problem is that there are enough irrational people to make him president. That and that the entire GOP bends over and lends legitimacy (if you want to call it that) to his bull****.


I'm not sure the Jackson comparison is apt for a number of reasons. Clinton not being able to keep it in his pants was a disgrace but not on the same level. Nixon and Bush are fair comparisons.


Obama a buffoon? Come on man. 

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9 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:

Its all buffoonery if you ask me. Nothing new or shocking to get all worked up over.


This is maybe the 3rd stage of Trump buyers remorse.  The good old "it's all awful anyway" duck and cover.  Usually comes up right after people feel compelled to mention Andrew Jackson.

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Seems the rooskies are playing games:


Russia and China send ships to chase US carrier in waters off Korean peninsula as tensions mount


Russia and China have both dispatched intelligence-gathering vessels to follow the U.S.S. Carl Vinson in waters off of the Korean Peninsula, according to officials in the Japanese government.


Click on the link for the full article




Russian bombers fly near Alaska; Air Force scrambles jets


A pair of Russian nuclear-capable bombers flew near Alaska Monday night, two U.S. officials told Fox News, coming as close as 100 miles from Kodiak Island -- the first time since President Trump took office that Moscow has sent bombers so close to the U.S.


The two Russian Tu-95 “Bear” bombers flew roughly 280 miles southwest of Elmendorf Air Force Base, within the Air Defense Identification Zone of the United States.


The U.S. Air Force scrambled two F-22 stealth fighter jets and an E-3 airborne early warning plane to intercept the Russian bombers.

The American jets flew alongside the Russian bombers for 12 minutes, before the Russian bombers reversed course and headed back to their base in eastern Russia.


Click on the link for the full article

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1 hour ago, RedskinsMayne said:

Its all buffoonery if you ask me. Nothing new or shocking to get all worked up over.

What do you mean, "it's all buffoonery"? You know how you said that zero rational people believe Trump. That's also the same number of rational people that excuse or rationalize this bull****. It is most certainly new and it is something to get all worked up over. It's a disgrace.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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6 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

 It is most certainly new and it is something to get all worked up over. It's a disgrace.

I'm so glad that you guys have the energy to keep it going.  I just can't anymore.  If I think too much, I drink & cry...can tend to put my membership here in jeopardy...the stupid is rampant and I learned on November 8 that I just can't fight it.

The one thing I'm happy about is that the town halls for Rs have turned...hearing it from the people in their districts may have an impact (as in, "I won't vote this incumbent in again").

Jon Ossoff got 48.1% last night, needed 50% to avoid a runoff.  (One of my 19-year-old co-workers was dying to get out early yesterday so she could "vote her Ossoff"...they have those yard signs, LOL...I told her to check out and GO!..."got you covered, girl...take care of business".)

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5 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

Makes me wonder when Trump will put up a portrait of Nixon. Probably when the impeachment process begins...

We can only hope for the quickness...resign and go back to your big nothing life. 

Pence is scary enough, but at least he understands GOVERNMENT.  Cheetoman has only governed himself...and not well, if I do say so myself.  All that gold on his ceilings in NY could've housed at least half of the people he's stepped over getting into limos over the years.

What a prick.

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18 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:

It's not his responsibility to house everyone. Even if he is president.

Yes it is. And I think the point was that Trump is a self-serving narcissist. A pretty important quality to avoid in your president.


But hey...



It's all the same, right? Nothing new. We shot our mouths off about how bad Obama was for 8 years and then flocked to the polls to vote for a guy who mocks disabled people. This is only like #583 of the things he did which should have been automatically disqualifying. So ****ing stupid.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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16 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:

It's not his responsibility to house everyone. Even if he is president. Rediculous point to bring up.

Really?  Have you ever done any research on REAL billionnaires? 

I ain't got no mansion now...Warren Buffett still lives in a house smaller than mine...iirc, the first home he purchased...kinda like the one I had years ago before I got married.

Warren Buffett's kids get nothing except their college education.  After that, they're on their own. 

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20 hours ago, RedskinsMayne said:



Out of curiosity, what about saying "Obama wire tapped me" is cause for resignation? What kind of repercussions should there be? What precedences are there for ousting an American politician for attacking a political opponent? Seems like petty squabble to me. It was stupid for Trump to say but you are over reacting.


Trump accused a former president of a felony. 


There is no precedent for that. Cant wait until Dems control the country and get to call Republican complaints "petty squabble". 


Ive said it before and Ill say it again ..


This will be a brown country and the precedent the Repubs are setting now (killing SCOTUS fillibuster, killing the EPA and DOJ, playing cheap petty political games w oversight committees, etc) will come back to bite them for ever more. 


Ive also said this before .. republicans like Ryan not saying or doing more and republican voters endorsing everything that Trump does is disappointing. Trump keeps lowering the bar and republicans keep bending over backwards to downplay things as "petty squabble". 


Image result for bart scott can't wait

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Interesting times.


Ossoff nearly won outright and is a toss up to win the run-off in the 49th least red district.  That means there are at least that many in play next year, and likely more if Kansas is any indication.


Mix that with Trump potentially thinking he's more popular than Ryan in Ryan's stomping ground, and you've got a situation where Trump might finally toss Priebus out, while the rest of the GOP, probably 60 or so of them, are facing down exceptionally tough 2018s.


If Ossoff wins the run-off, the odds of a Trump impeachment go up considerably.

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