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Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse via TMZ


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Good, just want to make sure everybody here agrees AP abused his child. (I do believe he didn't have intent).

After that, it's parental preference IMO. Spanking and such is fine if that's what you do. It's the right if the parent, period. But, again, there could be a slippery slope and go to far and it is abuse. Patents need to know that if they go the corporal punishment route.

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There appears to be one pro-spanking study and it comes from a professor at a Christian Scientist college in Michigan. And it gest cited in the right-wing blogosphere over and over and over again.

Is there a study that compares adults that were spanked (not abused) with those that were not, in the same socio-economic class, that determines a causal inference in the relationship between the spanking and some negative consequence?

Isn't Jumbo some sort of expert on this? Where is he and why hasn't he hit us with a bizarrely worded long post that both educates and humbles us (not including LKB, who simply can't be humbled)?

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I don't have a problem with spanking. This type of punishment worked for myself, my siblings, and extended family. I don't need to see a study championing spanking because I saw it work firsthand.


I do think Peterson crossed the line. I don't think he should be banned from the NFL, but he needs to get himself in check.

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I don't have a problem with spanking. This type of punishment worked for myself, my siblings, and extended family. I don't need to see a study championing spanking because I saw it work firsthand.



I don't need a study championing the effectiveness of rain dances.   Last year we danced and then the rains came.  I saw it work firsthand.



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I don't need a study championing the effectiveness of rain dances. Last year we danced and then the rains came. I saw it work firsthand.


Every generation of mankind save for maybe the last couple, in some countries, was at least spanked. I've yet to see evidence this small minority of cruelty free raised humans have proven themselves superior. Are they better people?

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Every generation of mankind save for maybe the last couple, in some countries, was at least spanked.

Not so . . .


Spanking children: What are the consequences?

An evidence-based guide

© 2010 -2013 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

Spanking children is rare among hunter-gatherers (Konner 2005). It’s frowned upon in the United States, and illegal in Sweden. Should people spank their kids?

. . .

There's actually a lot of anthropological research on corporal punishment. In some cultures it is common, in others it's not. Some anthropologist think there is a correlation with oppression.

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Where's the outrage that this athlete is still playing, for not just the professional team but for the national team?


This is actually an interesting question, but it is such a FoxNews "moral equivalency/women are the real monsters" esque question that I have a hard time dealing with it.

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It was written by a woman for the WaPost?

It still feels like an attempt to create a false equivalency.


This is boring.  Can we just fast forward through the parts where LKB (or someone taking up his point) finds a round about way of saying that he's fine with women and men being held to different standards (favoring women in this instance).  Others point out that this is clearly hypocritical.  They are then referred to as "bros" or told that because women are the most likely victims of abuse that this is ok, as if that makes any sense on an individual level, and that real secure men wouldn't complain about it. 


Now back to Peterson. 

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This is boring.  Can we just fast forward through the parts where LKB (or someone taking up his point) finds a round about way of saying that he's fine with women and men being held to different standards (favoring women in this instance).  Others point out that this is clearly hypocritical.  They are then referred to as "bros" or told that because women are the most likely victims of abuse that this is ok, as if that makes any sense on an individual level, and that real secure men wouldn't complain about it. 


Now back to Peterson. 



Nice.  A preemptive brostrike.  

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It still feels like an attempt to create a false equivalency.

It doesn't seem like an equivocation to me. It is domestic violence we are talking about.

That's not to deny the obvious gender difference, and all that might imply, just to say it seems like a fair question.

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My parents made me stay in my room with no tv, no playing outside, no video games, no nothing. I remember begging for mercy with tears streaming down my face to please lift the grounding. I would get the message loud and clear without a single finger being laid on me.


I wish it would have helped.




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not sure how to ask this without it going into the taken out of context thread haha:


would you rather be spanked or sent to jail and fined?  I'd gladly take a whooping that didn't leave any marks and maybe hurt for a minute.

I don't think anyone is arguing in favor of AP, but arguing that a whipping that doesn't leave marks shouldn't be considered 'barbaric' and every other word thrown around.  When it has works (after other attempts) and have not had lasting effects, that is considered success right?

Yeah, that sounded better in my head.  I'm not really sure what I was trying to equate there.

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