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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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10 minutes ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

I’ve had three black people tell me today they would burn a whole city to the ground even their own black people homes and businesses to send a message.  Does that sound rational?  The Cops in Richmond last night were defending black lives and businesses against the group that was suppose to be fighting for them.  We both the know the group that game had no intention of that.  There’s a video of a black guy hugging officers and saying these aren’t bad guys.  The guy is literally being told he’s a traitor, not black, etc in front of the officers because he walked up and shook their hand and hugged them.  I mean mercy a black guy is just saying it’s not all cops and his own folks were ready to get him.  



People stops being rational when they been brutalized for generations.

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10 minutes ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

I’ve had three black people tell me today they would burn a whole city to the ground even their own black people homes and businesses to send a message.  Does that sound rational?  The Cops in Richmond last night were defending black lives and businesses against the group that was suppose to be fighting for them.  We both the know the group that game had no intention of that.  There’s a video of a black guy hugging officers and saying these aren’t bad guys.  The guy is literally being told he’s a traitor, not black, etc in front of the officers because he walked up and shook their hand and hugged them.  I mean mercy a black guy is just saying it’s not all cops and his own folks were ready to get him.  


I imagine living in a world and having to accept the fact that you are a 2nd class citizen, forgoing some of your rights to stay alive, while people like you get burned alive, raped, shot, lynched,framed and sent to prison,  etc doesn't feel rational either. Then seeing it again in todays technologically advanced world, only for the same tired reaction from White America, must be enraging. I'm  frankly surprised it was only 3 black people.  I'm sure you have enough "Black friends" to form a sensible opinion :)


And no ftr,  my opinion of Richmonds "progression" was just a little dig at you. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but it was you who offered the harrowing defense of the Confederacy/Southern culture 2-3 years ago, right? Left an indelible mark. And it makes me suspicious of your motives,  specifically as it pertains to understanding why this is happening... Again.


The fact that you seem more occupied on the looting/destruction of property (a symptom), more than the disease itself (the senseless killings of African Americans [not "Blacks"] and other minorities throughout American history) is not lost on me:)


You can be mad about it, but hey, we're all men here. It is what it is

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3 minutes ago, SkinInsite said:



People stops being rational when they been brutalized for generations.

But the moment they turn on their people that they are claiming to be fighting alongside for where is that line drawn as far as how far one will go? Is there even a line?  Also is it then just every man for himself blacks people are ready to turn on each other to send a message? 

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18 minutes ago, SkinInsite said:

People stops being rational when they been brutalized for generations.

If that were true you’d think you’d see a lot more older folks out there setting fires.  We’re not though right?  We’re seeing angry young people, many of which haven’t been brutalized for generations at all, because they’re white kids.  

I’m not buying that these children are moved by the spirit of justice.  The protesters, specifically those that have put in the work for years, are trying to build a better world.  These violent kids however are just stealing their thunder.  Appropriating the work of others and spoiling it.


Nothing about stealing some shoes and then setting the store on fire says “I stand for peace and justice.” If it did they’d put it on their resumes and social media accounts.  But everyone knows what it doesn’t, even if many are pretending otherwise right now.  

In a month or two when we’re left with thousands more dead from a pandemic and stores that never rebuild because they were burned down in an economic crisis... this week will look very different.

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46 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Probably depends on the response of the white person, but yeah, pretty much.


I'm not black, nor am I offended that the fact that my knowledge in speaking on issues that affect black people, strongly pales in comparison to the knowledge of, you know, actual black people

Why I speak very little, I couldn't even possibly know that fight. ~just know that I'm with you all. 

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54 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Probably depends on the response of the white person, but yeah, pretty much.


I'm not black, nor am I offended that the fact that my knowledge in speaking on issues that affect black people, strongly pales in comparison to the knowledge of, you know, actual black people

Why I speak very little, I couldn't even possibly know that fight. ~just know that I'm with you all. 

Edited by skinsmarydu
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6 minutes ago, Destino said:

Nothing says “I stand for leave and justice like stealing some shoes and then setting the store on fire.  In fact they should put that on their resumes and social media accounts, so that the world may know that they are dealing with a champion of truth and light,  


Beats walking peacefully down the street and getting a rubber bullet to the face.


If you can't appeal to people's conscience then make them fear. **** is going to get wrecked if this problem isn't fixed.

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7 minutes ago, SkinInsite said:


Beats walking peacefully down the street and getting a rubber bullet to the face.

Only if it’s not your stuff on fire. 




If you can't appeal to people's conscience then make them fear. **** is going to get wrecked if this problem isn't fixed.

Step 1 - Propose a solution. 
Step 2 - Organize and work to achieve it.

This is harder and less satisfying than throwing a tantrum but all progress is built on it.  Otherwise all you get is terrorism.

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44 minutes ago, AJ* said:


And on the flipside black people can't protest in peace without being labeled unpatriotic or disrespecting the flag or whatever other nonsense the ultra-patriotic crowd like to drum up to trivialize and avoid the issue of police brutality and the  "blue wall of silence". Kneeling silently doesn't sound so bad right about now,  does it?

^^This. Totally this. Then these same people want to be all like “But why can’t you have a peaceful protest like the good negro Dr. King? Oops, did I say that part out loud? I’m sorry Bro.”


38 minutes ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

I dare say Richmond is actually one of the more enlightened cities.  Like for some reason people think the city is still living in Civil War era.  Not even close.  Most of the couples here are interracial and out of that amount most are white/black.  Honestly,  I saw much more racism issues growing up in NoVA than Richmond.  I was shocked when I moved to Richmond.  In NoVA I had only a few black friends growing up because many of the blacks on my bus and school hated white people.  I ended up nearly jumped countless times.  I didn’t understand the hate as I tried to make friends with anyone and everyone. Plus I guess I was a bit naive to people not liking people because of their skin (My parents even said that I was pretty oblivious to why certain ones hated me for no reason.  They just didn’t want to say why.).   Interesting my best friend when I was in NoVA and now Richmond are black.  That friend spoke out last night about the damage and absolute ripped into those that did this.  Again the early reports and research says there were very few or any Richmond people involved.  The extremist group planned it on twitter and were even posting their plans how to destroy the city and evade police.  The city should have been locked down Sat morning after the fiasco Friday night.  The mayor dropped the ball.  He needed to do what Atlanta did.  He set a curfew today but it’s too late.  I’m proud of the city responding in calm protest today with the vigil.  Watching the police chief driven to tears over how the rioters were about to let a child burn before they could force their way through is hard to stomach.  Richmonders are still in shock of the events of last night. 

You’re not going to want to hear this but, so be it. I don’t doubt that you’re not a racist. Unfortunately, I could respect you more if you were. See, the racist has at least declared a position and is doing something to make his or her vision happen. OTOH it appears that you want people’s rights to be respected and you’re OK with demonstrations to that effect as long as your city isn’t damaged and you’re not inconvenienced. That makes you part of the problem. There are plenty of folks in this country of all races who know on some level that people’s rights are being trampled and their lives taken, but as long as it doesn’t personally affect them, they’re content to just let things roll on as is. What I hope these protesters are saying is that that’s not going to work any longer. If we don’t get to live as equal human beings, ****’s gonna get broken and burned until we can. Maybe that will spur the apathetic off the sidelines.


Certainly, I don’t know you and maybe you’re a big social justice warrior and all, but it is interesting that to my knowledge, these recent posts are the first ones you’ve ever made in this thread...and it’s to complain about your city being trashed. So, forgive me if I’ve misjudged you, but by virtue of you being completely new to this conversation I have little to go on, other than your current comments. If I’m wrong, please feel free to correct me. 

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Just now, Destino said:

Only if it’s not your stuff on fire. 


Are we still talking about the protests or did I wander into a terrorist thread?

There's an extremely popular dichotomy (among many people supporting the protests online and some not online) of people or property that is so frustrating and confounding to deal with right now.  

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11 minutes ago, Destino said:

Only if it’s not your stuff on fire. 


Step 1 - Propose a solution. 
Step 2 - Organize and work to achieve it.

This is harder and less satisfying than throwing a tantrum but all progress is built on it.  Otherwise all you get is terrorism.

I can afford to have my things on fire, they are just things.



Better men than you and me have try to work with the system, what have that gotten us. A white supremacist in the white house. 


Progress takes time rings hollow after awhile.

Edited by SkinInsite
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11 minutes ago, PCS said:




big difference between the two, on the left was threat of spending money versus the one on the right is the threat of losing money. So now you know who protect and serve actually is for and why it exist. 

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4 minutes ago, SkinInsite said:

I can afford to have my things on fire, they are just things.

then what are you waiting for?  Light it up and show your support for the madness.


4 minutes ago, SkinInsite said:

Better men than you and me have try to work with the system, what have that gotten us. A white supremacist in the white house. 

So let’s vote him out and get things back on track.

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50 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


I imagine living in a world and having to accept the fact that you are a 2nd class citizen, forgoing some of your rights to stay alive, while people like you get burned alive, raped, shot, lynched,framed and sent to prison,  etc doesn't feel rational either. Then seeing it again in todays technologically advanced world, only for the same tired reaction from White America, must be enraging. I'm  frankly surprised it was only 3 black people.  I'm sure you have enough "Black friends" to form a sensible opinion :)


And no ftr,  my opinion of Richmonds "progression" was just a little dig at you. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but it was you who offered the harrowing defense of the Confederacy/Southern culture 2-3 years ago, right? Left an indelible mark. And it makes me suspicious of your motives,  specifically as it pertains to understanding why this is happening... Again.


The fact that you seem more occupied on the looting/destruction of property (a symptom), more than the disease itself (the senseless killings of African Americans [not "Blacks"] and other minorities throughout American history) is not lost on me:)


You can be mad about it, but hey, we're all men here. It is what it is

I know which thread you are talking about.  I didn’t defend the statues.  As I remember I was explaining Richmond’s rationale of still having them but I got gang attacked for attempting to explain why Richmond doesn’t focus on them.  The statues are there because of the money they bring in from tourism.  They bring in significant revenue (I mean major money.) which anyone who knows the city of Richmond knows they get themselves into money troubles versus the other counties around them.  That’s not justifying or defending.  Richmond just looks at them as awkward/dark part of history which the statues also sit on the most historic and expensive street in the city.  If they were to do anything that would bring the value waay down which they can’t afford to do.  It’s why even the mayor of Richmond who is African American added context to all the statues rather than attempt to remove them. It’s a strange situation but the city can barely fund its schools, has been trying to build a new ballpark for its team it promised one to 10 years ago when it arrived and trying to build a new arena to replace the crappy coliseum.   Salaries are ok here but honestly if not for cheap housing many would be in real trouble.  Statues aren’t high on the priority list because they only end up a issue when a extremist group comes and vandalizes them.  Like I it’s a weird situation. But with all the issues Richmond has to address with money and schools the statues are not even on the list because currently they can’t replace that tourism revenue they get. 

Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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