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More than just a W- this game needs to be RG3's Rebirth


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Again I don't think anyone should get carried away with anything he "has to" do in this game or any such hyperbole. But he certainly has a lot left to prove this year and this is one of the final 7 games for him to do it in. This would certainly for a good moment for him to start proving his worth.


-Griffin has yet to firmly prove he is the guy to be the starter for this team going forward or earn his next contract, much less be the superstar that it needs.

-Roethlisberger is in the middle of a Hall of Fame, multi-title winning career, and a season with one of the best stretches in NFL history.


Are you seriously suggesting you don't understand why it would more important for Griffin to have a good game?


It is definitely not "more important" that Griffin play well against the Bucs than (fill in the blank).


Unless, of course, the only thing we're concerned with is fan perception. But really, who gives a rat's ass about fan perception?

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I agree with the OP also. Is it wrong to expect RGIII to play like the 2nd pick in the draft and not just some average Joe QB?

This right here, Robert needs to look and play like a franchise QB, and I don't care if it's in or out of the pocket. He has the receivers and RB to put up good stats and to put on a good show. No excuses against this defense, go out and own them.

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There really is no reasoning ... None. What is an acceptable tag line for these calling for RGIII to show something ?

41/40 600 yards 9 touchdowns and 0 interceptions running for another 100+ yards and a couple more scores ?

It is ludicrous the without reality expectations people have .

Year 3 of his NFL career coming off an injury that just cost him a chunk of the season finding his way in a new offence ... Someone just compared him to Aaron Rodgers ... But by this time in his Nfl tenure he still was not the starter. .. Bree's ( who has also struggled this year) had been benched already and within months of his replacement being drafted .... Look at the players most would consider franchise guys and none have gone from nothing to elite without a bump or two in the road and even then they are capable of having very bad games here and there ....

It is okay to want the best but while looking you have to know what you are looking for .... Otherwise the guy could come and go and we will still be looking ...

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Ok, when Griffin wins two superbowls and throws for 6 tds in consecutive weeks, he can get a pass for losing to tampa.

Your reply is what makes this topic a closed minded discussion. You focused on the comparison between Ben and RG3 while ignoring the premise of the post which is, any QB can have an off week against any team. So with this information, expectations on a make or break franchise QB shouldn't be tied to a single week.

I hope I've clarified my initial statement.

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Rg3 could throw a TD, rush for a TD, return a kick for a TD, and intercept a pass and return it 99 yards for a game winning TD and people would still say "yeah but can he ever become a pocket passer" or "well, it was against Tampa...."


Correct. And rightfully so. Until he shows us that he can play well consistently (meaning that I would like to see more good games than average/bad games over the final 7), there are definitely questions about whether or not he'll become a great QB. 


For him to prove that he's a franchise QB, he needs to play well most of the time, not just against Jacksonville and Tampa Bay. Don't get me wrong, I'll be excited with a great game tomorrow, but it won't mean anything larger in isolation. 

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I agree with what the OP was trying to articulate --because it captures what a lot of Redskins fans are probably thinking about this upcoming game.

There are a few questions remaining to be answered about the offense (such as who on the offensive line is worth keeping as a starter, the quality of the play-calling, whether zone-based running game is being phased out, etc.). But the biggest one is whether post-injury Griffin generates a decent enough body of work to convince the Skins that he is indeed the Skins long-term solution at QB.

I think many wonder if Griffin can still showcase his talents in Gruden's offense -- an offense that we've seen can be explosive, especially against teams with suspect defenses. In short, people are expecting Griffin to orchestrate the same kind of offensive performance as it appeared lhe might have produced against Jacksonville, had he not been injured.

Candidly, a great QB performance by Griffin in a convincing win over Tampa would be a great help to answer questions still lingering from the 2013 season. And, coming after a bye, at home, against a weaker opponent seems like the best opportunity for Griffin to showcase what Skins fans might expect from him in the future.

If Griffin produced a conservative, game-managing win with no mistakes -- that would be a "plus" too. BUT, that would simply delay his answering of the question whether Griffin can still produce the kind of dominant performances everyone expected from him, based on his draft stature, his glittering NCAA resume, and his rookie season. And candidly, it would be a lot easier to answer that question against Tampa at home, rather in an away game against the 49'ers.

My concern is with the scenario where Griffin moves the offense well, puts up a lot of points, but also makes a lot of mistakes/turnovers. I think there's been too much over-analysis, agonizing, and over-reaction about turnovers -- especially since this team is probably not making the playoffs. I'd rather risk a few turnovers to allow Griffin to play a more relaxed and agressive style, rather than having to look over his shoulder and avoid mistakes like the plague.

And if there were some Griffin-caused turnovers, I'd hope Gruden steps up and declares that as long as Griffin stays aggressive and putting up points, he can live with the turnovers while Griffin learns to attack NFL defenses running a higher risk/reward Gruden offense.

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Candidly, a great QB performance by Griffin in a convincing win over Tampa would be a great help to answer questions still lingering from the 2013 season.


And this right here is why some on this thread are dead wrong about how Griffin must play against the Bucs.


No matter how Grififn plays, it won't be anything close to being a "great help" in answering questions about RG3. Only his body of work for his entire season, including exhaustive film study, will do that. He can play lights out against the Bucs---but it won't answer any questions if he then is no better than mediocre the rest of the season. Conversely, Griffin could be mediocre against the Bucs--but it won't answer any questions if he progresses and is playing the best football of his career over the the last 3-4 games.

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I actually agree with the OP.

I'd rather lose and have RG3 go 25/37 320 yards 3 TDs and 1 INT than win with 17-27 210 yards 1 TD 0 INT

A win should be the first priority. But in your scenario, a loss will bring out the fans with torches and pitchforks whom claim he is only a stat stuffer and not a winner.

To be honest, RG3 is in a no win situation with the fans, why? Because no matter what he does, the fans who have made up their mind he is NOT the QB of the future will always find fault in his performance in spite of a 300/3/1 game . and the includes a win or loss. Just won't be able to please everyone.

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...No matter how Grififn plays, it won't be anything close to being a "great help" in answering questions about RG3. Only his body of work for his entire season, including exhaustive film study, will do that. He can play lights out against the Bucs---but it won't answer any questions if he then is no better than mediocre the rest of the season. Conversely, Griffin could be mediocre against the Bucs--but it won't answer any questions if he progresses and is playing the best football of his career over the the last 3-4 games.

Calling for more patience is always an option -- and one that I usually find hard to argue with.

That said, the Tampa game presents the best opportunity on the schedule to see what Griffin can do when he's well rested, in friendly confines, and has the best mix of favorable match-ups to leverage while he's running the offense. There'll likely be receivers getting open, an effective running game to rely on, a less overpowering pass rush to contend with, and hopefully the defense can stop Tampa's less-than-daunting offense and give the Skins offense more chances to score. Griffin's not likely to enjoy that mix often; that's why people anticipate Robert should be able to show a bit more of what he capable of doing.

However, when Griffin starts playing teams such as the 49'ers, Colts, etc ... he'll face a greater difficulty factor, because the defenses will be stronger and/or the opposing offenses may have him playing from behind. If the Skins offense struggles playing tougher teams, it will be difficult to indicate that this was due to shortcomings in Griffin's performance -- because it could be the o-line, poor pass protection, his receivers not getting free in time, or the offense being forced to become one-dimensional.

In short, many people see the Tampa game as providing Griffin with the best set of conditions to showcase his level of talents. A minimal result under those conditions doesn't mean Griffin can't show improvement later -- but there'll be more doubts created in the media, fan-base and maybe even his team-mates. And after the Tampa game Griffin would have an uphill climb against tougher opponents to create performances he'd need to have in order to dispel those doubts.

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Absolutely this game and the rest of the season will allow us to see what we have in RGIII. Unfortunately, if we lose the next couple games a toxic atmosphere, combined with a toxic O line, will complicate any evaluation.

Speaking of QBs, remember earlier this year when PFF concluded that after looking at their metrics Tom Brady was the 8th best QB in the NFL!

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     I'm throwing out last year and will judge him going forward starting Sunday. I'm not sure what went on last year but I think certain coaches and the QB behaved very unprofessionaly. Gruden seems to be working hard to make changes and make things work, I really hope it works out  

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I can't wait until Andrew Luck slaughters the Redskins defense and RG3 goes like 28-40/340/3/1 and gets the brunt of the criticism for the loss.

If RG3 puts up those kind of and numbers than the blame will warrant putting the blame somewhere else...Butto only throw for one TD in two games is just unacceptable..He needs to score in the redzone and so far he has failed..Time for him put up or shut up..

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So when Tampa beat Pittsburgh, and Ben had a sub standard game, would you classify him as a bum since he didn't dominate the Bucs? Anything can happen, week to week, I'm not looking for Griff to be superman, just play a good game that results in a win. You guys looking at it as it's either all pro performance or bust need to check your expectations at the door.

Apples an Oranges.  Ben is a proven good QB. And all QB's can and do have bad games  Griffin isnt a proven QB and has had alot of  mediocre games in his short career. And if he cannot take advantage of an oppertunity to shine then yeah he is a bum, because that is pretty much all we have seen from him since 2012

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I don't even care about his stat line, I want to see him sliding and showing he's going through his progressions quicker and moving in the pocket better. I want to see him adjusting at the line and looking comfortable with the playbook.


Sure I would LOVE for RGIII to have a monster game but at this point it's about seeing if he's improving in this offense or not. 


We need to stop thinking that we're going to dominate bottom feeder teams, when's the last time we destroyed a bottom feeder team (Besides the jags)? Us all being Redskins fans we should all know, blowing out bottom feeder teams isn't something that we do unfortunately. 

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