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ES Coverage & Game Day Thread: #Redskins at Iggles


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It's hilarious the excuses one gets and not the other. 


It's also hilarious the criticism one gets and not the other.

The reality is there are a lot of people on this forum who have their preconceived conscious or subconscious views regarding both QBs and let that shade how they talk about and judge both.

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It's also hilarious the criticism one gets and not the other.

The reality is there are a lot of people on this forum who have their preconceived conscious or subconscious views regarding both QBs and let that shade how they talk about and judge both.


That's fair.


I don't think I've been unfair to either though.


EDIT:  I'll re-phrase... the interpretation of the criticism coincides with what the poster believes in his/her conscious/subconscious... if one is a fan of what's best for the team RIGHT NOW, then the answer is easy.  LONG TERM, the answer is not so easy.

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****ty joke.  Go cheer for Baltimore with that crap.

im not a ravens fan though...im a redskins fan. people were making that joke saying the falcons should be on the commisioners exempt list due to the way they beat the buccaneers on thursday night. also, i made the joke last sunday after we beat the jaguars. didn't mean any harm by it, but if i upset anyone, im sorry.

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im not a ravens fan though...im a redskins fan. people were making that joke saying the falcons should be on the commisioners exempt list due to the way they beat the buccaneers on thursday night. also, i made the joke last sunday after we beat the jaguars. didn't mean any harm by it, but if i upset anyone, im sorry.


Couldn't care less who you're a fan of.  Making jokes like that is something they do up in Baltimore or Philadelphia.  


And trying to excuse yourself by saying that you did it twice before?  Come on, man.

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Dude. Are you having an episode? The knee clearly hit a split second before the elbow. Not even debatable.



Well, I didn't listen to the FOX announcers. I was listening to Sonny and Chris with the TV audio off and I just now listened to Aikman mentioning his knee. My only question is (I don't know how the rule book cites it, and I lost my copy) but it was the knee on the same leg that he got the first foot down on. If the rules require "two feet" to be down, wouldn't it require the his left knee to be the first to touch before his out of bounds elbow?  Otherwise, then I guess it was a catch if the rules aren't that explicit.


Still .. the rest of the officiating largely sucked!

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Couldn't care less who you're a fan of.  Making jokes like that is something they do up in Baltimore or Philadelphia.  


And trying to excuse yourself by saying that you did it twice before?  Come on, man.

you;re right. after a loss it was probably not a good idea to make that joke. sorry. and i would never root for baltimore or philadelphia. never in my life.

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Actually you were labeled an RGIII hater because you kept posting stupid **** like "6/6 on 3rd downs, when's the last time RGIII did that?". You made snide comment after snide comment instead of just enjoying Kirk playing well. Every god damn game day thread gets littered with the Kirk vs. RGIII **** now. The mods should just create one thread, just like the name change thread, where posters can go at each other over this debate.


True.  I did say that.  Call it excitement in the moment and perhaps bad judgment.  Sue me for making that statement, in this thread, at that moment.  It certainly wasn't my intent to start crap.  Snide comment after snide comment?  Pump your brakes my friend.  That's exaggerating the truth just a tad, don't you think?   


In later posts, which you may or may not have seen, I mentioned that I've been and will continue to be an RG3 supporter, and support anyone who dons the burgundy and gold.  


I reacted in the moment, and for that I apologize.  I should have known better than to do that.  I have not once been an a-hole to anyone in this thread who may have had an opinion contrary to my own, though.  Can you say the same?


Feel free to review each of my posts if you wish.

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No offense dude but throwing an RG3 comment either positive or negative into this discussion is just plain silly.

Their are plenty of other sounding boards on here to give your Kirk RG pros and cons.

With all due respect I'm alittle edgy because this game sucked a lot out of me and patience is shot.

Hail to us in four days!



Well, if the better part of half of this thread didn't spend its time making "KC8 > RG3 because .. today" comments, then I would agree with you. I was just using ONE post to make my point that anyone making such a statement is a buffoon. My intent wasn't to offend but just to put my $0.02 in, and now I've spent it all plus some change. Carry on ..

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Well, I didn't listen to the FOX announcers. I was listening to Sonny and Chris with the TV audio off and I just now listened to Aikman mentioning his knee. My only question is (I don't know how the rule book cites it, and I lost my copy) but it was the knee on the same leg that he got the first foot down on. If the rules require "two feet" to be down, wouldn't it require the his left knee to be the first to touch before his out of bounds elbow? Otherwise, then I guess it was a catch if the rules aren't that explicit.

Still .. the rest of the officiating largely sucked!

Nothing to do with the feet. One knee counts as two feet. You have to know what you're talking about before you go on such a crazy rant, it invalidates the point you're trying to make when you're flat wrong about a big portion of it.

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Nothing to do with the feet. One knee counts as two feet. You have to know what you're talking about before you go on such a crazy rant, it invalidates the point you're trying to make when you're flat wrong about a big portion of it.



I made a lot of points in my post. You've won one. Which one do you want to debunk next?

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Man if Robert had put these number up and we lost everyone would be singing his praises, talking about how the league better watch out for the rest of the year and everyone that doubted him is worst possible thing to happen to humanity. Kirk does it and everyone is like FU Kirk why didn't you do more. Seriously hypocrisy much.

Robert and Kirk both have flaws and neither is a perfect QB. Both sides of the argument try to act like their guy is without flaw and the other guy is crap, which is just untrue.

When Robert is playing, more defenses fear him because of his legs and his abilities to create plays when everything breaks down, so a lot of teams are going to tell him "we're going to play disciplined defense, and you've got to show us that you can beat us when the play doesn't break down." And what happens is that generally because stopping Robert is their first priority, somebody like Alfred can have a field day eating up their defense.

When Cousins is in there the thinking is totally different. Its more like, "we know that you're a young QB, so we're going to bet on you making mistakes. So we're going to take away your running game and MAKE you beat us". If Cousins begins shredding their defense, then they may change their focus and try to take him out of the game, but until that happens their main focus is on stopping Alfred and taking away his top options.

Both have shown that they have talent and potential in this league, but both have also shown that they have limitations. Robert's job is going to be can he have more games like he did against Houston, with a few more deep shots thrown in there, and only really using his legs at critical times. Cousins's job is going to be to differentiate himself from a bunch of other QBs who can put up great numbers in losses vs the ones who can lead the game winning drives and win when its all on his shoulders.

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Couldn't care less who you're a fan of.  Making jokes like that is something they do up in Baltimore or Philadelphia.  


And trying to excuse yourself by saying that you did it twice before?  Come on, man.


Dude made a joke.  You didn't like it.  Why be an a$$ about it?  You could have just rolled your eyes and kept reading, but felt it necessary to make the guy feel like crap and then tell him to go be a fan elsewhere?  


I swear I don't know who folks think they are anymore.  17k posts on a message board doesn't give you the right to be a jerk.


I love how fans of the same team attack one another for seemingly nothing at all.  Put your big boy pants on, live with the disappointment like we all must and move on with life.

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