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FS: Washington Redskins Unlikely To Extend Robert Griffin III


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Is that Jackson quote the first confirmation of discord in the lockerroom concerning RG3?  I know it came up last season but it was written off as absurd and the team voted him something, I forget what it was, which seemed to disprove the rumors.  We heard it again this season that the decision came from the top and the lockerroom was upset again.  Again we kind of wrote it off as ridiculous media rumor mill fodder.  We also heard about the lockerroom screaming and yelling while RG3 was trying to get an interview done and that was attributed to the players hating the press and the PR department.


But now Jackson seems to be saying there was some player rumbling concerning RG3 being named the starter.  That's harder to call a baseless rumor isn't it?

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In other news: The Redskins didn't play a football game forfeiting all chances of winning. This team is obviously a train wreck and this further proves it.

So the team didn't do something that they don't have to or really should do. This is what is hitting the presses? The sports media has gone mentally retarded.

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I don't want to argue about selective outrage. I just want to point out a few things so hopefully you can see where I'm coming from. If you just look through this thread alone you act, and have made statements alluding to, like you are enjoying all this negativity. When you go out of your way to mock and laugh at things, then it's becomes something diffrent than say a frustrated fan calling something a joke. Like I said just look at what you have said in this thread alone and all the negativity and I thought it was a little excessive. It's one thing to complain it's another to enjoy the teams problems.

Look at my previous posts i'm one of the most supportive/optimistic Redskins fans on this board. Look at how positive I was when Shanny was here when everyone wanted to get rid of him. Look how I defended Niles when people said he should be gone, look how I attempted to spin 3-6 year after year after year.


I'm sick of it bro, i've  been doing this for 17 years. Not sure how long you have been a redskins diehard fan but after a while you begin to hate the team. It's like being with a woman that you love so much and she cheats on you constantly and all your friends laugh at you but you keep telling them she's going to change she loves me and every year she does the same. Eventually you get sick of it and you just become pesimistic and you wise up.


1994: 3-13 (No Playoffs)

1995: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

1996: 9-7  ( No Playoffs)

1997: 8-7-1 (No Playoffs)

1998: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

1999: 10-6 Playoffs

2000: 8-8 (No Playoffs)

2001: 8-8 (No Playoffs)

2002: 7-9 (No Playoffs)

2003: 5-11 (No Playoffs)

2004: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

2005: 10-6 Playoffs

2006: 5-11 (No Playoffs)

2007: 9-7  Playoffs 5 game winning streak to sneak in playoffs

2008: 8-8 (No Playoffs)

2009: 4-12 (No Playoffs)

2010: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

2011: 5-11 (No Playoffs)

2012: 10-6 Playoffs 6 game winning streak to sneak in playoffs

2013: 3-13 (No Playoffs)

2014: 3-6 more than likely (No Playoffs)


Made the playoffs 4 times in 20 years but I shouldn't be negative?


I'm no longer looking through burgundy and gold glasses, fool me once shame on you, fool me for 20 years then i'm the idiot.

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There is nothing "right" about this situation. There are no sides to be taken. It's all bad. The players shouldn't be choosing who they think should start and who shouldn't. Robert needs to play better and shouldn't expect to be handed anything. Desean shouldn't have went on air and told everyone what he said to the locker room. Those within the organization shouldn't have voiced their concerns to any media members (Shefter and Britt) about the decision for Robert to start. The players in the locker room during Robert's media interview should've acted more mature instead of antagonizing the media they know to be cynical trash that can't wait to sow discord without any good reason. Yet they gave them reason. The media shouldn't do anything they do, pretty much. But they do and are who they are.

I just wish I didn't have this feeling that we're a trashy organization that brings anyone who gets involved with it down. I don't want to feel this way anymore. Yet, they keep reminding me over and over again of it. If Gruden can overcome all of this... he should be named the greatest Head Coach in history. It would be so nice if we bring in a true football GM who has a pedigree of excellence and allow him to fully handle his responsibilities. That would change everything for me and I really believe Gruden would succeed then.

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Look at my previous posts i'm one of the most supportive/optimistic Redskins fans on this board. Look at how positive I was when Shanny was here when everyone wanted to get rid of him. Look how I defended Niles when people said he should be gone, look how I attempted to spin 3-6 year after year after year.

I'm sick of it bro, i've been doing this for 17 years. Not sure how long you have been a redskins diehard fan but after a while you begin to hate the team. It's like being with a woman that you love so much and she cheats on you constantly and all your friends laugh at you but you keep telling them she's going to change she loves me and every year she does the same. Eventually you get sick of it and you just become pesimistic and you wise up.

1994: 3-13 (No Playoffs)

1995: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

1996: 9-7 ( No Playoffs)

1997: 8-7-1 (No Playoffs)

1998: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

1999: 10-6 Playoffs

2000: 8-8 (No Playoffs)

2001: 8-8 (No Playoffs)

2002: 7-9 (No Playoffs)

2003: 5-11 (No Playoffs)

2004: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

2005: 10-6 Playoffs

2006: 5-11 (No Playoffs)

2007: 9-7 Playoffs 5 game winning streak to sneak in playoffs

2008: 8-8 (No Playoffs)

2009: 4-12 (No Playoffs)

2010: 6-10 (No Playoffs)

2011: 5-11 (No Playoffs)

2012: 10-6 Playoffs 6 game winning streak to sneak in playoffs

2013: 3-13 (No Playoffs)

2014: 3-6 more than likely (No Playoffs)

Made the playoffs 4 times in 20 years but I shouldn't be negative?

I'm no longer looking through burgundy and gold glasses, fool me once shame on you, fool me for 20 years then i'm the idiot.

Been a fan for 35+ years so I truly from the bottom of my heart understand your frustration. My wife and I have had this debate for years now and she doesn't understand why I don't switch teams. I tell her, besides the big tat over my heart, when you love something you can't switch teams no matter how bad it gets. I know you feel like it sometimes but for me it's just ingrained in me and it's been a big part of my life. I couldn't stop being a fan of this team if I wanted to. It's like family, sometimes you want to strangle them but you never stop loving them. I hope you stick with this team because when we start winning, and we will, you can always say I stood by them through thick and thin. Be good my man. Oh and HTTR.
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Well Keim just denied saying this

@john_keim: Some site wrote I said skins were unlikely to extend rg now. 2 things: have only said they need to decide. 2) deadline is may. No need now




It's ALL B.S!  This team needs to get on a roll and WIN SOME GAMES!!  The dysfunction is the media. The sooner that a lot of the clowns that want to stir it up here and create 47 pages of "I Know You Are But What Am I" nonsensical posts STOP, the better off we'll all be!


STOP BELIEVING EVERYTHING YOU READ OR SEE ON BSpn, NFL/TMZnetwork, the idiots at PFT, or total loon sites like BleacherReport, etc!  Watch the games and TURN THE REST OFF!!

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Been a fan for 35+ years so I truly from the bottom of my heart understand your frustration. My wife and I have had this debate for years now and she doesn't understand why I don't switch teams. I tell her, besides the big tat over my heart, when you love something you can't switch teams no matter how bad it gets. I know you feel like it sometimes but for me it's just ingrained in me and it's been a big part of my life. I couldn't stop being a fan of this team if I wanted to. It's like family, sometimes you want to strangle them but you never stop loving them. I hope you stick with this team because when we start winning, and we will, you can always say I stood by them through thick and thin. Be good my man. Oh and HTTR.

I'll always stick with the team and I know me when the draft hit's i'll be back saying "This is our year" and entertaining the trash talk from the fans of other teams I know. lol


This board helps me vent my frustration when i'm pissed off about the team, sometimes typing it out helps sundays for me. :) lol

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 I'm sure most everyone here on this forum has had a day at work where things were slow and you kinda coasted through the day, until the boss walks by, then you're looking busy as hell.


 Same goes with the media; their job is to find/report stories, and when days are slow, they look even deeper into any possible story and run with it. What else can they do? When I was 16 or 17, i'd see the Enquirer or some other trash space filler telling about UFOs kidnapping Michael Jackson, or Jimmy Carter is an alien, and I just shook my head.


 Thats pretty much what we should do when ANY story comes out about anything involving the Redskins.

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Oh bloody hail; if The Redskins were playing better and winning we wouldnt have to put up with all this media circus and gossip. The sooner The Skins get back to winning the better.

Maybe that was part of the problem. They won 2 games in a row (first time since 2012) with Colt and felt there was momentum, then saw the change at QB which they may have questioned. I know everyone hates the phrase "stay with the hot hand" but I think players felt confident about Colt and may have overreacted when the change happened. It did seem the entire team (offense, defense, st) played better against Titans and Cowboys.

They had to bring RG3 back though, right or wrong, he needs to play the rest of season.

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Ridiculous article. It would be too early to even consider an extension, since we'll REALLY be evaluating him in yr four. Must've been a slow news day.


When I just glance at your screen name, it looks like it spells "Resignation" which is pretty appropriate for this team. 


In general, this franchise is a mess. We need an entire house cleaning. Not trading up to get a star QB or hiring a Super Bowl champion coach or appointing the son of a legendary 1970s coach to lead our front office. 


We need a structured approach to reboot the front office, evaluate the coaching staff, and identify just our bare minimum core of young players with whom to proceed forward. While we're at it...go ahead and make some sort of change to the uniforms and try to simulate some sort of symbolic rebirth of the franchise.  

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It all depends how Griffin finishes the season. He doesn't have to look like the superstar QB he was in 2012, but it would sure help, he just needs to show Gruden signs that he is learning his offense and can be the leader that this team needs. If Robert struggles to do this then his future here in Washington might be short.  

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When I just glance at your screen name, it looks like it spells "Resignation" which is pretty appropriate for this team. 


In general, this franchise is a mess. We need an entire house cleaning. Not trading up to get a star QB or hiring a Super Bowl champion coach or appointing the son of a legendary 1970s coach to lead our front office. 


We need a structured approach to reboot the front office, evaluate the coaching staff, and identify just our bare minimum core of young players with whom to proceed forward. While we're at it...go ahead and make some sort of change to the uniforms and try to simulate some sort of symbolic rebirth of the franchise.  


 I cannot wait for the day those butt-ugly yellow pants are gone.  I'd be perfectly happy with their 80's look, white over burgundy. Egg yolk yellow fugly ass pants, barf.

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Let me summarize the REAL story....the Redskins aren't going to make a decision about Griffin until the year is over!  WOW - TOTALLY SHOCKING I KNOW!


Would you want to extend him if he tears another ACL in week 17?  This is basic common sense, chill out people.

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I 'd take a pay cut to not have to deal with the media bullsh!t this team has to put up with all the time. And you actually have players on this team that are jealous of the QB for having a good relationship with the owner. WOW! I have seen and heard it all. 

The same exact thing has been reported in Seattle its just no one cares because they're winning.  We aren't the only team that has to deal with the media we just aren't a good team so it gets more play.

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I don't want this to turn into the Fashion Police thread...but I'd go with new everything. Let's not soil the Gibbs Era uniforms any longer. 



As long as we don't go back to that nasty white-on-white garbage that made them look like a bunch of hospital orderlies .. although I like the burgundy on gold.

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