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The Healthy Diet Thread. All things related to diet and healthy living.


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I recently went to the doctor for my physical, and I found out I have hypothyroidism. Apparently, this has been a big reason why I've gained some unwanted pounds the past two years. So, I decided to start a thread where people can post things that they've done that have either helped them lose weight or transition to eating healthier.

Right now, I'm looking for advice, tips, trips etc, so I'll start the thread off by asking a question about something I read on the internet. I've been reading about the lemon water thing that's supposed to boost your metabolism, and I'm wondering if anyone has tried this or has any experience with it?

Also, does anyone have any good, healthy, and INEXPENSIVE recipes they'd like to share?

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Ok I'm gonna try it. Forks over knives? Is it a documentary? On YouTube possibly?[/quotehttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1677380345835210&id=1644645565775355

It's on Netflix and youtube. That's a link to James Cameron documentary coming out.

Not to be that guy but I went vegan for a little why and lost some weight without trying. I didn't starve or anything and in general I felt pretty good.

by "that guy" do you mean me?
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Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. - Michael Pollan


Or in summary:


  • Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. "When you pick up that box of portable yogurt tubes, or eat something with 15 ingredients you can't pronounce, ask yourself, "What are those things doing there?" 
  • Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.
  • Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store. Real food tends to be on the outer edge of the store near the loading docks, where it can be replaced with fresh foods when it goes bad.
  • Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. "There are exceptions -- honey -- but as a rule, things like Twinkies that never go bad aren't food," 
  • It is not just what you eat but how you eat. "Always leave the table a little hungry,". "Many cultures have rules that you stop eating before you are full. In Japan, they say eat until you are four-fifths full. Islamic culture has a similar rule, and in German culture they say, 'Tie off the sack before it's full.'"
  • Families traditionally ate together, around a table and not a TV, at regular meal times. It's a good tradition. Enjoy meals with the people you love. "Remember when eating between meals felt wrong?" 
  • Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline. In the U.S., 20% of food is eaten in the car.
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Eating plant based isn't being vegan.

Plant based means you don't eat animal products.

Vegan means you also don't wear their skin, test chemicals on them, condone zoos and sea world or buy or sell them, as well as eating them.

And I'm happy to be that guy. I like speaking for those who can't.

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You should absolutely check out http://www.fitmencook.com. Kevin does amazing videos for simple, healthy, and protein packed meals that go beyond boring chicken, broccoli, and shakes.


One thing that really helps me stick to a meal plan is prepping food. If my meals are already cooked, the temptation to go to Taco Bell for lunch is much smaller. On the website I mentioned above, he has a few videos of meal prep shopping and preparation.


Otherwise, a great rule of thumb is to drink lots of water, eat whole foods, avoid foods with ingredients you can't pronounce (most processed food), and eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than 3 big ones. Best of luck! 

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Good tips Corc and RVA. I really like the prepping meals idea too. I'm definitely gonna start doing this because I think if my meals are already prepared, I'll be less likely to grab fast food or something unhealthy as well. Plus, it'll help with time management too. Between work, school and kids, I'm busy!

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Good tips Corc and RVA. I really like the prepping meals idea too. I'm definitely gonna start doing this because I think if my meals are already prepared, I'll be less likely to grab fast food or something unhealthy as well. Plus, it'll help with time management too. Between work, school and kids, I'm busy!


The crock pot has been my best friend as of late... I'll buy 6 chicken breasts, pop 'em in there with whatever seasoning I want (usually with some stock or something for moisture) and cook on low for 8 hours. Pull it apart like bbq, portion it out. Dinner or lunch protein for 6 days. 


Good luck, though!

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The crock pot has been my best friend as of late... I'll buy 6 chicken breasts, pop 'em in there with whatever seasoning I want (usually with some stock or something for moisture) and cook on low for 8 hours. Pull it apart like bbq, portion it out. Dinner or lunch protein for 6 days.

Good luck, though!

The crock pot is awesome! Best invention EVER lol.
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Eating plant based isn't being vegan.

Plant based means you don't eat animal products.

Vegan means you also don't wear their skin, test chemicals on them, condone zoos and sea world or buy or sell them, as well as eating them.

And I'm happy to be that guy. I like speaking for those who can't.


Aren't you a chef?  You only prepare vegan I assume.

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Aren't you a chef? You only prepare vegan I assume.

nah, I'm trying to get to that point. But professionally I cook everything.

I make everything that I can, vegan though.

I also only use fresh local sourced meats. Like senepol beef or fresh caught fish. I won't do lobster.

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There's a link to Forks over Knives. 


It's an enjoyable movie and will help move you towards a healthier plant based diet.


If you want to question more about animal proteins, watch Cowspiracy (which is about the environment, not a cruelty movie) and then watch Earthlings (this is a cruelty movie about the 5 ways we use animals and called the Vegan-maker).


Earthlings is tough to watch, if you have any shred of soul, but the other two are great.

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These are some of the things I cook on a regular basis to eat instead of pasta, rice, & potatoes. Most are very inexpensive & all are full of protein. For me, it's all about the spices added to these that make them a great substitute:


Dry bags of these are cheap - garbanzo, lentils (various colors), split pea, black beans, navy beans. Cook with low fat/low salt broth (beef, chicken, veg), chopped onion, chopped garlic, & any spices you like. Make wraps, hummus, or eat them as is. I'll put the garbanzo beans in a food processor, add some uncooked spinach with additional spices & then make 'burgers' out of them. Cook them in a frying pan with a little coconut oil & you have falafel burgers to add to a wrap/roll with lettuce, tomato, onion & your favorite low-fat spread (i make a yogurt based spread with herbs). 


Other options that cost a bit more: quinoa & farro. Both are quick & easy to cook. Farro has a slightly nutty flavor & is a great replacement pasta. Both high in protein. Tons of recipes out there to try for each. 

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Good tips Corc and RVA. I really like the prepping meals idea too. I'm definitely gonna start doing this because I think if my meals are already prepared, I'll be less likely to grab fast food or something unhealthy as well. Plus, it'll help with time management too. Between work, school and kids, I'm busy!

My husband works from home, does all of his own stuff. I love this man. I work in the food industry, and don't. I'm trying to get better about mine, tho.
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