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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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I think someone already mentioned this, but with law enforcement distracted in the cities, how have groups not gotten together at Trump's golf courses and invaded?


Dude doesn't care about rioters, rights, but if you start ****ing up his putting greens, he might pay attention.

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1 minute ago, Renegade7 said:


Even if you right, you really want a hacker group that much involved in our elections to point they could help pick one?


I think I've been pretty vocal over the years of what I think of people /groups like this, from Anonymous,  to Edward Snowden. Do t trust them as far as I can throw them.


The people that alarm me the most are the ones that **** **** up for "The Good Side." There is no good side, its everyone with their own agenda.


I'm just gonna dunk on them for acting all big and bad, yet when it comes to the biggest tipping point in 150 years for this country... Crickets.

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6 hours ago, Destino said:


This probably isn't the first time I've said this in this thread but there really needs to be a class on interacting with law enforcement for young people. 


I agreed with everything you said up to this.


They need a class for how to deal with us, that's why this is happening.


How many people in this thread got the "how to be act around cops to stay alive" speech? I know I did, that's doesn't seem to be working.

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I woke up this morning angry at every local elected Democrat who hasn’t had the guts to check local police unions and sheriffs offices. For the party infrastructure that continuously disregards the need for supporting reformist DAs. 

I have zero expectations for Republicans and I find no value in getting angry at them at this point. They embrace their evil and have no problem owning up to it.

But every election cycle local Democrats come begging for the votes of POC and time and time again they fail to do the bare minimum. The NYPD et al function as if they are not even remotely concerned about oversight from the local public institutions they exist within, and they are right. City halls are chalk full of spineless *******. 

Edited by No Excuses
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2 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


I think I've been pretty vocal over the years of what I think of people /groups like this, from Anonymous,  to Edward Snowden. Do t trust them as far as I can throw them.


The people that alarm me the most are the ones that **** **** up for "The Good Side." There is no good side, its everyone with their own agenda.


I'm just gonna dunk on them for acting all big and bad, yet when it comes to the biggest tipping point in 150 years for this country... Crickets.


This is fair, Anonymous aren't the good guys. When you do what you think is right at everyone expense, you aren't the good guy.


Which is why I'm glad they stayed out, half wanted Trump to win from limited info we have in what happened to them, can you imagine if they split and one half started doing Trumps bidding?


This is same group that helped the Arab Spring as basically tech support and instrumental in Eygpt revolution.  There's aspects of our infrastructure I'm glad they haven't messed with yet, like our electronic election system.


I don't know what they plan to do here, sounds like targeting cops and exposing internal information that could force what we already know to light.  If they find the states cordinated in targeting the media, that wouldn't shock me.  It all but looks like powers that be said " do what you gotta do to get order back".


I'm not defending them, just keeping in context that I've always been concerned of what Anonymous could do if they really wanted to.  Hoping they are the good guys misses the point that at best what they want overlaps with what other people want sometimes.

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Biden needs to propose serious police reform ASAP.  Give a speech, make a web page, make some ads, do something to show he's serious about attacking what @No Excuses is talking about.  Don't let us assume you will and not do it, this clearly shows that's getting old and not working.

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On the topic of Anonymous,I think that this should do it in this thread,(unless they do something else that directly relates to this like taking down the MPD website...which they did).  They're trending heavily on Twitter and apparently have come back big. Go check it out if you want. There is a thread for at least one of things they may have done.  That'll do it for that. :) 


Okay. Back to it. 




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8 hours ago, Llevron said:

Imagine if this was a fair fight. Cats ain’t gonna keep showing up unarmed to these. Difference between America and China is all the guns we leave at home for these. At this rate that **** will change. 

It needs to. As we discussed earlier in the thread, cops are **** ass cowards. If the far-right nutjobs can protest with guns, we can too.


That said, my sense is that’s not the way to play this. We need a clear 10 or so point list of demands and make clear that if any candidate wants us to show up, they’d better sign on. Otherwise, we can keep the status quo...which includes an ongoing US Intifadah. If we don’t have rights, you can’t earn. Period.


Since I’m now fat, old and have too many dependents and mortgages, I can’t be out there with them. However, in lieu of that, I’ve been working on such a list. When it’s done, I’m going to share it widely and ask everyone I know to do the same AND push politicians from the local level up, to get behind it, or prepare to be replaced by someone who will.


Regarding the Tweet about the Daughters of the Confederacy and other historical monuments being burned, that made me all verklempt. The good thing about these riots is that unlike the 60s, it seems they’re not burning out and looting their own neighborhoods. Now that’s how you do it. 

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10 minutes ago, The Sisko said:


It needs to. As we discussed earlier in the thread, cops are **** ass cowards. If the far-right nutjobs can protest with guns, we can too.


but we really can't though. if we protest with guns, it will turn into a massacre

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1 hour ago, gbear said:

Nobody comes off looking good in a riot. I sympathize with those saying there can be no peace without a sense that justice can be expected from our judicial system. I dont know what to teach my kids they can expect.


Agree that there's lots of Wrong to go around.  


And I admit to at least some sympathy for the cops.  They have the duty to end the riots that have been going on for what, four days now?  (Their duty was to end them four days ago.)  


Well, I don;t think it's possible to expect someone to end a riot that's been going on for four days, without ever once doing anything somewhat violent.  


They've got a mission, and a set of rules of engagement, that aren't really compatible.  I'm really glad that it's not my job.  


I think curfews are absolutely justified.  And I wonder how many of the "Cops attack a peaceful protester/journalist" happened 2 hours after curfew, and after the cops spent 15 minutes informing said protesters that they were going to be arrested if they didn't go home.  (Yes, I'm aware.  That doesn\'t account for all of the wrongs.  But I suspect it accounts for some of them.)  


- - - - 


I support the protester's rights to protest.  (I'm s member of the ACLU.)  I even think they've got a legit cause to protest.  Wish I was more politically active, and could go join them.  


I also support the cops enforcing curfews and similar rules.  In fact, I'm not sure my response would always be as non-violent as the cops are using.  If (imaginary hypothetical situation here.) there's 200 people standing, blocking a street, 2 hours after curfew, and the cops get on a bullhorn and tell them to leave, and they don't, then the cops are completely justified to fire tear gas at them.  IMO, they're justified to cut off the mob's paths of escape, and arrest all 200 of them.  Whether they had their hands in the air or not.  (Let em all do community service, cleaning up the damage the protests did.)  


Far as I'm concerned, if the cops just start arresting the entire mob, and people start throwing rocks at the cops?  I think they're justified in going lethal.  Hopefully targeting the people actually throwing the rocks.  


- - - - 


OTOH, I have to also say.  When I read one of these posts about "Cops arrested CNN camera crew.  And once they were laying on the ground, pepper sprayed them in the face"?  I confess, I find myself wishing that I was there when it happened, and that I had whipped out a gun and killed that cop on the spot.  


And then, in grand Hollywood tradition, I deliver a speech that I'm gonna be walking around town.  And if I see another cop assault a peaceful citizen?  I'm gonna kill that one.  And if I see a cop with his badge number and name tag covered up with tape, or not wearing them?  Gonna kill that one.  And walk away.  I'm hearing the music from The Equilizer.  (The TV one.)  


I've read several posters in here who's tried to claim that the rioters are justified to riot, because well, trying to use the system hasn't worked.  (And I think they're full of ****).  But if you think that "well, doing things the peaceful way hasn't worked" argument is valid, then I've gotta say it's clear that when a police officer commits an unprovoked assault, in front of witnesses and cameras, secure in the knowledge that even when filmed on camera, the system will do absolutely nothing to him, then maybe doing things outside the system is justified.  


41 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Yeah... Life ain't a comic book


But I can hear my theme music.  :) 

Edited by Larry
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49 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Biden needs to propose serious police reform ASAP.  Give a speech, make a web page, make some ads, do something to show he's serious about attacking what @No Excuses is talking about.  Don't let us assume you will and not do it, this clearly shows that's getting old and not working.

I am exhausted by sloganeering from Democrats at this point. If you aren’t willing to pick a fight with police unions and go union busting and dismantling their power, then **** you and you’re not getting my vote. 

I don’t want slogans or tweets or bull**** statements. I want to see you dismantle a police state that is so out of control, that ****ing precincts in bum**** Georgia and South Carolina are better armed than some militaries of developed countries. 

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I don't have a problem with the police being well armed.  I assume that they need it.  Extremely rarely.  But "rare" is not "zero".  


I have a problem with the fact that a cop can assault people on video, and not even be worried about the video, because he's certain that even with the video, he can't be punished for assaulting people.  

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:


I agreed with everything you said up to this.


They need a class for how to deal with us, that's why this is happening.


How many people in this thread got the "how to be act around cops to stay alive" speech? I know I did, that's doesn't seem to be working.


13. My parents grew up in the South in North Carolina during Civil Rights movement. Wasn't uncommon to see KKK stuff, Confederate stuff, towns were segregated and still are in spirit in places like Fayetteville. My grandpa was a mail carrier in WW2 because he wasn't allowed to integrate with the other soldiers. Both sets of my grandparents are among some of the first black teachers and doctors in that state. My aunt is a pediatrician. My uncle is a HUD judge. Lookin at me a white person probably wouldn't know I come from a very affluent black family, because when you are a ""n-word"" it supersedes everything.  I got the talk and I hated it when I was young because I was a suburbs boy. I knew but I didn't really "Know," you know what I'm saying? It's that bubble that I had to have busted by the world. So yeah, I've been profiled, I've had bananas put on my car for dating a white women, I've been followed for miles by police for an air freshener,  I've been followed and harassed in stores and branded a thief just because I had a hoodie on and my hands in my pockets, I been called a "n-word", and I've seen other people in my family called "n-word" and I've had swastikas drawn at my place of work years ago. Are you young? We know the rules of the road as young black men, if we didn't we wouldn't be here today. We'd be another Trayvon or Castile or Floyd. I aint understand as a young kid because all my white friends and neighbors and books growing up taught me that 5-0 were here to protect us from the bad guys. But you find out that you are that bad guy because of your skin color. And if you aint bad you are one of the good ones

Edited by Ricky Tan
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6 minutes ago, Larry said:

I don't have a problem with the police being well armed.  I assume that they need it.  Extremely rarely.  But "rare" is not "zero".  


I have a problem with the fact that a cop can assault people on video, and not even be worried about the video, because he's certain that even with the video, he can't be punished for assaulting people.  



There is zero need for precincts to own military gear and armored vehicles that they are not qualified or trained to use.

The second problem you describe, of poorly trained cops acting above the law, directly makes the first one significantly worse.

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21 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

I am exhausted by sloganeering from Democrats at this point. If you aren’t willing to pick a fight with police unions and go union busting and dismantling their power, then **** you and you’re not getting my vote. 

I don’t want slogans or tweets or bull**** statements. I want to see you dismantle a police state that is so out of control, that ****ing precincts in bum**** Georgia and South Carolina are better armed than some militaries of developed countries. 




The rhetoric here for years has been a no-vote might as well be a vote for Trump.  I never liked it, but I still don't have a good counter argument for it with Hillary losing.


A protest vote this November won't get what you want, you know that.


I'm going to give Biden a chance to say what he plans to do to address what lead to this, and yeah, I'll be just as pissed as you if it sounds like more lip service.


But we already know what Trump wants to do and what he'll do if he wins.  A Biden win buys us time until someone actually grows the ball's to do what you know needs to be done.  Trump win ends this conversation for our lifetime.

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15 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

There is zero need for precincts to own military gear and armored vehicles that they are not qualified or trained to use.

The second problem you describe, of poorly trained cops acting above the law, directly makes the first one significantly worse.

I suspect the rationale is that they need it for active shooters and even more so for Mumbai-style terrorist attacks. I think it’s also kind of an unspoken idea that if the natives get restless we might need to go all Bashar al Assad on their asses. The so-called job creators know what they’re doing.

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57 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:




The rhetoric here for years has been a no-vote might as well be a vote for Trump.  I never liked it, but I still don't have a good counter argument for it with Hillary losing.


A protest vote this November won't get what you want, you know that.


I'm going to give Biden a chance to say what he plans to do to address what lead to this, and yeah, I'll be just as pissed as you if it sounds like more lip service.


But we already know what Trump wants to do and what he'll do if he wins.  A Biden win buys us time until someone actually grows the ball's to do what you know needs to be done.  Trump win ends this conversation for our lifetime.

To clarify, I’m mostly speaking about local politics. National Dems under Obama at least started good work at DoJ that was completely dismantled by ghoul Jeff Sessions. 

Police oversight will ultimately have to be done by local city politicians. I am tired of Democrats propping up losers like Bill deBlasio.

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