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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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Well I'll be. Looks like a few of the hard cases are staying put. Got themselves a fire going and have been talking. It was a brief live stream,but they were there. Talking range to targets and so forth. 


Also. This just came across. 






ALERT! From Ammon's wife, Lisa: Ammon would not have called for the patriots to leave. We have lost a life but we are not backing down. He didn't spill his blood in vein! Hold your ground... Ranchers come and stand! Committee of Safety come and stand! Militia come and stand!  

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David Fry says 5 people remain in occupied refuge. They're hanging around a campfire drinking beer.



I asked Fry about Bundy's call for them to leave: "We have new leaders with new plans." Says they expect to die.



Drinking beer. Well now that's how you stay alert after 36 plus hours of mostly no sleep. Perfect combination with the weapons too. 

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From one of media guys at the media "blockade" a mile or two from FBI blockade.  Darwin award winner. 




Some guy drove up to road block and said he's going to walk to the FBI checkpoint. Called them "a bunch of chicken *****"
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I'm just a realist about what might be accomplished in any such uprising.

Yeah, I don't know. Not sold either way. I think it would depend on why there was an uprising...

But ultimately I don't think we have it in us. Most people are comfortable enough they are not going to risk it. We'll see what happens down the road, but all things considered we have a pretty decent life over here in the US. Most of us at least.

But that's not why I'm OK with gun ownership either.

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Latest live feed went down of course,but when we last heard our merry band of psycho militants,they were smoking weed and drinking more beer,(I'm not making that up).  Much more of that,and the FBI will be able to walk in and take their weapons while they sleep. Either that or offer them a trade for a couple of bags of chips. :)

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Latest live feed went down of course,but when we last heard our merry band of psycho militants,they were smoking weed and drinking more beer,(I'm not making that up).  Much more of that,and the FBI will be able to walk in and take their weapons while they sleep. Either that or offer them a trade for a couple of bags of chips. :)


Wait, they brought weed, but not snacks?


Amateur hour over here.

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Where my mind started wandering to was that there are many militias. So the feds have cornered these occupiers, but AFAIK this is all happening in a remote area. What happens if other militias decide to mount up—all of a sudden you got federales hemmed in on two sides. It's likely to be a bloody resolution. 

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Where my mind started wandering to was that there are many militias. So the feds have cornered these occupiers, but AFAIK this is all happening in a remote area. What happens if other militias decide to mount up—all of a sudden you got federales hemmed in on two sides. It's likely to be a bloody resolution. 

At which point the hammer will drop, and yes it would be a bloody situation resulting in fewer moronic militiamen.

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Where my mind started wandering to was that there are many militias. So the feds have cornered these occupiers, but AFAIK this is all happening in a remote area. What happens if other militias decide to mount up—all of a sudden you got federales hemmed in on two sides. It's likely to be a bloody resolution.

I certainly assume that the Feds are well aware that there's a bunch on threats outside the perimeter.

In fact, I rather hope that this "occupation" gave then the legal ammo they needed to get a bunch of warrants, and they've been monitoring the outside threats, and now they know a bunch more about them.

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I think the numbers of active members are far lower than these Walmartyrs would like us to believe. Lots of Facebook warriors, very few actual warriors. I doubt they could get the numbers to actually hem in the Feds. Being generous they had, what, 100 supposed members of that biker gang bouncing around? After weeks of calls for people to show up? How many of those will actually decide to take up arms directly against the Feds? Few if any I imagine. Most of these guys are functionally LARPers.

And frankly, any of them with brains will not want to escalate further, since it hurts their cause. Remember when the IRS was investigating white supremacist and right wing extremist groups, and everyone yelled how unfair that was? Showing up to oppose the FBI in defense of guys with felony warrants is a great way to further vindicate being on watchlists and considered internally to be one of the top threats to national security.

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