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READ THE OP: Odd or Pointless habits...

Kosher Ham

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Whenever I play football, I always like to deflate the ball a little bit because it feels like I have a better grip to throw.  I don't know if the effect is real or psychological.


Nobody thought it was a big deal for a long time but suddenly everyone's mad at me about this.

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This is maybe more of a superstition, I don't know, but when I played soccer, I had to put everything left on first. Left shin pad, left sock, left boot. Because I'm naturally right footed I always used to convince myself I was improving my weaker foot for the game by paying it the first attention. (Don't ask.). And I always had to be last out of the dressing room, 


Now, when I'm watching soccer, I can't watch my team take a penalty kick. Have to turn my back on it. Wherever in the World I've travelled to see them. That often takes some explaining to the person behind you're staring intently at like a maniac stalker waiting for their excited or dejected reaction.  :lol:.


If I fold something (let's say a pamphlet in half, I have to run my fingers up and down the crease 10 times. Both ways. Then another 10 for a double fold. Probably explains why I never took up origami.  :(.




You could have stopped at "I played soccer."

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You know how fast food cup lids have those little buttons that tell you what is in the cup?  Like, "COKE", "DIET", "ROOT", "OTHER" and so on?  Yeah, I can't drink from those cups unless all of the buttons have been pressed down.  I don't know why.  All I know is that I can't start drinking from that cup until all the buttons have been pressed. :wacko:

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I thought I didn't have anything to contribute to this thread, but my experience at work made me think otherwise.


I get angry whenever I go to the bathroom and have to smell other people's "number 2".  Seriously, I know it is a bathroom, I know you have to poop in there but I don't want to smell it when I'm just getting rid of some extra hydration.  If I was Mayor/President/Governor for a day, I would have certain bathrooms without urnials and designated as "number 2" bathrooms, much like people can't smoke in/around where other people are working.   


Maybe it's because I have my "number 2" time in the privacy of my own home, at the same time every day.  Maybe it's because *I* never use public bathrooms for "number 2".  Maybe it's because I feel that responsible people do their "number 2" at home and don't force other people to smell their "number 2" - regardless, I've had like one emergency I can remember.... I think in the past 5 years. 

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I've never been grossed out at anyone throwing up.  I could eat while you throw up next to me.  If you are female, I'll hold your hair while I eat a sammich.

I had to LOL...

Me either, tho...the only thing that ever got my "puke reflex" was watching a liposuction on TV. Other than that, nothing...held the bag for several folks in my life...nothing. I don't even flinch at an autopsy. It's a Y incision...inspect & weigh the organs. I guess I've read too much Patricia Cornwell, LOL

I also have no problem with first aid of any kind. You could have a cut that goes to your bone...I'm rock steady with the pressure, keep your skin somewhat together, and bandage it properly (actually stunned some EMTs once with my work, they said they couldn't have done better).

Mom being a nurse is a definite plus.

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I thought I didn't have anything to contribute to this thread, but my experience at work made me think otherwise.


I get angry whenever I go to the bathroom and have to smell other people's "number 2".  Seriously, I know it is a bathroom, I know you have to poop in there but I don't want to smell it when I'm just getting rid of some extra hydration.  If I was Mayor/President/Governor for a day, I would have certain bathrooms without urnials and designated as "number 2" bathrooms, much like people can't smoke in/around where other people are working.   


Maybe it's because I have my "number 2" time in the privacy of my own home, at the same time every day.  Maybe it's because *I* never use public bathrooms for "number 2".  Maybe it's because I feel that responsible people do their "number 2" at home and don't force other people to smell their "number 2" - regardless, I've had like one emergency I can remember.... I think in the past 5 years. 

That thing you're smelling...that's little microscopic pieces of poop. all up in your nose. Getting stuck in your nose hairs. until they are uncrusted by your snot. for a short while, other peoples poop becomes a part of you.

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I'm neurotic about doing the laundry, won't let my husband near it. He did it twice when my back was hurt and I worried the entire time it was in the machines.

Same goes for loading the dishwasher. He does it, then I go and rearrange everything. I just wish he would unload the damn thing once in a while.

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That thing you're smelling...that's little microscopic pieces of poop. all up in your nose. Getting stuck in your nose hairs. until they are uncrusted by your snot. for a short while, other peoples poop becomes a part of you.

It's the circle of life.


For my odd bit, I can't shower facing the front of the shower.  I have to have my back to the water.

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I too, simply refuse to take a dump in public. Unless I am about to blow ass like Mt St Helens, I usually do it in the comfort of my own home

I usually conjure up some kind of mental block even when I go take a leak. Odd, considering a I did crime scene cleanup and was knee deep in horror, but its different when you're wearing a full body suit and possess powerful cleaning agents... And its work on top of it, so your subconscious is more tolerant.

Driving down 95 all these times, I've seen some restrooms that I will never, ever forget. I could come across a massive pile of bear **** and it would not be even remotely comparable.

We are disgusting creatures

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along the lines of all the stomach bug stuff, I am one of those people that are 500% paranoid of getting stomach bugs, for most of the reasons many of you have outlined through stories of your own.


I sort of base "checkpoints" of my youth on stomach viruses.  When I was younger, I essentially would get one every other year and would dread the moment if/when I'd get one.  When my brother got one, who is only a year and half younger than me, I was toast since we slept in the same room. I can recall every stomach virus I had and most of the before and after situations regarding them.


So, like everyone else, there are foods I still no longer have the taste for, but the bigger thing is now when I know someone in my immediate vicinity (people I know that I see in person, or people that know people who have it that might get it in the near future) has a stomach virus, I literally go into survival mode and do whatever it takes to avoid getting it.  I will consciously avoid the person, even tell them so.  I chew my nails normally, but during stomach flu high alert situations I clearly won't.  I will wash my hands every 10 minutes.  I will repeatedly disinfect any items that may or may not have been in contact with any virus.  I will change my clothes, take showers, not allow the water from my head drip into my mouth, anything you can think of that is borderline obnoxious to avoid stomach bugs, I will do.


If someone mentions in passing that they or a relative or a coworker etc. was "sick,"  I will try as hard as I can to figure out "what kind of sick" it was. 


I essentially go into high alert mode for 3 weeks after I know someone had a stomach virus, because based on anything I've seen online, 2 weeks is the long end of the virus remaining contagious.  I become miserable and on edge about it. 


Bottom line, I'd wear a hazmat suit if it wasn't taboo when I know stomach viruses are at risk.


But the funny thing is though, I don't mind (not that I enjoy it) throwing up from drinking and am not paranoid of drinking when I go out or something like that.  Also, true genuine food poisoning doesn't bother me if there is definitive proof of it.  It's not the vomit itself, it's the dread of waiting for it and having it magically come to you in the middle of the night. 

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A few other have pointed out already (tooth brush, tofu everything, couple others). Another thing is sequences. If I am thinking about what I'm doing (tapping foot, blinking, whatever) I have to do that same thing until I complete the initial sequence (blink twice then I blink twice again but if I do it a third time then have to do it a fourth).

If I step on a Crack on a sidewalk I adjust my steps so I hit all other cracks.

I also do some weird if I'm bored or find myself staring out the window when riding (car, train, etc.) Where I'll squint my eyes if I'm passing by grass or road depending on where I'm at. If trees or elevated objects or a break comes from grass to road then I widen my eyes and squint back once I my focus is back on the initial grass or road. Basically one of those video games where you have to jump over objects but are continuously moving.

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I'm old, & as you all know, been in the restaurant biz for all but about 3 years of my adult life.  So many "food safety" classes, I can't even begin to count.

There's no "stomach virus", I've been told a thousand times.  There are food-borne illnesses, then come the other problems: indigestion, diverticulitis, etc.  Lots of folks can also hide their hangover, but the stomach hangover sufferers cannot (this is something I can personally validate, LOL).


If people around your office are puking, it's more likely that they ate something unsafe, most of the time, together....although, certain strains of cold/flu can cause vomiting. 

If your kid comes home from school puking, different story.  Children don't have all of their bodies' immunities built up yet, and won't until they reach their teens...and God only knows what goes on in schools...most parents don't know or care, but school cafeterias are put through the wringer more often and more vigorously than restaurants.

Keeping things too clean can also cause issues...you may be somewhat "allergic" to your cleaning supplies & not know it.

Just a few ideas.  (Oh, and go get your flu shot, y'all...for those of us who are old, they even have pneumonia shots now, yay...) :huh:  

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