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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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Sadly, I know one former member of this site, who moved away...let's just say I would not have been at all shocked to find out he was in the refuge, or at the least, posting on these sites people are making fun of.  Good guy at heart, just some really crazy theories, anti-government, etc.

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In fairness to the officers, a dildo can be easily mistaken for a gun.

I just watched that video, the dude almost ran over one of the agents as the truck hits the snowbank. 

After almost killing an FBI agent, when the other agents tell you to get on your knees and stop reaching into your jacket then you do as the nice man with the gun says.

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One of the "theories" I've seen flying around a bit is that he was actually shot first in the side by a sniper and that he was actually reaching there after he got shot...not reaching into his coat to pull out a gun.



Er, yeah. Unless it was a BB gun sniper rifle that's a negative. If you get shot by a .308 or 300 Win Mag you're going to be doing a bit more than just moving your hand up to where the bullet went in. Your ass is down for the count...that thing will shred you.

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If he was hit by a sniper he would have gone to the ground immediately. He would have never gotten back up. There would not have been a need for someone else to shoot him.


These people don't even know how guns work. And that's supposed to be their expertise. Christ.

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I actually could see that being true. Well not all the way true, I think the video COULD show him getting hit in the side with a smaller caliber gunshot and his hand going to his side as a reaction. But he was running right at the FBI agents, immediately after almost running them over with his truck. That hypothetical first shot would have been completely justified.

Also, boy he got lit up after his arm went for his side. No audio on the video but I can imagine he got hit with a bunch of shots. Dropped like a rock, probably dead before he hit the ground.

Edited by skinsfan_1215
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Yeah. The Fearful Foursome are still there. Sigh. 


FBI I believe is saying that he was hit 3 times. Also stated that when Lavoy came at the barricade,shots were fired at the truck. After Lavoy was shot,they did toss some flash bangs and a few other things they describe as being like pepper spray into the truck. After the people left in the truck came out,(one was an 18 year old girl. Part of the Sharp singer family),they found 3 weapons. They say after an investigation of the shooting is completed,they may be able to release video footage from ground with sound.  


Militant Militias seem to be firmly divided on this one. Some are trying to organize a mass protest in Portland,(I think today),and others want to go gang up on Government officials in Burns,LE and FBI and "peacefully" have them removed. Others of course,just want to go in shooting. 


PPN call for action. 




No really. You should read it. 



Funniest comment of the morning so far. 




Some folks are viewing the FBI footage through tarp colored glasses
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Sean Anderson says LaVoy Finicum's death is like "another waco." Says he's "ready for them."




Sigh. I wish a few of the media outlets would stop calling Bundy the "Protest Leader" and others as protesters. Grumble. 


Oh and Predicto's favorite "Constitutional Lawyer" chimes in.  Ugh. Points if anyone can make it past a couple of minutes. 



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Oh and Predicto's favorite "Constitutional Lawyer" chimes in.  Ugh. Points if anyone can make it past a couple of minutes. 

Nope, couldn't make it to the end of her recitation.

Tyranny! "Give me cheap grazing land or give me snacks!"

Give me MacBook Pros or let my blood water the tree of freedom!

Do not silence my youtube videos with your jackboots of fascism!

Weep over armed revolutionaries as they are gunned down after nearly killing law enforcement officers.

Plead the plight of the down trodden as the machine of slavery grinds our right to mooch off the communal teat!

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If he was hit by a sniper he would have gone to the ground immediately. He would have never gotten back up. There would not have been a need for someone else to shoot him.

These people don't even know how guns work. And that's supposed to be their expertise. Christ.

Psyops brother. Sniper was purposely using a less powerful weapon to get exactly the reaction that you saw. It's all a rich tapestry. Bam!
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Er, yeah. Unless it was a BB gun sniper rifle that's a negative. If you get shot by a .308 or 300 Win Mag you're going to be doing a bit more than just moving your hand up to where the bullet went in. Your ass is down for the count...that thing will shred you.


You clearly underestimate how tough these patriots are. If you love American and freedom enough you can take multiple 50 cal rounds and keep walking.

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John Sepulvado Retweeted Jennifer Hayden

not replying. all i can say is we're hearing conversations on the compound.


Wow. Sandy Anderson says Sean told her to leave, she refused. everyone was ready to go. she wouldn't leave him. Jeff & David then stayed.


"They are standing strong, they are not standing down."



the men stayed with the couple. the deal -- according to sandy -- was done -- and she stopped, so they stopped.



think about this -- these were the "left overs" and right now, they are the face of the living patriot movement.



they say the fbi told them "y'all stay there as long as you want. we'll wait it out."

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Oh and Predicto's favorite "Constitutional Lawyer" chimes in.  Ugh. Points if anyone can make it past a couple of minutes. 



That much nonsense delivered by what sounds like a bad actor in a bonnet is intolerable.  Couldn't get through 5 minutes of it.

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Didn't watch the crazy's video, but checked comments.


Early winner: 


DizzyDish 2 hours ago

They were set up by that sheriff (ward) because he is in the pocket of the feds and hillary's deal with the russians over the uranium deal. If we don't get someone to actually be in charge of running this country for we the people of this place we are doomed.
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This guy was pretty good too.  At first I thought he was making fun of them, but as he kept going, I think he might be serious.



Zach Proffitt 1 hour ago

Fun Facts: Oregon is the 33rd state to become a part of the Union. 33 is the highest degree of freemasonery. First reports were that Robert Lavoy Finicum was shot in the back. The human spine has 33 vertebrae. Oregon has simple English gematria of 74, just like the word "mason". "Robert" sums to 33 in gematria. The word "Murder" sums to 474 in English Sumerian Gematria. During the FBI video there is a 3 min and 47 break for no reason. It is Jewish freemasonry being encoded into this story. The numbers repeat, and they sure don't lie. We are still in a planetary alignment, and Lupercalia is coming up soon; this all seems like a staged event to set off militias around the country so big gubment has an excuse to confiscate guns.


Poe's Law might be in effect here.


I hope it is.

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FYI on Anderson is that he's the one that's facing Federal charges so that's why he's not excited about coming out. He's also the one who's head damn near exploded on the video when the press was first ordered out. I think I have the link of that video a page or two ago.


Rumors going around that PPN is trying to organize a protest with citizens of Burns over this whole shooting thing now. There has already been a candlelight vigil for Levoy. Happened the night of the shooting. Numbers fluctuated of course depending on who was doing the reporting,but all fairly consistent that the crowd was made up of militia,citizens backing Bundy,and citizens sad that someone died.  


Following up on the PPN's official call to action I posted earlier. Here it is in full in case you missed it.




Pacific Patriots Network OFFICIAL CALL TO ACTION
 In light of the events that have taken place in Harney County, Oregon over the last two days, the official Pacific Patriots Network statement is as follows:
  • PPN condemns the violent action taken by the Harney County Sheriff’s Department along with the FBI in the shooting death of Mr. Lavoy Finicum.
  • PPN condemns the violent action taken by the Harney County Sheriff’s Department along with the FBI in the execution of arrests associated with the people at the Malhuer National Wildlife Refuge occupation.
  • PPN condemns the DISHONEST tactics used to arrest Jason Patrick on January 27th. Mr. Patrick’s safety, well being and emotional state were compromised when the FBI lied not only to Mr. Patrick but to PPN representatives trying to assist with the PEACEFUL removal of people at the MNWR. The FBI stated to Mr. Patrick and the PPN that he was “free to go.” Mr. Patrick walked 7 miles in sub freezing temperatures only to be arrested at the checkpoint north of the Narrows where he was assured that he would be able to leave freely at the request of the FBI.
  • PPN condemns the false statements given to the public by the FBI, Harney County Sheriff’s Department and the Harney County officials.


Calling on any and all Americans to come to Burns, Oregon to come to the aid of the American people standing against these violent, malicious and deceitful tactics. Come stand together with other Americans, and express our Constitutional right to PEACEFULLY assemble and air our grievances.

This operation will demand the following:

– Immediate detention by Oregon State Police of the FBI special agent in charge along with all agents and LEO involved in the shooting death of Lavoy Finicum. A first hand eyewitness account presents reasonable cause for arrest while the investigation takes place.

– Immediate removal of all militarized FBI personnel and equipment from Harney County. All State and County Law Enforcement officers are not included and requested to stay and assist in the process to keep the peace.

– Immediate resignation of Judge Steve Grasty, Sheriff David Ward, County commissioner Pete Runnels, and County commissioner Dan Nichols.

In order to successfully accomplish our mission, we will need any and all Americans to PEACEFULLY assemble within Burns, Oregon immediately. The success of this mission depends fully on the number of people that will come to PEACEFULLY stand and demand the items above be initiated.

A letter of intent will be legally served on the FBI special agent in charge at the time of Lavoy Finicum’s death, Judge Steven Grasty, Sheriff David Ward, Dan Nichols and Pete Runnels by January 29th, 2016. We will request to escort the FBI presence out of the State of Oregon and once complete, the attention will return to the resignation of the County elected officials.

PPN is dedicated to a PEACEFUL operation. If you have any ill intent, please do not come. We do not need you. Please come prepared with civilian attire and adhere to the policy of no long guns within the community.

Please come self sufficient and able to care for yourself for the time you plan to stay. Donations arrive daily but they are not sustainable for a large or lengthy contingency.

Please go to the PPN website at http://iiipercentidaho.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa999feac027423f31284f12d&id=1b86755886&e=b2d9792215 for updates to the call to action. We ask that you email us at volunteer@pacificpatriotsnetwork.com if and when you are planning to come and stand in Burns, Oregon

Copyright © 2016 3% of Idaho, All rights reserved.



This is PPN being "peaceful" buffers between militant occupiers and FBI and LE. 







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