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The case for Evan Royster

The Trashman

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@RG3Hunna - does Royster owe you money or something?  Can't think of anything that he has done or failed to do as a Redskin to justify concluding he sucks.  I get the personal style preferences but he's never done anything notably 'bad' on the field ... I think he might have been associated with one sack when he was in and had a pass protection role (and I can think of many many more times when he pick-up the blitz and generally protected the QB).  He had 2 goal line rushes last season and was stopped at the line each time ... for context Morris who is a fantastic and arguably beefier back was stopped at the line by the Browns 4 times last weekend.  When he gets the opportunity he's generally delivered and noting its a small sample size he's out performed every other back on the team in average, carries for positive yards, carries for negative yards.  He rarely left the pocket when he was in on passing downs and when he did he rarely was looked at by RGIII let alone thrown to and he was a open as any other RB in those situations.  He gets yards when you give him the ball more often than our other backs and he doesn't have a fumble problem.


This is typical of Royster's problem ... people aren't impressed with his style and can't see past that where the performance is pretty damn good.  Re other teams ... Jacksonville, Oakland, Houston, Chicago ... plenty of others ... wouldn't shock me to see him in Dallas

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Sooooooo everybody said Royster was off the team yet he has two good plays against back ups in the browns game and everybody wants him to make the team? LOL


The guy is TERRIBLE and when he plays bad against the Ravens you guys will lock this thread. lol 



Who's everybody? I think a lot of people were saying he could be the odd man out, but it could be closer than we thought. Please explain yourself on why you think he is TERRIBLE?? Because he isn't as flashy as Helu Jr. or Seastrunk? He doesn't make many mistakes and is one of our best blockers in the backfield.


Also you are probably right that the Browns won't sign him, but there are probably half a dozen teams out there that would use his services. Giants and Cowgirls are two teams that come to mind. There's a reason why he's never been cut before this. Please don't tell me you think Redd or Thompson deserve to be here over Royster.

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Ultimately, and this is just based off the first two games (so anything could change), this would be my best guess:

Morris, Helu, Young, Seastrunk on the 53. Redd to the Practice Squad. Royster gets squeezed by the numbers game and Thompson has sealed his own fate through injuries.

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Morris, Helu, Redd, Young. Let's see how it plays out but I would keep 3 RB + FB. Redd looked great in both preseasons, and looks like a natural zone blocking running back. Seastrunk needs a season on the PS to develop. Royster is good but not as good as Helu, and he's not like Morris or Redd so unless they keep 4 RB he's probably out.

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Do folks remember when Randle El was our #2 WR and #1 PR for what felt like years and years and years, and everyone in the entire community/fanbase recognized the fact that he simply couldn't produce much of anything anymore?  That is, everyone but the coaches?


I feel like Helu has become the new Randle El.  How he remains the perceived #2 option at a position where we have a fair amount of talent and depth remains a mystery to me.  He isn't better than Royster, he's worse.  Remember how his value was to be that of a speed guy/change of pace back when he was drafted?  Well, I haven't seen that speed since he was a rookie, and if you're not gonna be fast, you better either be powerful, or a great natural runner.  He's neither of the two.

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To me, I think it's arguable that Royster is the second best back on this team and at the very least, the third best back.  So, he makes the 53, right?


I think if the coaches want four RBs plus DY, Royster's in.  But if only three RBs are in then it seems like a contest between Seastrunk, Redd, and Royster.  Helu seems like a lock.  Not because I think so but what we've heard Gruden say about him as well as what the depth chart says. So I don't really bother with the argument of Royster vs. Helu.  The argument should be with the two rookies.


I think it's obvious to most that Royster is a better than the two; today and likely for this season.  But it's likely that the third or fourth back wont even be activated on Sundays so I think the discussion on who is the third or fourth back should focus more on future potential.  I think you'd have to look at keeping one of the two rookies.  Not because they're better than Royster today or this season, but because of their potential.


Personally, I think Redd is a similar back as Royster.  I'd go with Seastrunk and not because of his supposed speed (which I really haven't seen displayed yet as he always seems to get tackled in the open field).  What I like about Seastrunk is that incredible ability to switch running directions.


Harkin back to the days wen you were a defender and you KNEW a back like AlMo was running at you in the defensive backfield.  No big deal, right?  You might get banged up but you know he isn't going to burn you and score a TD. AlMo is a power back.  A great one cut, find the seam, and drag a defender for a typical 5 yard gain.  But, when a ball carrier like Seastrunk is coming, it's a whole different approach to bringing this guy down.  The word is contain, not tackle. Now, Seastrunk needs to learn to use that to his advantage.


In addition to potentially ripping off long runs that could end up as TDs, what that change-of-direction talent Seastrunk has is the ability to wear down the defense; but not from a brutal body-blow style like a heavy weight boxer type that is AlMo.  As a defender, when you have to change your direction like Seastrunk, it burns your thighs.  No defender can continuously keep chasing a guy like Seastrunk through four quarters. Your legs become noodles and the defensive coach is subbing left and right. Also, there's nothing like physically exhausted DBs with noodle legs for your passing game either.

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It comes down to what Gruden wants in his backups, and how many does he want to keep. 


Does he want a pure backup for Morris, cut from the same mold. That is Royster, and I think the 2013 Helu.  I have asked before, has Helu bulked up like Portis did. He sure looks bigger and tougher, and a tad slower to me than I remember him before his injuries.


Redd is not out of the question just yet, and seems a strong candidate for the PS.

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I'd be shopping Royster to the Steelers daily. I definitely wouldn't cut him this week because they won't want to wait. He's worth a 7th, maybe even a conditional 6th based on carries, for a team like that.


I'd target the PS for Lache if we think he'd make it there.


My 4 would be Morris, Helu (who I don't love), Thompson (because he'll be stolen otherwise) and Redd.


DY is our FB plus TE depth (where I'd sacrifice the extra player).

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WTH has Thompson done in 2 years that makes anyone want to keep him? Steal him? Hell, I'll give him away. They can have him. I just don't see how anyone outside of being a FL state homer, that can justify him being on the 53. Seastrunk and Redd have shown more in two games than Thompson had shown in two years.

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I think helu has performed better over his career here and has proven to be the better back by a slim margin.

But it's a new regime, with no ties to anyone except those they drafted. All rbs have done some good in preseason imo, so the choice will be tough. My preseason prediction was almo starting, helu as the backup, seastrunk on the 53 with redd on practice squad and royster and ct cut. I still think that is what it'll be.

I thought it was interesting that seastrunk was running more between the tackles last game as opposed to getting on the outside in the first game.

Royster showed well last game, but im not sure it'll be enough.

I also dont see royster as in the mold of almo. If anyone, that's redd.

Do folks remember when Randle El was our #2 WR and #1 PR for what felt like years and years and years, and everyone in the entire community/fanbase recognized the fact that he simply couldn't produce much of anything anymore? That is, everyone but the coaches?


I remember that time. Randle el was useless for so long. Its like he only got return duties because the coaches trusted him to catch the ball. He is unlike helu though. Helu has produced everytime he's had a chance.

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I'd be shopping Royster to the Steelers daily. I definitely wouldn't cut him this week because they won't want to wait. He's worth a 7th, maybe even a conditional 6th based on carries, for a team like that.


I'd target the PS for Lache if we think he'd make it there.


My 4 would be Morris, Helu (who I don't love), Thompson (because he'll be stolen otherwise) and Redd.


DY is our FB plus TE depth (where I'd sacrifice the extra player).

Not a bad idea at all,,  but i'd shop Helu :D


Thompson,, let him go,  I have even money he won't make the door before spraining something.



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Sorry but the one "great" catch and run he made last game doesn't have me putting him on the final 53. I think Redd should get some serious consideration. JMO. :)

Why bother looking at the rest of his body of work.


"One" play seems to be all you need.



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Royster has this James Thrash quality about him. Every time he's on the field I go through the same emotions "Oh gawd this guy again? He has NO talent!" followed by "Who just made that slightly above average play? Royster? Nice play" followed by "I wish this guy would just suck enough for us to cut him..."

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Why bother looking at the rest of his body of work.


"One" play seems to be all you need.



Bang, In my best Steven A Smith voice, I love you man... Love your work with the cartoon vids and podcasts - and I mean that....  With that said, and nothing personal but, are you out of your freaking mind?!  Body of Work?  Royster's last contribution to this team was in 2011.  And as I'm sure everyone that reads ES knows, this is a 'what have you done for me lately' league and I'm pretty sure we didn't do very well that year....  although i could be wrong....  did we get out of the NFCE cellar that year?.... might be a rhetorical question but anything other than a good season I tend to try to forget....  Anyway, I do recall the pundits and even people here on ES wondering about what we were going to do about the RB situation in 2012 prior to Morris shocking the league...  Royster is fine a RB, I'll give you that but he's not irreplaceable and in my humble opinion, easily upgradeable....  personally, I'll take Redd over him at this point based on what we've seen in preseason...

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Bang, In my best Steven A Smith voice, I love you man... Love your work with the cartoon vids and podcasts - and I mean that....  With that said, and nothing personal but, are you out of your freaking mind?!  Body of Work?  Royster's last contribution to this team was in 2011.  And as I'm sure everyone that reads ES knows, this is a 'what have you done for me lately' league and I'm pretty sure we didn't do very well that year....  although i could be wrong....  did we get out of the NFCE cellar that year?.... might be a rhetorical question but anything other than a good season I tend to try to forget....  Anyway, I do recall the pundits and even people here on ES wondering about what we were going to do about the RB situation in 2012 prior to Morris shocking the league...  Royster is fine a RB, I'll give you that but he's not irreplaceable and in my humble opinion, easily upgradeable....  personally, I'll take Redd over him at this point based on what we've seen in preseason...


Ah Yoo outta yo'r MIND??? ackackacackack!!


I might be out of my mind on this..  but yes,, that body of work does include what he did in 11. 

He's a backup, and with a workhorse like Morris ahead of him he's not going to get much work no matter how good he might be.

BUT, what we have is more than one or two plays from last week to look at. (What those two plays DO show is that he's over his injury.)

Folks who think that my craziness on this is based on those two plays just don't know me very well.. i don't typically go off the deep end over small flashes.

We have seen what he can do in regular season against real defenses, and he's shown himself well.


When I watch preseason and make pronouncements like i have in this thread, i's not based  on overall yards, performance against scrubs, etc. a big play here and there.


t's little things, fundamentals,  for example,, last week on the pass play he made, It wasn't that he got open and made a nice play,,   what impressed me was his footwork, and how fast he went from reception to runner, how quickly his feet adjusted downfield and how fluidly he transformed his body from the route runner into the weapon of attack. (and he showed some nice soft hands on that play, supposedly Helu's big advantage.) 

What impressed me was not that he bowled over a linebacker at the 2 to score, but that me made that contact with the linebacker about a foot off th ground, and bent the man over backwards with a solid churn and steady pump of the legs.

Helu doesn't make that play, I believe.  (not that he doesn't score.. he might, but he doesn't make that play. ) Congestion causes him to bounce outside, look for the daylight. I recall on draft day the scouting reports said the same thing,,  give him space he can burn.. but that is what he is. He's not making anyone miss and he's not physical. So far it seems to me that is true.

Royster makes his own daylight.

On other runs this is what I see..   he has the ability to put the hit on, push the pile and break through it to the next level. he does it consistently, and has always done it, going back to PSU. (Helu is what he is, and has always been what he is. One step and speed. Give him space he can be dangerous..  put him in the muck, and i'm not so sure. Royster has the vision to use the field as a Running Back should, not see it as a guy with the ball in his hands. There's a difference.)


And he has done it throughout his career when called upon. (Except when he got hurt.)


We're talking about the backup RB position, and in that no one is irreplaceable. So, IMO you construct your backups behind your starter to offer the most variety of threats with the caveat in mind that they could become the starter on any given play. 

And if THAT happens, you need someone who can shoulder the load, and IMO, of our backups, Royster is that guy.

And not only could he do that, but he can also do the things the others can do, and in my mind, better.


I have not seen anything to show me that Helu is the best guy up. I see he has value, but I don't see what makes it such a no-brainer that he should be so secure in his position.


I like Redd as well, but as with all rookies we don't know how he's going to perform in the spotlight when the big boys play hard. I think we can stash Redd for a year on PS and he'll survive.


So to me this is a competition between Royster and Thompson for a roster spot.

And while folks have said that we'v e only seen one play out of Royster this year to show us anything, i'd say that is one more than Thompson has showed.

If it were up to me, i'd let Thompson go spend the season on someone else's training table, and keep the backs here who spend time on the field playing football.


Royster's on the bubble, and I don't think he should be.







Oh.. PS.. this is my opinion AS OF NOW.

Tonight could change things.

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He's the best back on the roster behind Morris.


I don't even think it's close.

Always goes forward.



I totally agree Bang, he is another tough runner who makes plays. I think at times he would be better in this offense than Helu, but I need to see more of both. I just don't think we should get rid of him yet, give the guy a real chance and lets see what he does in Grudens system.

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i'm on the outs here...


i'm not all that impressed with Royster, despite making some decent plays this pre-season.  i like Helu way more as a downfiely, one-cut style runner who has the ability to break big plays, & we have seen him produce in games when it counts. 


that said...not that i'm head talent evaluator for the Redskins 53, but if push came to shove, & we are dead set on only keeping 3 RB's then i'm going Morris, Redd, & whoever winds up with the bigger stick between Thompson or Seastrunk.  i like Redd more than Royster based soley on youth/potential.  he flashes some real ability, runs hard inside, & can pass-catch effectively.  further, i feel if you try to place Redd or Seastrunk on the PS...they won't make it through waivers. 


i think you may be able to get away with demoting both Royster, & Thompson.  of course...there could be some trade bait handy as well. 


just my 2c.  still think there's a lot to prove out there today.

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I'm just not on the Royster bandwagon. He's flat out not exciting. We have a dependable 3 down back in Morris and I don't see the need to keep a poor version of him with slightly better hands. I would be very disappointed if he makes the team. He's been around as long as Helu and he's shown me nothing that he would be an important cog in the machine.


I would rather keep change of pace backs like Seastrunk and Redd or multi-dimensional ones like Thompson and Helu. 


I mean he touched the ball all of THREE times last year. This is with a regime that's had a history of maximizing talent in the backfield. Helu has at least shown something even though his injury history is definitely worrisome. 


To me I go:





PS: Redd

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