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STATEMENT BY AN NFL SPOKESPERSON: Tanard Jackson suspended indefinitely


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Wonder if Bruce had put a call in to Reed Doughty yet?


oh my god.  every one of our 8 safeties on the roster are going to go down until starting-safety-for-life Reed Doughty is back in there, aren't they?  it is fate.  trying to stop it just puts good men in harms way.

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Moronic NFL players are the worst enemy for the pro-marijuana movement. They act like it's the most addictive substance in the world and destroys lives.


The NFL doesn't help in levying down punishments that make it seem like weed is worse than murder (ahem... Ray Lewis).

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  • I'm a very soft hearted, forgiving person but I have no sympathy at the moment for Tanard Jackson. He and Josh Gordon have to be two of the dumbest human beings on the planet, God blessed this man with the ability to be an NFL players and he has been suspened what, 4 times now? People keep saying it is sad and I understand what they are feeling but after this one I don't feel it is sad any more. It's just plain stupid and unacceptable.I hope that after people get done expressing there disbelief in Jackson's stupidity over the next few day's that we never have to hear this man's name ever again. Ban's for anybody that ever suggests he come back to play again. I am disabled and never had the kind of opportunities this guy and Gordon has had and it just really makes me sick to see them ruin there lives over drugs.


        Sorry for the rant. I was thinking Safety might be a bright spot for us this year and Doughty is as much dependable as Jackson is undependable so I have know problem seeeing him brought back to compete for a spot. If he had Jackson's talent to go along with his heart and work ethic he would be an All-Pro   

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I'm also sick and tired of the moron players who everyone says "needs to get some help" or "life is spiraling out of control and has serious problems"


I've worked in the cannabis industry for years. It is not addictive, it is not harmful. DO NOT remove the blame for the idiots.  If it was alcohol, I sympathize, but not with weed. They're just idiots and not even deserving of free counseling IMO. 

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By week 9, I guarantee there will be at least poster bumping this thread to **** about him not being reinstated yet lol


Nope....not this time, that's it he's done...it's over.  There is no way they are going to ever reinstate him now.  He had his chance, and he pissed it away.   

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I can't say I'm terribly surprised, but I was really hopeful....


Oh well, at least it happened now not at camp or preseason or during the season when he'd be taking reps from other players in the secondary who are serious about playing in the NFL, and then got signed by another team, because he made the team not them.

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I've worked in the cannabis industry for years. It is not addictive, it is not harmful. DO NOT remove the blame for the idiots. If it was alcohol, I sympathize, but not with weed. They're just idiots and not even deserving of free counseling IMO.

It can be addictive in the same way that people can be addicted to gambling, sex, or chocolate. It's a psychological addiction. I've known people who were addicted to marijuana. Typically they are depressed and use pot to self-medicate.
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Guy wins genetic lottery. Guy gets job that only a tiny fraction of the population will ever even be considered for, much less given the opportunity to actually succeed at. Guy does too many stupid things and has this all taken away from him. This could have been a success story. Instead, it's just another dumb guy doing dumb stuff.


Best wishes in life. But, he doesn't deserve another chance to be in the NFL.

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It can be addictive in the same way that people can be addicted to gambling, sex, or chocolate. It's a psychological addiction. I've known people who were addicted to marijuana. Typically they are depressed and use pot to self-medicate.

Just like cigarettes, fast food, soda etc


but the difference is there are no addictive chemicals in marijuana and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about. People take advantage of the "addiction" and "disease" tag as a way to deflect responsibility. The difference between Marijuana and the other things i mentioned is that Marijuana actually does have some medical merit and has been proven to help. This is just another droplet of fuel on the fire for all those uneducated dolts to reaffirm their stance.


People are just dumb. I'm tired of watching these fools knowingly do stupid things and then deny responsibility. If I see Tanard **** and whine about him struggling and such, I will go down there and kick his ass myself (Disclaimer: I will not be going down there to kick his ass myself) 

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I'm also sick and tired of the moron players who everyone says "needs to get some help" or "life is spiraling out of control and has serious problems"


I've worked in the cannabis industry for years. It is not addictive, it is not harmful. DO NOT remove the blame for the idiots.  If it was alcohol, I sympathize, but not with weed. They're just idiots and not even deserving of free counseling IMO. 


There's a difference between physiological dependency and psychological addiction. You can absolutely be addicted to marijuana as well as video games, cheeseburgers, and claw machine arcade games. 

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Obviously if you face a choice:

A. Millions of dollars

B. Weed

And you choose b, you are addicted to weed. It isn't a matter of being stupid. And please give it a rest with the whole "no addictive chemicals" crap. Theres no addictive chemicals in sex, porn, or craps. They can still be addictive.

There is no difference.

Morphine has some medical merit an has been proven to help aswell.

So has oxicodine.

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It's a dang shame. For whatever reason people want to debate, this man was given a second chance, where 99% of people will never get one chance, and let it slip away. No matter if you feel sorry for him, think he is an idiot, or what stance you take it's a shame that a man would let it get this far. I hope God will give this man some peace some day and my heart goes out to his family. What a shame.

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Obviously if you face a choice:

A. Millions of dollars

B. Weed

And you choose b, you are addicted to weed. It isn't a matter of being stupid. And please give it a rest with the whole "no addictive chemicals" crap. Theres no addictive chemicals in sex, porn, or craps. They can still be addictive.

There is no difference.

Morphine has some medical merit an has been proven to help aswell.

So has oxicodine.


Please. Athletes do all sorts of stupid things at the risk of millions of dollars. They do it because they have spent their lives being allowed to do whatever they wanted without repercussions. They were raised as spoiled kids and never grew out of it. They're ego-driven and don't like being told they can't do this and can't do that. They want to be "The man" and the includes doing something stupid or else look like a chump in front of their crew.


That's why million dollar athletes go broke. They don't like the idea of being restricted. 


Don't use weed as a scapegoat for "pride"

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