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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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Damn T, you're coldblooded dude lol


No, he's not.  He's partisan. 


Let the cops show up, armed, to serve a court-issued warrant on a rancher who's been ignoring court orders for over a decade, and who has called in hundreds of armed troops to defend him, and he's all "well, why can't the government do this peacefully?  how come the government has to show up with guns?" 

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fighting back is not the standard, and not easy after getting tased and while being gangbanged.

He done put himself in a position

I believe with this post, your Troll has leveled up to 99 and it's learned the skill Douchebaggery.

Kidding aside, I have no clue what your point is.

Edited by Gamebreaker
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Not sure, as I don't even know the man's race, or that of sheriff's. But I'll stop posting forever if he's black and officers are white. And no I'm not claiming persecution lol, just the climate right now....


Lol I have a feeling it was white cops and white criminal...no mention because it won't cause an uproar...all you'll get is..well...shouldn't have stolen the horse.

I know it will be insulting to your personal myths that Black people don't care about anyone else and the the liberal media is ignoring all that reverse racism but you know what? It matters not one bit what the race of the victim is in this or any other police brutality case. Anyone of any race with a higher IQ than a potato (that pretty much covers everyone except maybe twa) would see this for what it is right away and would feel sympathy for the guy and outrage at the Blackshirts who beat the hell out of him. Given that, cops beating anyone like this on video is going to be a national news story regardless, especially so given the recent run the cops have had on video.



So, let me get this straight. The cop was in front of the Uber driver, went to parallel park, didn't use a signal, the Uber driver honked at him, and then THAT happened.


Some people's anger levels are just incomprehensible to me. How could someone possibly get that frustrated and angry?

I'd say it's more a sense of entitlement and being above the law among the police.


If he had just killed two of them then i can understand human beings acting like human beings and reacting with anger and emotion.


But he didn't. and even if he only injured them (not attempted to murder them, in other words) then no, the beating is in no way justified. 


Some people DO deserve getting their ass beat, even if it's completely impolite to say so anymore. 

It doesn't look to me like this guy did at all, and in learning more of the back story, I tend to agree with the OP, some badges and guns need to be removed.



As it is, not only is the beating WAY exceeding anything that appears to be necessary,,   but that is a WHOLE hell of a lot of manpower and resources chasing down an ID thief in a minivan / horse.

I would assume they had a high speed or at least prolonged chase for that much to be used in bringing down a white collar crook.



I have a couple of fundamental problems with the idea that Brownshirts, 'er cops beating or shooting a suspect can be in any way justified based on what preceded the police brutality. First, what happens if the cops are wrong and the person in question isn't who they were looking for. This incident was pretty direct in terms of figuring out who the suspect was but cops are human and they often make mistakes about who's actually the suspect. Officer Cowardly Backshot is a good example. The Jeffrey Gilbert case comes to mind too. Hell, they even mistake their own for the suspect sometimes.


Second is the question of where it ends. If we allow a kick here or a punch there, why not two, or four, or six, or 20? What's the limit and who sets it? Are the balls a legitimate target? What about the head? And how many blows are they allowed for a dirty look, pointing at an officer, or a verbal insult or just because they're having a bad day? What if the suspect actually hurt or killed an officer? No limits in those cases folks like twa and Painkiller would say. I'm sorry but this is a very cut and dried issue, or at least it's supposed to be. When the suspect isn't resisting whether he was at some earlier time or not, no matter what he's accused of doing, you don't get to beat or shoot him just because your adrenaline is up - the typical excuse I've heard for this or because, well, he had it coming.


I've said this before but I think it bears repeating. If a suspect is actually resisting, you ramp things up until such time as s/he complies. If they really are a threat, deadly force may even be appropriate. However once they comply, anything after that should be felony assault or murder. Period. Even if the suspect is *GASP* White!!

Edited by The Sisko
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So, let me get this straight. The cop was in front of the Uber driver, went to parallel park, didn't use a signal, the Uber driver honked at him, and then THAT happened.

Some people's anger levels are just incomprehensible to me. How could someone possibly get that frustrated and angry?

It seems to me the angry types are attracted to law enforcement careers.

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No, he's not.  He's partisan. 


Let the cops show up, armed, to serve a court-issued warrant on a rancher who's been ignoring court orders for over a decade, and who has called in hundreds of armed troops to defend him, and he's all "well, why can't the government do this peacefully?  how come the government has to show up with guns?" 


you are oblivious, I stand up for idiots right to die


if the Bundy crowd got mowed down it would not be the police's fault.







I believe with this post, your Troll has leveled up to 99 and it's learned the skill Douchebaggery.

Kidding aside, I have no clue what your point is.


My point is simply the police are authorized to use the force needed and are under no obligation to endanger themselves.


If you choose to make more force needed it will come your way in most cases.


they strike and kick to get compliance, if needed they can knock you out(despite blows to the head being possibly deadly) to safely secure you.

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So how many officers were involved in this beating? My math skills aren't very good but I could swear there's a couple more than just one bad apple participating. In fact, I wonder what % of their whole department was represented in this one incident?

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Sisko, when you say he isn't resisting that ignores he is not complying(which IS resisting in the position he put himself)


by law he must comply or be forced,  the level of force needed naturally varies.

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Technically it was the horse running from the cops. Not sure why it escaped a beating.

It wasn't dead, so why beat it?

Sisko, when you say he isn't resisting that ignores he is not complying(which IS resisting in the position he put himself)

by law he must comply or be forced, the level of force needed naturally varies.

Applying force and assault are not equal.
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