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Official ES 2016 Draft Day Discussion Thread


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Draft day 2016! GOooo team Scoty and Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!





My bold prediction is OL in the first round. Even bolder prediction: we trade UP to with Mia/Oak at 13/14 to steal said lineman from the Titans. That would cost our 2nd rounder :o 


Don't judge! I said bold. 

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Draft day 2016! GOooo team Scoty and Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!





My bold prediction is OL in the first round. Even bolder prediction: we trade UP to with Mia/Oak at 13/14 to steal said lineman from the Titans. That would cost our 2nd rounder :o


Don't judge! I said bold. 





There's bold.


Then there's swimming in shark infested waters with a nosebleed.


You, my friend, better tilt that head back and stay on land.

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Kinda sucks that the Caps start their series against the Pens tonight, but as someone else said, we probably won't be on the board until the hockey game is over, and it's only the first game of the series. And it's good that the Nationals are on early.


As for the 'Skins pick - I have to admit I haven't prepared for this year's draft the way I used to. Having twin 11 month boys will do that. BUt like a lot of people, I'm hoping they get a good D lineman. Trading down toward the bottom of the 1st would be okay as well.


Also, I'd love to see the Draft go back to Saturday-Sunday. Used to love blocking out a weekend to devote it to watching the whole thing.  

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I was thinking the same thing about smoking a brisket.

Cliff must have a big ass pipe loaded for tonight? ;)

What's everyone drinking tonight? I got a homemade polish vodka (120%) limoncello with fresh mango puree ****tails than will switch up to a nice Pinot post dinner

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WTF?...I want to trust Scot M but that was a serious reach!! Mocks only had him as a high 3rd at best...




Just warming up, don't want to go into the draft cold and pull something tonight lol...


WTF? List: Feel free to cut and paste guys


1. You're not supposed to take that position round 1

2. That guy was mocked to go 2 rounds later

3. Player X is a steal, why didn't we take him? Anyone picked instead is automatically bad.

4. We took some guy I've barely heard of, but I'm going to give my expert opinion on him and why he's no good anyway and why we should've taken who I mocked us taking in round 5

5. Why didn't we trade down?

6. We drafted THAT position? But we need this position, and this position, and this position more than that one.

7. Look at the weaknesses ESPN/NFL.com's draft profile has listed. That's gospel and must be true.



The backpedaler:


I only meant the player I spent tens of posts crapping on was bad if so and so players were available and we took him instead. Scot knows what he is doing, so now I will give glowing praise for this player and why he fits the scheme, is a "football player," and pretend I didn't hate on him frequently prior to the draft.

Josh Gordon must have a big ass pipe loaded for tonight? ;)



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Watching these mediots hype Wentz and Goff is just weird.  I still can't believe that teams traded a ton of picks up to get those guys.  Maybe they'll be turn out to be franchise saviors, I just don't see it.   

Yeah I think Wentz MIGHT be at best a Joe Flacco. Good QB but not worth selling the farm for.

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I'm excited for the draft, but hate the new format.  It's just stupid having round 1 on a Thursday night, then rounds 2-3 on Friday night wrapping up on Sat.  


Just get back to the old format of Sat./Sun. so people can have real draft parties again, cook-outs, drinking til they fall down, etc.  Hard to do that on a Thursday night at 8pm, when most people work the next day.



If they are set with keeping this format, they should at least move it from Thursday/Friday/Saturday to Friday/Saturday/Sunday.


That way most folks can stay up and watch the first round on Friday night because many won't have to work the next day. Same with rounds 2 and 3 on Saturday night. Of course, rounds 4-7 would be during the day Sunday and wouldn't be an issue.

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Per Tandler

—Get ready for a late night. The latest that the Redskins have drafted in the first round since they went with the 8:00 prime time start for the first round is 16th, when they took Ryan Kerrigan in 2011. They picked fourth in 2010 (Trent Williams), second in 2012 (Robert Griffin III), and fifth last year (Brandon Scherff). Those were pretty early nights. With 10 minutes between picks the Redskins won’t be on the clock until at least 11:00, maybe closer to 11:30.


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I keep getting the feeling that the Cowboys will draft Paxton Lynch without trading down.

Why wouldn't they if he's a year or two away, and considering what teams are giving up for a 1st round QB only one 1st round pick is cheap.

I'd absolutely love that pick. Not that I have anything specific against Lynch and think he sucks...he could develop. But I'd love if the Cowboys came out of the draft with a top-5 pick that won't contribute to a run in the next year or two.

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