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Leadsom pulls out of that 'race,' Apparently 'the abuse has been too great' for her to deal with. Which from a frontrunner of the campaign that's brought about an all time high growth in hate crimes is really something. 


Though credit where it's due. Boris, Farage, Gove, and Leadsom have certainly delivered on their 'leave' pledge ..... None of the rats can get out of this ****storm they've created quick enough!



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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BREAKING: Theresa May will be PM on Wednesday afternoon, Cameron confirms
10:56 AM



Wow, Cameron announces his resignation as prime minister, then walks back inside *singing* while still mic'd:

11:53 AM

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Corbyn office 'sabotaged' EU Remain campaign - sources


And today, some of the most senior figures in the Labour Party are trying to push their leader out too. There have been concerns about Jeremy Corbyn's performance for months and months. But it was his role, or lack of role, in the campaign to keep the UK in the EU, and his sacking of Hilary Benn in the middle of the night, that has given members of the shadow cabinet the final reasons to quit. Several have already gone; as many as half will be gone by the end of the day, I understand.


And documents passed to the BBC suggest Jeremy Corbyn's office sought to delay and water down the Labour Remain campaign. Sources suggest that they are evidence of "deliberate sabotage".


One email from the leader's office suggests that Mr Corbyn's director of strategy and communications, Seumas Milne, was behind Mr Corbyn's reluctance to take a prominent role in Labour's campaign to keep the UK in the EU. One email, discussing one of the leader's speeches, said it was because of the "hand of Seumas. If he can't kill it, he will water it down so much to hope nobody notices it".


A series of messages dating back to December seen by the BBC shows correspondence between the party leader's office, the Labour Remain campaign and Labour HQ, discussing the European campaign. It shows how a sentence talking about immigration was removed on one occasion and how Mr Milne refused to sign off a letter signed by 200 MPs after it had already been approved.


The documents show concern in Labour HQ and the Labour Remain campaign about Mr Corbyn's commitment to the campaign - one email says: "What is going on here?" Another email from Labour Remain sources to the leader's office complains "there is no EU content here - we agreed to have Europe content in it".


Sources say they show the leader's office was reluctant to give full support to the EU campaign and how difficult it was to get Mr Corbyn to take a prominent role.


Mr Corbyn has insisted publicly that he campaigned hard to keep the country in the EU and that he made a number of speeches around the country, and attended many campaigning events. But many shadow cabinet ministers believe his performance in the campaign has shown that he is simply not capable of leading the party. One senior figure told me: "People have just had enough and are embarrassed to be part of it." Jeremy Corbyn's team are adamant that he will stand again for the leadership, and they believe the party's members would back him again.


He has had persuasive and vehement backing from the party's members who he energised last summer. But as the Labour Party reels from Thursday's result, it is not clear that support will be as solid as it was. MPs report that some of their members are contacting them to say they've changed their minds about Mr Corbyn. We'll see. It's possible that within days, both of our two main political parties will be looking for a new leader.

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After Brexit vote, Scotland's Sturgeon takes control


The Friday morning after Britain voted to leave the European Union, leaders in London had little to say.


Prime Minister David Cameron resigned in a short statement. Boris Johnson, the face of the leave campaign, spoke for seven minutes. George Osborne, finance minister, was nowhere to be seen and would not appear in public for three days.


Four hundred miles away, Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister for the United Kingdom's northernmost nation of Scotland, appeared before the cameras, dressed in red.

Her message: Scots had voted decisively to stay in the EU. That may mean Scotland would split away from the rest of the country.


For the next 30 minutes, Sturgeon took questions from reporters in Edinburgh. The next day she held a crisis cabinet meeting and gave a statement. On Sunday she was on three television talk shows and three days later she traveled to Brussels to speak with EU politicians. On Twitter, she called Johnson the leader of "Project Farce" and criticized the uncertainty now faced by EU citizens living in Britain.


By addressing the acute political, economic and social crisis that has gripped the UK after the referendum, Sturgeon and her nationalist party have seized on a chance to revive their ambitions for Scottish independence. It was a project considered shelved nearly three years ago after Scotland voted to remain in the UK in its own plebiscite. Sturgeon has argued since then that many voted to stay in the UK because it guaranteed Scotland's EU membership. Now the Scottish parliament has given her a mandate to try to keep Scotland in the EU by whatever means possible.


"The UK that Scotland voted to remain within in 2014 doesn't exist anymore," she told BBC television. "There are going to be deeply damaging and painful consequences of the process of trying to extricate the UK from the EU. I want to try and protect Scotland from that."

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Read some profile stuff on her via the Guardian. Seems like a pragmatist par-excellence and someone who doesn't suffer fools easily. Left (at least, relative to our left in the U,S,) on some issues like gay rights (may even have a relatively pro-labor streak in her) but very much to the right on immigration. She kinda gives off a Thatcher-Lite vibe from me, but - and I can't say this enough - I am far from an expert on UK politics.


What say you, Brit friends?

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Boris Johnson's international gaffes


The dude has just been named minister of foreign affairs, brilliant ! :lol:




so much for her credibility


Edit: Seriously, I've spent the past five minutes laughing at my phone screen.

Thought no other politicians on this planet could match the level of ineptitude of our socialists pricks, I guess we might have a contender.

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She is trolling everyone with Boris as Foreign Minister. She has to be.


I believe yes, that is the definition of trolling. I'm looking for a mods to run to her and ban her and BJ for quite some time.


nobody is laughing most people don't care. Great Britains time in world history is over. Nobody really cares


I do.



Thought no other politicians on this planet could match the level of ineptitude of our socialists pricks, I guess we might have a contender.


Yes, he's close, but not close enough to the likes of Segolene Royal or Philippe Martinez.


I believe every political class in every country have those kind of low level pranksters going with them. Sadly.

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Andy Heaton ‏@Andrew_Heaton  Jul 12




Remember when we used to be able to laugh at how bent and inept politics, politicians and process were in the USA and Russia? Great days.


Now everyones laughing at us. This ****storm just lurches from one catastrophic ****-up to another. 




Like father, like son (with the UK and US) it seems.


Welcome to the club, pop. Enjoy your stay.

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Read some profile stuff on her via the Guardian. Seems like a pragmatist par-excellence and someone who doesn't suffer fools easily. Left (at least, relative to our left in the U,S,) on some issues like gay rights (may even have a relatively pro-labor streak in her) but very much to the right on immigration. She kinda gives off a Thatcher-Lite vibe from me, but - and I can't say this enough - I am far from an expert on UK politics.


What say you, Brit friends?

Definite pro labour streak in her, maybe Thatcher like in manner but won't be in principle.

Now everyones laughing at us. This ****storm just lurches from one catastrophic ****-up to another.

I think the Tories have at least tried to move things forward, don't have an issue with the moves of the last few days. It's the opposition party who are the current laughing stock.

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Definite pro labour streak in her, maybe Thatcher like in manner but won't be in principle.


Yeah, that seems to be the case. She seems like a smart lady - competent even (though the Boris Johnson pick is a bit puzzling). Seems to be able to keep her cool in the clutch. Gonna need all that through the next few years, for sure.


Hope she ends up being a winner for you guys.

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