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I couldn't believe m ears when I heard that announcement. When they were hyping it I was thinking that they were going to have a weekly interview segment with the owner or Scot. When I heard it was just Paulsen continuing his weird Maj-crush on Kirk all I could do was just shake my head.



I like Kirk.....but things like this and Sheehan's obsession with him have me liking him less. Don't tell me after Keim came on for days, talking about Griffin's ups and downs...but saying he's been the best in camp...that the hour you watched in the 1st week in Richmond was when Kirk looked like the obvious best. Now you're just insulting your audience. 

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I like Kirk.....but things like this and Sheehan's obsession with him have me liking him less. Don't tell me after Keim came on for days, talking about Griffin's ups and downs...but saying he's been the best in camp...that the hour you watched in the 1st week in Richmond was when Kirk looked like the obvious best. Now you're just insulting your audience. 


They hate Griffin so much they don't realize how obvious it is to the everyday person. Tonight Russell was on 106.7 trying to justify his constant criticisms of Robert,  claiming it's all about his performance on the field. Then follows that up by creating speculation that Griffin's father is interfering with the coaches because he was posing as a pass rusher for Griffin's after-practice workout. Was he trying to show Robert how to throw a football, or working on his mechanics? No. He's just running at him. Have a seat, Russell. 

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They hate Griffin so much they don't realize how obvious it is to the everyday person. Tonight Russell was on 106.7 trying to justify his constant criticisms of Robert,  claiming it's all about his performance on the field. Then follows that up by creating speculation that Griffin's father is interfering with the coaches because he was posing as a pass rusher for Griffin's after-practice workout. Was he trying to show Robert how to throw a football, or working on his mechanics? No. He's just running at him. Have a seat, Russell. 


I was so glad when people called in to tell him to calm down with the BS made up controversy.


Still can't get over these clowns having a weekly segment with the backup QB who might find his butt as a 3rd stringer, unbelievable.

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I couldn't believe m ears when I heard that announcement. When they were hyping it I was thinking that they were going to have a weekly interview segment with the owner or Scot. When I heard it was just Paulsen continuing his weird Maj-crush on Kirk all I could do was just shake my head.


That was Larry Michael-esque...

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Hate to bring this up, but if the show is so bad, why do you guys listen? Seems like they're actually doing a good job if the point is to get you all riled up and actually listening. It's the oldest radio trick in the radio handbook.


Now this guy Paulsen is ****ing about Griffin's dad being on the field after practice yesterday.


Get a life!


I mean, you do see the irony here right?

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Hate to bring this up, but if the show is so bad, why do you guys listen? Seems like they're actually doing a good job if the point is to get you all riled up and actually listening. It's the oldest radio trick in the radio handbook.

I mean, you do see the irony here right?

These people are addicted man, there's this notion that real sports fans have to listen to sports talk because they can get information and talking points to talk with the boys at work. But none of it is information. It's just entertainment, the reality TV of the radio. Made up rumors, drama, trolling, conjecture, negativity, all for ratings.

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Sports fans have a desire to listen to sports.

It's unfortunate the locals can't give it to a public that clearly wants it.


With only two options in town, you either give up .. or keep trying.


the trolling, negativity, gossip..    great.. but ****,, it's not TMZ. It's sports.. and for my ears and sports sensibilities, i'd rather listen to a person with some knowledge of the situations that i don't hae, such as a beat reporter,, giving insights and other information that pertains to the game.

there's room for gossip, there's room for negativity if it is warranted,, with a bad team it's expected.
Trolling opposing fans can be fun. Trolling your own fans, day after day? **** that,


Making up rumors? - Bush league.

Tearing apart a tweet for an hour to get to the 'hidden meaning" (Gee.. it means Robert is immature again! Imagine that!)

it gets tiresome and it goes beyond the realm of sports into the realm of pseudo psychology implemented by angry people without a shred of journalistic integrity beyond ginning up controversy to create false controversy.


In other words... it's nothing but bull****.

Objectivity is gone. the ability to report without opinion is gone. And, while opinion is part of what you want, when it's nothing but "hating", it gets boring.

FTR< i hate the word "hating".. it's lazy,, but when consistent criticism is given in the way it is here on the topics that it is,,, then that is what i think it is.

The Redskins deserve plenty of criticism, no doubt, They're a bad football team.
But ripping apart stutters, ignoring what is being SAID during press conferences to discuss for two hours why it must mean something OTHER than what was said,, then hating is all it is.

Reid is a hater. Loverro is a hater.

They bring nothing else to the table.


The addiction is to sports.. not to the idiots on the radio and their dumbass shtick.

It's unfortunate for all of us that there are two sports radio stations and neither one of them can provide a single show worth listening to.

But for them it's disastrous..   they have an entire city starving for this, and neither one have absolutely any desire to get out of the sewer and TRY.

Because if they DID,, they'd KILL the other station.


Give sports addicts sports.

Unfortunately, they prefer to give us the sports versions of TMZ or Access Hollywood.


So, i gave up. Spent money on something they'd give me for free.


And, disclosure, i write this due to Redskins coverage..  I listen to the baseball talk and enjoy it, but it's not quite the same,, a football discussion, for me, is a lot more interesting. 
(Besides, as an Oriole fan, i don't really care about the Nats, however knowing i'm in the Washington Area means i will listen to Washingtonians cover their own team with pleasure... but i don't 'care' about it as much.)
My main complaint on all sports coverage in this town is the coverage of the Redskins.



Edited by Bang
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Hate to bring this up, but if the show is so bad, why do you guys listen? Seems like they're actually doing a good job if the point is to get you all riled up and actually listening. It's the oldest radio trick in the radio handbook.



Well... I can't speak for everyone, but... I don't think we are listening...


Here's an example of what happens for me, that leads me to post something in here:

I wake up, get in my car for work, and the station is on ESPN 980 because I was listening to the Drive on my way home the night before.

They're talking about something, and I decide to give it a shot.

Eventually one of the many things we complain about happens (poor analysis, pot stirring by reid, awful segment/segment intro, etc)

I turn the station.

I get to work, sit down, and decide to come post about whatever ridiculousness I just heard because I like forums and I like making fun of this show...


My drive to work is 5 minutes. That all happens in 5 minutes. That's how bad the show is. On any random day, I can catch 2 minutes of it and consistently say to myself "this show is terrible."


The last week I've tried to give the show much more time than in the past, because it's training camp and I'm just genuinely curious. But normally I switch to the junkies pretty quick.


More often than not they cause me to have the same reaction, and I change it to NPR or WTOP. :)


Edit: minor correction, it's Reid that's terrible. Paul might actually stand a chance if he was put alongside someone who actually knew what they were talking about and had any journalistic integrity; at least enough to try to give the appearance of doing something more than pot stirring.


These people are addicted man, there's this notion that real sports fans have to listen to sports talk because they can get information and talking points to talk with the boys at work. But none of it is information. It's just entertainment, the reality TV of the radio. Made up rumors, drama, trolling, conjecture, negativity, all for ratings.


Says the guy that spends an inordinate amount of time in threads about radio shows.....

Edited by tshile
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Man you all know I'm just here to tell yall how bad it is and how good podcasts are. I almost never listen to the radio because it's static. I tried to listen to the fan for the nats game last week. U couldn't hear anything because it's all static in Baltimore. What's the point?

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Shaun King says Kirk Cousins should cancel his weekly radio spot


“Kirk Cousins shouldn’t have a radio show,” King said. “He should not have a radio show. Let’s stop the flim-flammery. Listen, you tell Kirk I said this: cancel the show. Get somebody else. The backup quarterback doesn’t do a radio show. Nowhere in America does this transpire.”


“At some point [Griffin will] play bad —  every quarterback in the National Football League plays bad,” King pointed out. “Think about if RGIII throws three interceptions, and then two interceptions, in week four and five. And now here you’ve got Kirk Cousins on a radio show. I mean, that’s just ridiculous. If I was Jay Gruden, I would step in and cancel that. ”


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I don't listen. Most of these guys I havent listened to since 2013. Haven't listened to 106.7 The Fan largely since 2010 (Chads "You Owe Me!!!!" Rant being the capper).

The only thing on 980 I could tolerate after awhile was The Drive, but I moved, and don't have much of a commute, so thats gone as well.

Im not starved enough for sports talk to listen to some hacks **** and moan daily, over dumb ****, putting money in their pockets

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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Sports talk has turned in to wild speculation, over analyzing and working agendas. I can't stand the 'make bold/outlandish statements to generate calls' mentality. I also hate the 'talk over any dissenting opinions' approach that fills our airwaves. The only sports talk I enjoy these days are Cooley's breakdowns. I still like TK...probably because he refuses to talk about sports

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I think I've narrowed it down and it's just Grant who annoys me lol. It's really become obvious with Danny out this week, I'm sure he's a nice enough dude but he seems like that nerd in school that you would want to pummel because he's a know it all. Has anyone noticed that he drags his "s" and it also pisses me off that he refers to teams as clubs. Give my boy Kevin Shafer the seat next to Danny and put Grant back on the Redskins beat so he can hangout with Kirk more often.

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That is exactly why they extended an offer to give Kirk a show. The sports media in this town are 100% about the drama. Someone over at 106.7 was really patting themselves on the back for this one. I promise you this: if this show definitely goes on, it will cause drama in the locker room between Kirk and Robert due to a comment or critique Kirk makes on Griffin's performance. I will be surprised if he's asked a single question that doesn't involve the QB position, him being a backup, or how Griffin did last Sunday. 

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