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The Patience Thread: McCloughan is going to need some time to rebuild


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That not what I mean at all, taking a Qb as a desperation pick would be stupid.  I'm just telling you the reality of the NFL, except for a few exceptions in past history your not winning anything without a very good qb so yes it should be a focus but it doesn't mean you have to force yourself into making ignorant decisions.


Based on the way SM builds this team it very well could be 3 years before we find that Qb so our very impatient fan base will need lots of happy pills to get through the next few years.


Okay. Sorry for being a dick lol. I tend to agree with that. Especially the last sentence. I don't think we'll see the product of everything he plans on building until a few years down the road. And you're right, the QB is a key peg. There are way more stories of success with a good one in place than there are stories like the Dilfer run Ravens. And considering the building that needs to happen AROUND that position, you're also right in that we may need to wait a while to actually get the right one.

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We have been in "rebuilding" mode since Snyder bought the team. We are in a perpetual "wait and see" cycle.

Dan Snyder reminds me of Al Davis.


I don't know about that. The only time we've seen anything even close to a real rebuild since he's been here was after 2009 when Vinny got fired. And even that was halted once we hit the playoffs in 2012. What needs to happen and is going to happen now is going to be much different than anything we've seen here since Dan bought the team. The biggest problem is can DAN be patient enough to let it happen? I think that's what I worry about the most. I can deal with fans pissing and moaning and spewing stupidity when we don't win right away. But we're all screwed if he can't be patient enough to let the man do his job.

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We have been in "rebuilding" mode since Snyder bought the team. We are in a perpetual "wait and see" cycle.

Dan Snyder reminds me of Al Davis.


But has the team actually rebuilt anything? Snyder and Vinny always went for the quick fix. 


This times it';s legit. If you can't see that then I don't know what to say. 

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I think Jay will have 1 year to prove himself.  I am hoping SM focuses on the OL and defense.  No need to draft a QB this year (we will have 3 who can compete for it) unless one falls in our laps the mid rounds and hopefully the focus is on the foundation.  OL, Safety and maybe DL would be my guess.


Not looking for anything special next year, but maybe in 2 years this team will at least be competing for the playoffs.

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It's not the fans having patience that worries more than it is if Dan will. I can wait the three to five years it takes to actually build a team from the ground up as I understand that it will take time to clean up this mess, but what in Dan's history shows that he will? If we have two more below 500 seasons or not go after over priced high profile aging vets in free agency, will Dan come in again saying this was a waste of time and can him? If it is true that Extremeskins does somehow influence this teams owner, then I beg all of you to please express how you are willing to let the new GM get a few seasons under his belt before we start asking for heads to roll. Also, if it is true that posts on this board somehow influence Dan's thought process, then I'm thinking it be a great move if he gave me a million dollars (just throwing it out there).

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We wont make a legitimate run until we have a top 15 Qb, look around at the league folks, its not rocket science.  You can build your team all you want but if you don't have a very good Qb you will not make the playoffs year end and year out and your definitely not sniffing the Bowl.


Maybe...it seems like there are a couple different models right now. There are the Packers, Patriots, Colts, and Broncos (who in my opinion have elite QBs. Then there are teams like the Panthers, Bengals, and Lions (who are becoming solid playoff teams and rely much more on being well-balanced). 


Hell, last year the NFC seemed to be driven by "good" QB play and awesome defenses as the Panthers, 49ers, and Seahawks were all looking strong in the post-season. 

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But has the team actually rebuilt anything? Snyder and Vinny always went for the quick fix. 


This times it';s legit. If you can't see that then I don't know what to say. 


Right, the last true rebuild was 1994-1997ish. After that, we have been patching holes and looking to add that one guy who will put us over the top. 

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Could not have crushed that press conference any harder.

"Big man's game" "draft is the lifeline" "always the draft"

I'm signing the patience petition.

Welcome Scot, turn it around.

I like that..."patience petition."

Signing as well...& like Boss Hog said, if you can't see that we're Finally undertaking an ACTUAL rebuild that is modeled after all the other successful teams in the NFL, then there's not much else we can discuss.

Wait n' see? Sure...but i'll be doing it with optimism & anticipation for once.

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It's gonna be fun watching the wide array of reactions from the fans as the rebuilding takes place..this will be a very lively place once things start popping. Hours of entertainment for those of us who have boring lives...LOL


Patience is needed...I'm a wait & see fan myself these days..I've been burnt so many times I need skin grafts..but we will eventually get it right(for the umpteenth time I'm saying this)

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Maybe...it seems like there are a couple different models right now. There are the Packers, Patriots, Colts, and Broncos (who in my opinion have elite QBs. Then there are teams like the Panthers, Bengals, and Lions (who are becoming solid playoff teams and rely much more on being well-balanced). 


Hell, last year the NFC seemed to be driven by "good" QB play and awesome defenses as the Panthers, 49ers, and Seahawks were all looking strong in the post-season. 


I completely agree with you which is why I think Qb needs to continue to be a focus if we cant get one of the guys in house to play to standard.  I dont believe this team is that far away from being a 9-10 win team, a couple good picks and a few breaks could put us right there and finding a Qb like you mentioned in the 2nd-4th round could turn this franchise around very quickly.


Now do those 2nd tier teams you mentioned have a legitimate shot a winning a superbowl, probably not but I will take being a perennial playoff team first and figure the rest out in the wash.

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Patience? Patience? You wanna talk about, patience?


My patience is turning me into a patient !  :P


I'm contemplating going on a newspaper stealing spree, thats how bad its gotten.


If you see me in a corner playing piggy piggy with my toes, just roll a beer my way and keep walking; i'm liable to start urinating on legs if someone gets too close.

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I think it'll be most obvious things are heading the right when when the draft talks on this board start centering on what we WANT in order to create depth as opposed to what we NEED just to have a halfway decent team. Lol The record will play a big part obviously. But I think in regards to the culture and the discussion amongst the fans that'll be a good sign.

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For some they really believe that yes. Drafting your Brady and just throwing darts at the rest of the positions means a decade of winning and championships.


That's kind of what the Colts and Packers have done for the last 15 years or so.


The Packers are kind of terrible and might win the Super Bowl. The Colts are really terrible and probably won't win the Super Bowl, but they are still playing.


The Skins are a bad example because they are cover your eyes awful at a lot of positions including QB. If we had Rogers, we would probably be 8-8 - assuming that if we drafted Rodgers he would still become Rodgers, which he wouldn't, because we suck.

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We wont make a legitimate run until we have a top 15 Qb, look around at the league folks, its not rocket science.  You can build your team all you want but if you don't have a very good Qb you will not make the playoffs year end and year out and your definitely not sniffing the Bowl.

I look at it this way, the Skins have sucked for so long and it's because we have looked for the big splash at QB (RG3, Mc5, Jeff George, Heath Shuler). This team has three SB trophies, one for each QB. You wanna know who has multiple rings? Grimm, Jacoby, Bostic, Butz, Monte Coleman, Darrell Green, Gary Clark, Art Monk, Charles Mann, Darrell Grant, Jim Lachey...

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I look at it this way, the Skins have sucked for so long and it's because we have looked for the big splash at QB (RG3, Mc5, Jeff George, Heath Shuler). This team has three SB trophies, one for each QB. You wanna know who has multiple rings? Grimm, Jacoby, Bostic, Butz, Monte Coleman, Darrell Green, Gary Clark, Art Monk, Charles Mann, Darrell Grant, Jim Lachey...

If we can change the rules back to what they were in '84, we'd be right back in this thing with your plan.

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