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Potential GM Candidates


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I would literally trade picks for him.  After all, without him we'd be wasting them anyway.


Eric DeCosta is all I want for every Christmas/birthday ever.


You'd have to offer him the Earth to get him to leave Baltimore where's he's 'GM in waiting' already on a GM's money. 'The Earth' like MEGA salary, Gm/ Team President title, the whole nine yards. 


Some proven, young player personnel guys out there that may well be itching for s hot like the Pats Nick Caserio and Tom Gamble of Philly. Latterly heavily credited with building the '8ers depth. Colts VP of football ops Jimmy Raye has a wealth of scouting and personnel experience. 


Someone like that itching for a first time shot at the top gig would do just fine. 


As it is. I don't see anyone but the status quo returning sadly and as such I've written 2015 off already as another shambolic season in our inglorious recent history.  :(



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          I'm not sure how the Redskins front office structure works but surely Bruce Allen wasn't alone in the selection of the horrible free agent class of 2014. He should get the blame for it because as he stated in his press conference last spring he is in charge and has the final say. I guess what I am getting at is that I don't really think there is anybody currently employed by the Redskins that has a keen eye for judging talent. AJ Smith, Scott Campbell, Allen, Snyder, Morocco Brown (before he left), Doug Wlliams, scouts..... surely all had input on the duds that were signed by this team this past off season.



       I have zero talent evaluating skills but even an idiot like me couldn't understand why some G that by all reports was less than mediocre with Cleveland last year was getting wooed by the Redskins at the start of free agency and given a nice contract that I really doubt anybody else was going to offer Shawn Lauvoa. I doubt there were teams waiting on his doorstep to sign him right away other than Washington. I think everyone except Bruce and the boys knew Tracey Porter was an injury waiting to happen, but they made him their highest paid DB for this season. What made them decide to sign a 32 year old 4-3 DE to a huge contract when they play a 3-4 defense in which Hatcher has played in the past and wasn't near as good. 


              As I said before, I sure don't know much and it is this FA class's first year but I don't really see anybody other than Desean Jackson being a good pick up and I think he was a can't miss from the start. I hope that if a new GM is hired, he is not already on this teams payroll because I find it hard to believe that it was just Bruce Allen who decided to sign these guys. 

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It'll be former high school phys ed teacher (and erstwhile Chargers GM) AJ Smith, if he accepts the job.

You know, the guy who fired Marty after he went 14-2 and then hired Norv Turner.



So what?  Marty never won anything in the post season. 

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Cont. from another thread: http://es.redskins.com/topic/382266-thoughts-on-cousins-and-the-next-few-weeks/page-90#entry10083978


Posted Today, 05:41 AM

mojo, on 27 Dec 2014 - 11:51 PM, said:snapback.png

Just a few other names AJ Smith drafted while in San Diego....Vincent Jackson, Darren Sproles, Luis Castillo, Antonio Cromartie, Eric Weddle, Marcus McNeil. Yea, those teams were stacked with talent.


Most of those players were to replace existing good players and he summarily pissed them off and let them leave.   I never said they were not good teams. But you said best roster in the league. IMO that's just too much a stretch.


My bigger point is that he may be able to evaluate talent, but he is a horrible GM overall as he could not keep the talent together and often ran valuable players off for no reason. He may have assembled a few decent teams, but he immediately went to work destroying them.


One last question - AJ Smith has been here 2 years. Has the player evaluation been any better since he got here? I do not think so. In the end I believe he is just not the guy we need here.


My next thoughts are at: http://es.redskins.c...-gm-candidates/

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Most of those players were to replace existing good players and he summarily pissed them off and let them leave.   I never said they were not good teams. But you said best roster in the league. IMO that's just too much a stretch.


My bigger point is that he may be able to evaluate talent, but he is a horrible GM overall as he could not keep the talent together and often ran valuable players off for no reason. He may have assembled a few decent teams, but he immediately went to work destroying them.


One last question - AJ Smith has been here 2 years. Has the player evaluation been any better since he got here? I do not think so. In the end I believe he is just not the guy we need here.





We don't know what AJ's role or how active he has been in developing the Redskins roster currently. We do know that AJ is light years ahead of anything we have had here since Bethard as a talent evaluator and scout manager. We also know that Bruce Allen is good at contracts and managing the cap. The two weaknesses cross each other out if managed correctly from the owner, (sez prayer Snyder somehow reads this post of all the posts he could possibly read on ES) 


Talking AJ into moving to the DMV when he lives in SOCal maybe Snyder's biggest challenge. However something tells me the fact that his son could be groomed under his tutelage might be very tempting.  

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We riot if it's AJ Smith.


So what?  Marty never won anything in the post season. 

And Norv Turner didn't either. Marty turned god awful franchises into winners. Marty was the ONLY coach that removed the cancer attitude in Redskin Park during Synder era. Made so much progress through his only year.


AJ Smith is a idiot. His ego is his problem. Firing a 14-2 winning head coach and replacing him with Norv is bat **** insane.

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Bill Parcells

You know what I like about this idea... Identity.

It has been asked in other threads 'what is offense and even organizations identity?'

At this point, I think bringing in a model to win would do wonders. Mission statements, identity, goal projections- Iactually wouldn't mind 3 years of parcels with a mentor in wings.

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AJ Smith? Isn't he already on the payroll?

I don't get it. If BA isn't the football mind we all say, I don't see him objecting to AJ Smiths input. Seems like hiring from within not really change.

Bruce can always take AJs input, doesn't mean he used it. Bruce said himself last spring, he has final say.

Parcells is past his prime. He couldn't turn Miami around. That was his last hurrah.

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I actually don't believe they'll bring in a GM.  I can't see Bruce admitting he can't hack it after one season.  And the only way you avoid the dreaded 'GM inheriting the head coach' is to give it to AJ Smith, which really doesn't totally avoid that.  And even then, Allen and Snyder are STILL too involved in football decisions.  Guarantee, they will find a way to screw this up.  It'll wind up being a 3-headed GM monster or some such thing.


Even when this organization makes a wise decision, they wind up messing up the details. Like when they fired Vinny (great idea), only to follow it up by giving Shanahan total control (not such a great idea).  Or when they fired Shanahan (good idea) but then gave Allen GM responsibilities (not such a good idea).  Hire Gruden (jury's still out), but then torpedo it out of the gate by not firing Haslett (terrible idea).

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We riot if it's AJ Smith.


And Norv Turner didn't either. Marty turned god awful franchises into winners. Marty was the ONLY coach that removed the cancer attitude in Redskin Park during Synder era. Made so much progress through his only year.


AJ Smith is a idiot. His ego is his problem. Firing a 14-2 winning head coach and replacing him with Norv is bat **** insane.


Quiet as it's kept, Norv was actually 3-3 in the postseason as Chargers coach.  Schottenheimer, 0-2. Norv actually improved on Marty by going to the AFC championship his first year.  The argument would be he took Marty's players, but what about Marty's 5-13 postseason record says he would've done better than .500 or gotten that team over the top.

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