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The Eagles are clearly the best team in the NFC East, Foles is clearly the best QB in the NFC East, Chip Kelly is GOD. Eagles 2014 thread.


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@smartfootball: This Chip Kelly stuff is wild. He's not known as being always easy to deal with, but things have really escalated quickly with GM Roseman

The guy below broke the news

@DarrenDegaetano: @PhilaPhans I was just told he is looking to get out of his contract. Buckle up.

@DarrenDegaetano: Let me state, it was a source that works for team. Not saying it will happen, but things look bumpy within team. #Eagles

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From what I gathered from a few guys I know that work at NFL Films, this began to pick up stream with the release of D-Jax. D-Jax was one of Howie's guys, and the team was split over his release. Roseman and Gamble did not get along very well, unlike Chip and Gamble. Gamble was the "football" guy that Howie never really was.  A former Eagle coach who was my neighbor for six years calls Howie a "wanna be" that he can't be. When the team was going well all this stayed under the surface. When Chip and Co. could no longer hide the weaknesses of the team, and the three-game losing streak hit, insiders say this was going to happen.


Ironically, Howie feared for his job, and not wanting to be on the wrong end of a potential Kelly/Gamble power play, got rid of Gamble. What Howie didn't realize is the fan backlash that would occur. Gamble's father was well-respected in Philly, and many Philly fans still have little faith in Howie. Also, I believe Lurie feared losing Kelly. The bottom line is winning games, and Lurie believes that the coach is the one who is in the position to keep Philly winning, more so than the GM. Lurie is a much more hands-off owner than someone like Jones or Snyder, and believes that football people should make most of the team decisions. That is why I believe he went against his long time friend and told Kelly to help hire a football guy for the GM position.


I also think that Lurie was doing Howie a favor by getting him out of the fine of fire. Talk radio and the fan base got angry very quickly. Chip Kelly, in going 10-6 his first two years, has bucked a very interesting NFL trend. Teams that raise their win total by five or more games from one season to the next (since the 16-game schedule) regress by an average of 2.5 games the following season 83% of the time for various reasons, most of which applied to the Eagles this year. Lurie wants to win, and would not toss Kelly to the side since Kelly wins so far. Lurie put winning above everything with this move, basically telling Howie that Chip will be the main man in Philly. We;ll see what happens from here, as the situation is still a bit fluid.

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Great info BrDawk20.

So Chip wants to be like Bill Belechik and Mike Shanahan.


Chip and Belichek are good friends. Before anyone but Bill knew who Chip was he was getting a few ideas from him, ideas he put into practice. I can only imagine how the Philly offensive would run with an accurate, smart QB like Brady. The Eagle QB's missed multiple wide open receivers almost every game this year.

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I for one would love Kelly to try and play GM. It rarely works. Jimmy Johnson is the only one to actually win a superbowl being the one to shop for the groceries and cook the food.

Parcells, Holmgren and even Belichick had GMs when they won their SBs. Parcells had George Young when he won his, Holmgren had Wolf and Billichick had Pioli. None won another SB after getting total control. Even Jimmy failed in Miami having total control.

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Yeah, the offense really has it together. Dare I say that I'm a little disappointed that we put up giant leads so quickly because I wanted to see how the experiment of playing Matthews at ILB affected our run D? I mean, our D's played well the last two weeks, but is that a product with playing with a huge lead making the opponent one-dimensional?

I think it might have actually saved them in the playoffs, because if things are close, there's not a lot of film on the Packers' defense in those types of situations.


Hope you guys go all the way this year.  Good luck!

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Coaches can't also be GMs. Never works out. Holmgren didn't win in Seattle until they stripped his GM duties away. Shanahan didn't win in Denver once he had dual authority. The good teams are ones where there is a clear seperation of duties between coach and front office.

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Perhaps Westbrook36 should do the closing ceremonies on this thread. The title still kills me!!  :lol:

Shhh,...he's on a super secret black ops mission in N. Korea...amazingly enough he won't be back until the Eagles win their first pre-season game and they show the world they are the conquerers of all that breathes...

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