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What band(s) made you get into music?


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First song that got me into music was Zeppelins Black Dog.  This was sometime in the early 70's, after one of my Dads med cruises. He bought a Phillips stereo, with a  reel-to-reel somewhere in Europe.

I think he sold his camera to get it..Anyway, he had a sailor that worked for him,  who was 18 or 19, and the kid had a big record collection, full of great stuff. During his down time,  he recorded  his entire collection on reel-to-reels for my Dad. I guess you can imagine the type  of music a kid that age had in his collection. 

 Zeppelin,  Hendrix, Credence Clearwater,  Beatles,  etc.  

Sitting on my parents, staring at the needles on the tape player, and watching them bounce when the guitar starts and Plant starts wailing, "Hey Hey Mama, said the way you move!" was a defining moment in my life.

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The monkees reruns.... dad bought us an 8 track of monkees greatest hits and told us that there was a band called the Beatles. Bought us the red and blue Beatles greatest hits on vinyl. 


A few years later I heard Mr Edward Van Halen and took guitar lessons. A bunch of garage bands, lots of 2nd hand weed smoke, a mullet and a few Marshall stacks and fender strats later... and damn, I am an old ****.

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20 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

Define "getting into music." I can't remember not loving music, but the song that made me want to learn how to play guitar was White Room by Cream.

I know.  I was playing my dad's Beatles albums at 5, loved Lawrence Welk and Andy Williams, then my brother came to live with us and brought Aretha Franklin and Steppenwolf with him.  I started piano lessons at 7. 

15 hours ago, Skinsfan1311 said:

Yngiwie who?  

My avatar.:headbang:

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I think one my earliest memories of music was when I was about 4 or 5 and my Mother would put on Supertramp - Breakfast in America LP and we'd dance together in the living room. So, that was probably the beginning. Conversely my sister who was a teenager at the time would play Police LPs in the basement -- Reggatta de Blanc. 


Oh, I guess Sesame Street too. Ha. 




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I liked various and random songs up until I was in 6th grade and was given a cassette of Offspring's Smash.  I still love that album.


Then dad got me an Ozzy/Black Sabbath hybrid double CD and I was hooked.


I felt most attracted to the drumming, and soon asked my dad who was the most powerhouse drummer of his generation.  He gave me Zep 1.


I love you dad.

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I assume that I loved music from day one. 

I love all types of music. 

Appreciate all of them for what they are.

That is why I have NEVER lost a bet on what would play on my playlist next. 

Rap, Rock, Metal, R&B, Soul, Disco, Country, Honky Tonk, Funk, Pop, etc. 


If it is good...I will listen. 

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4 minutes ago, zoony said:


Im gonna go out on a limb and say that most people feel that way. If I had to put a percentage on it, like 100.00%. Somewhere in there


That's a weak limb. 


Beyonce has won awards...she sucks. 


Do I truly need to go further in any other genre of music ? 


I can... We want to talk about rap ? Rock, etc...? 

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So you don't think Beyoncé is good so you don't listen. 


This theory of yours is one step away from e=Mc2


i was thinking about it. I don't think Beyoncé is good either, so i don't listen. However the music I think is good I listen. 


Seriosuly the hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up

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22 minutes ago, Kosher Ham said:

I have NEVER lost a bet on what would play on my playlist next. 


In what world do people bet on what's next on a playlist?


I'm gonna bet this is next on yours. At least it would be if you had good taste.



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Up through age 11 or so: The Beatles, U2, Steely Dan, lots of Motown acts (The Four Tops, The Supremes, Smokey Robinson).


I went through a prog phase when I was 13. All I wanted to listen to was Pink Floyd, Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull and King Crimson. 

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On 1/29/2017 at 3:53 AM, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:


As far as obsessions, Zep lead to Rush, which lead to Tool.  I couldn't believe there was someone seemingly more "Bonhamy" than Bonham.  It's like, if Bonzo studied percussion in school, you'd have Danny Carey.


DC is one-of-a-kind, for sure. One of the only guys out there whose verses are legit harder to play than most of his fills or solos. So mentally/technique demanding.


I was also obsessed with Smashing Pumpkins and Soundgarden. Speaking of, I hear Bonham all over Cameron's playing.  Incredible how much JB influenced an entire era. 

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I've been laughed at before, but seriously, early Linkin Park (Everything Reanimation and before) totally took me by surprise in their commitment to blend hip-hop and rock and not apologize for it.


This was at a time when I would get questioned for liking rock music by black kids at school (I'm Black and Italian), and I was really sick of the idea of liking what I was supposed to like because I was supposed to like it. 


Good music is good music and it led me to taking more chances with music, like trying Marilyn Manson.

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On 1/28/2017 at 11:50 AM, zoony said:

So you don't think Beyoncé is good so you don't listen. 


This theory of yours is one step away from e=Mc2


i was thinking about it. I don't think Beyoncé is good either, so i don't listen. However the music I think is good I listen. 


Seriosuly the hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight up



Don't think is good or don't like?  I don't these two are the same thing.

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On January 29, 2017 at 4:19 AM, Bacon said:

Up through age 11 or so: The Beatles, U2, Steely Dan, lots of Motown acts (The Four Tops, The Supremes, Smokey Robinson).


I went through a prog phase when I was 13. All I wanted to listen to was Pink Floyd, Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull and King Crimson. 


Hey now!



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