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*Audio* Ricky Jean Francois on ESPN 980 responding to Cooley's RG3 criticism


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I'm listening. You won't convince me that Cooley has anything to apologize for. He's a friggin radio show host who gave his opinion. Holy crap.

Yeah same here. He didn't call RG3 a <MOD EDITED OUT RULE 6 VIOLATION, PLEASE DON'T CIRCUMVENT THE PROFANITY FILTERS>. He said he acted like one. And let's face it, we've all thought that based on how he's acted in many situations.


We live in a society that is obsessed with being politically correct. But sometimes it gets out of hand where people are shamed for saying ANYTHING negative. And Cooley did say a lot of nice things about RG3. But it's the one negative thing that gets blown out of proportion.

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I'd like to hear this. Griffin never played when Ricky was here so I'm not sure he'd be able to say much with regards to the O line and wrs not liking Griffin. (which we already knew).

But, maybe he's got some insight.

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I'd like to hear this. Griffin never played when Ricky was here so I'm not sure he'd be able to say much with regards to the O line and wrs not liking Griffin. (which we already knew).

But, maybe he's got some insight.


Yeah. He just was saying that Griffin shut up and did his job this season. Took the benching like man and gave the defense great looks at their opponents in practice. He also said that Griffin had the respect of his teammates. I dont know that anything other than having your teammates respect really matters in the end. Who cares if your friends with everyone on the team.

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I'm quite frankly tired of this whole RG3 Situation.. When 980 did an all day "He's been released" marathon, I knew all the fruits and nuts would come out of the woodwork, and the obvious frustration that some announcers have, in dealing with the aforementioned "fans"

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Cooley - "Nowadays there's no winners and losers, there's everyone getting a pat on the back. From the time kids are 4 years old, they don't know how to take criticism. It's just an indication of our society."

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I'd like to hear this. Griffin never played when Ricky was here so I'm not sure he'd be able to say much with regards to the O line and wrs not liking Griffin. (which we already knew).

But, maybe he's got some insight.

Just posted the links. Check it out!

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I listen to Cooley, i watch the players.


Frankly, i think he's the best analyst on the radio,, his breakdown segments are a treat for a football fan. We're lucky to have someone who is not afraid to tell it like it is, and can easily tell it from the perspective of having played and giving real insigh for those who never did. He explains things better than any of them, because he straight up KNOWS through years of studying game films and gameplans..
Which is not so easy..  listen to some hall of famers in the booth trying to do color analysis like "Yeah, right here, you can see he throws it, and it goes right here to the receiver."
I won't mention any names as to who this say nothing buffoon is, but his initials are Troy Aikman.


these players think coaches are listening to Cooley to get a clue about their team? ridiculous.

they think that everything Cooley sees isn't also readily apparent to the NFL GMs and coaches evaluating them and considering paying them millions of dollars


No wonder so many of them go broke,,, because that is straight up STUPID.



I'm with Cooley. 



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Cooley - "Nowadays there's no winners and losers, there's everyone getting a pat on the back. From the time kids are 4 years old, they don't know how to take criticism. It's just an indication of our society."

There's criticism, and then there's meaningless tripe like what he said. I was one of the main ones criticizing Griffins game, but also one of the main ones saying pump the damn brakes when people wanted to psychoanalyze what kind of person/teammate he was, based on the opinions of a handful of nameless people. That is just ridiculous.

Not sure what the main point of his RGIII discussion was, but 1) Considering he gave nothing all that new, he'd have been best served to let it go instead of digging it back up, and 2) the part I had a real problem with, about Griffin not being everyones friend, was out of bounds, and overall, just silly and childish, coming from an ex player familiar with how locker rooms work.

The part where RJF said he had the respect of his teammates, is all that should really matter.

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No more threads past this one on this topic. All discussion about this topic from here on out needs to go in here. I'll make a post in the twitter thread and goodbye thread linking this as well so everyone knows. **** needs to get contained.   


I'm going to leave this thread open unless another Mod sees it and decides it's best not to, but my opinion is this is just further proof of people being way too sensitive about Robert. Yeesh.  

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I heard the Cooley segment live and this segment live.  Overall, I think the criticism of what Cooley said by RJF and others is a little overblown.  Cooley's criticism of RG3's play over the past few years has been, I believe, balanced overall, and much more professional than losers like Sheahan and Loverro.


That being said, I appreciate RJF calling Cooley's comments out and then showing up on the radio to talk about it.  Likewise, I appreciate Cooley's stones for accepting the face-to-face conversation.  I don't think he was in any physical danger, but he owned up to what he said and it was a good segment.

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I for one am getting pretty sick of Cooley - he wasn't as great as he or others of this fan base think he was, and he's starting to act like an @ss - going back to thinking he could just stroll into Snyder's office and save the team with his "comeback"

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Someone who shares their actual opinion on their former teammates is refreshing. The NFL network and ESPN are overflowing with aging jocks who are all protecting their own and it truly sharing anything other than vanilla analysis

I'm no fan of Cooley (I have a long history actually going back to when he was worshipped on this board) but people are so damn butt hurt and childish about anyone saying anything not nice about a guy they don't even know and never will. It is actually amazing.

Who cares. It's an opinion from a guy who was a member of the team. Take it or leave it. Appreciate that you have that info rather than not and then that choice to take it or leave it

The mentality of a sports fan is often times downright creepy.

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Uneventful IMO, but the most telling thing to me was when a caller thanked RJF for telling the truth about the players liking RGII contrary to what reports have stated.

Cooley told the caller that Ricky didn't say he liked RGII and Ricky didn't respond to that at all.

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Someone who shares their actual opinion on their former teammates is refreshing. The NFL network and ESPN are overflowing with aging jocks who are all protecting their own and it truly sharing anything other than vanilla analysis

I'm no fan of Cooley (I have a long history actually going back to when he was worshipped on this board) but people are so damn butt hurt and childish about anyone saying anything not nice about a guy they don't even know and never will. It is actually amazing.

Who cares. It's an opinion from a guy who was a member of the team. Take it or leave it. Appreciate that you have that info rather than not and then that choice to take it or leave it

The mentality of a sports fan is often times downright creepy.


I haven't listened to either Cooley or RJF's comments--it would take a lot for me to care about this particular topic right now outside of shaking my head and rolling my eyes at it still being pushed out into the public by media members.


But I'm of the understanding that Cooley didn't just give his opinion of Griffin, he said he knows that players on the team feel the same way (or words to that effect). If so, it would have been far better for Cooley to just talk about how he himself perceives Griffin instead of passing off his opinion as fact by claiming others on the team feel the same way.


But again, I didn't listen so he may not have come across that way.

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