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iPhone 6 and iPhone big boy


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Personally the whole Android/Apple thing is overblown.  Both borrow from the other so much that the differences for the average smartphone user who doesn't understand the differences under the hood is negligible.  The battle was more legit back in 2010.  The differences in the OS's now isn't enough to warrant the battle anymore.


Now both OS's have improved dramatically (especially Android because early on it was clearly inferior) and the consumers win.  Capitalism worked.


I have an Android, and if I woke up tomorrow and it was an iPhone, I'd carry on about my day.


^ This. 


One gets the edge for a while, then it's the other as each new model comes out. In the end, it's all personal preference.

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I love both platforms.  I had the Droid 2 way back in the day and loved it, only issue I had was the screen was small, even smaller than an iphone screen.  It was a great phone though, imo.  A lot of friends/family of mine had iphones, they were awesome too, with the exception of being exclusive to AT&T subscribers at the time.


I hate AT&T, their coverage, imo, where I live was ****ing horrible.  I know, because I had them before I switched to Verizon and would drop calls on a beautiful sunny day driving down I-85 in Charlotte, with nothing to block the signal.  My late uncle had one and said he had reception issues as well and he lived in the same area.


Once Verizon got rights to distribute iphones, it was time for an upgrade, so I gave it a shot and bought the 4.  I loved it, still like it, but running IOs 7 is slow.  The only thing I didn't like about it was the screen size.  Messed around with a friends Galaxy S5, loved it.  My 2 years have been up since Feb. of last year, we were grandfathered in the unlimited data plan, so we rode it out as long as we could.


Now I work from home, I hardly use any data (all wi-fi), so we are going to upgrade and I was about to pull the plug on the S5.  Now that the iphone 6 plus will be 5.5" screen, I'm going with that instead.  Not because I think that Android phones or the Galaxy S5 are **** and don't like them.  More because over the last three years, I have downloaded and paid for a **** ton of game apps for my daughter and myself.  It's not a lot of money when you consider most apps are $1-$5, but still.  


For what I use my phone for and what I need my phone to do, all the extra features that one offers over the other is almost irrelevant to me.   

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Co-sign my on the sentiment that the OS debate is really pointless now. I have a GS3. I'll probably get an iPhone 6.


I'm a pretty simple guy and I like technology that works. In my experience, quality control is a bit higher with Apple. Both hardware and software. Not a huge gap but it's enough to be notable. I'm well aware that some of the technology was introduced in Android phones a year or so ago. Not worried about "cutting edge" though. I like that Apple works and I like that it is consistent.  

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I think alot of the Apple hate would die down if it wasn't made such a big deal when a new phone gets released. If you watched any news last night or this morning, you were going to see something about the iPhone. I just think people are tired of it being a big deal when Apple releases something. Sure, back when the iPod came out and the first iPhone came out, those were big deals. Now when the iPhone comes out, it's really not any different compared to the other phones out there, yet it gets all the attention. The GS5 came out and they didn't do segments on morning talk shows about it.

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I think alot of the Apple hate would die down if it wasn't made such a big deal when a new phone gets released. If you watched any news last night or this morning, you were going to see something about the iPhone. I just think people are tired of it being a big deal when Apple releases something. Sure, back when the iPod came out and the first iPhone came out, those were big deals. Now when the iPhone comes out, it's really not any different compared to the other phones out there, yet it gets all the attention. The GS5 came out and they didn't do segments on morning talk shows about it.


Or maybe a lot of Apple success would go away if it wasn't made such a big deal.  It's marketing genius and its why they are one of the top companies.

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I'm going with that instead.  Not because I think that Android phones or the Galaxy S5 are **** and don't like them.  More because over the last three years, I have downloaded and paid for a **** ton of game apps for my daughter and myself.  It's not a lot of money when you consider most apps are $1-$5, but still.   

That's another reason why I won't go with them. I don't want to be tethered to their ecosystem because of app purchases I've made. Pretty much every app that I use I was able to get the professional version of through Amazon's Free App A Day program and I can re-download them across any brand of phone.

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People forget that aesthetics and design go a long way to a consumer. That, and value perception.


Apple is winning at both. They put on a huge event for the release of ONE line of phones...and you know what? The buzz worked. As someone said before, Samsung releases a bunch of new phones every year, and aside from a few commercials, who would ever know?


Tech features will never be as far apart as they were when iPhone first hit the market, so moving forward, I guarantee that any iPhone will be technically comparable to an Android, and vice versa. It's personal taste. I personally dig the design of the iPhone. I enjoy the iOS layout (used to have an Android), and the simplicity of one button.


The Watch on the other hand is a perfect example of taking a concept that has been done, and tweaking/re-designing it for maximum user experience. That thing looks cooler than any other smart-watch out on the market (IMO)...and the little dial dohickey is a really neat concept. Nothing really groundbreaking here, but these little tweaks go a long way. There's nothing wrong with refining a concept...people who hate on Apple seem to equate that with a poor product, and that's just not the case.


(I also am in a sort of Apple Ecosystem both at work and home, and I must say, AirPlay and AirDrop are VERY useful and easy tools to access.)

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Or maybe a lot of Apple success would go away if it wasn't made such a big deal.  It's marketing genius and its why they are one of the top companies.


Yep, they are more of a marketing company than a technology company. The disconnect with many people happens with this fact.


Working with engineers, this is something they don't grasp: something isn't worth anything until people see value in it. 


I love Nikola Tesla, but that was the difference between him and Edison—Edison knew how to monetize ideas. Tesla, brilliant, but he was an academic. 

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On my bill it says iphone unlimited data.


The point is companies are slowly cancelling the grandfathered plans.  Not sure who your carrier is, but it's not guaranteed for life.  The ones that are going away occur when you upgrade.  It doesn't matter what your bill says today, he was talking what could happen :)

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I have unlimited data, I'm grandfathered and will not change that.  I love AT&T in my area.  I have no issues at all.  


I like the iphone because of the ecosystem.  I have no desire to change. They would really have to bomb before I'd even consider switching. I'm not an apple fanboy though. Some of the "cult of apple" stuff is annoying, but I didn't buy my first iphone because of that.  I tried out a blackberry storm and an iphone and there was no comparison for me.  I've never looked back.  

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I do believe that some people buy into the apple marketing.  I don't. My dad was an apple hater.  Always used a droid but finally broke down and got an iphone. He begrudgingly loves it.  He switched because his school gave him a class set of ipads and he loved that. So he got the phone and then an apple tv, not because of marketing, but because it all works together.

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ATT. Just confirmed. It says Data Unlimited iPhone 4s. Same thing with my wife's 5s.


I don't think it has anything to do with having an iPhone. I know with Verizon, people sitll have unlimited data because they haven't bought a new phone on contract. As soon as you go and buy a phone on contract (iPhone or Android or Windows) you lose your unlimited data.

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Curious - how much-ish data do you all use per month w/ the unlimited plan? I too was grandfathered in but recently was stripped of it... but I'm finding it's really no big deal. I seldom used more than 2GB per month, and with WIFI seemingly everywhere these days, unless you travel frequently, I can't see a real legit need for unlimited data.

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