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Redskins LT Trent Williams via Chris Russell Twitter: 99% of locker room wants [Mike Shanahan] back [in 2014]


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@Russellmania980: Trent Williams says Mike Shanahan is the best football mind he's been around. .says 99% of locker room wants him back. #Redskins

More players came to his defense:

@granthpaulsen: Steiger on Shanny: "If you're looking for a better guy and coach - how he treats players - you're not going to find a better guy than Mike."

@cbaker92redskin: Everybody keeps blaming coach for this season he ain't play 1 snap it's on us to perform and win and we came up short #keepShanahan

A fan then asked #92 if Mike is such a good coach then why does the team have 3 wins:

@cbaker92redskin: @_BigSwaggBearAJ check the stats ****

IMO this is interesting. Do the players REALLY want Mike back or does he have strong support because half these guys shouldn't be on an NFL roster?

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Yeah, cause Trent Williams would be working at McDonalds if it weren't for Shanahan.

It's frustrating seeing preople discredit a report that the players like Shanahan as a coach because it doesn't fit their story. Yet a leaked story that Shanahan is gone at 9:00 tomorrow is seen as gospel. Stop being a sheep.

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Yeah, cause Trent Williams would be working at McDonalds if it weren't for Shanahan.

It's frustrating seeing preople discredit a report that the players like Shanahan as a coach because it doesn't fit their story. Yet a leaked story that Shanahan is gone at 9:00 tomorrow is seen as gospel. Stop being a sheep.

Hahaha what? Trent is the best player on the team right now and arguably a top 5 LT in the league

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IMO this is interesting. Do the players REALLY want Mike back or does he have strong support because half these guys shouldn't be on an NFL roster?



I think they are afraid of having a demanding coach who pushes them to the point of near mental breakdown during training camp rather than one who is too weak-willed to practice outside when there is rain or the temperature is below 60 degrees.


Time to go back to 2 a days, every day, during training camp.

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What is "check the stats" supposed to mean?


I would say it means we played like ****.  But when the team plays like **** it's on the coach to try to adjust things.  He wouldn't change the line, Kyle's play calling was obvious, he just refused to adjust things

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Aside from anything else, they are backing a man that's just lead them to a THREE win season. FOUR years in. And the most loses over that period in Redskins history. 


The irony of that is lost on every player making a complete ass of himself coming out with the support. Fletcher. Williams. The lot of them. 


They want to protect their futures for any future Coach? SAY NOTHING!



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Hahaha what? Trent is the best player on the team right now and arguably a top 5 LT in the league

That's the satire.

People want to point out that the players on the team suck so of course they naturally they support the coach. These guys wouldn't have a job elsewhere if Shanahan hadn't brought them in here.

This quote comes from Trent Williams, when last I checked was the only player to make the Pro Bowl.

It doesn't make sense to break down what Wilkiams has said to turn it against Shanahan to me. Williams probably likes Shanahan and many of the players apparently do as well. So now, the anti-Shanahan folks are ready to just **** all over the whole team to get their point across (that Shanahan ruined this team, in case you missed it).

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Yeah, cause Trent Williams would be working at McDonalds if it weren't for Shanahan.

It's frustrating seeing preople discredit a report that the players like Shanahan as a coach because it doesn't fit their story. Yet a leaked story that Shanahan is gone at 9:00 tomorrow is seen as gospel. Stop being a sheep.

Yeah I'm clearly talking about Williams and not the trash on the roster

Stop it dude

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It's this lady at my job that nobody likes, but she is probably my favorite person at the job. She is kind of bossy abs just rubs people the wrong way. Me personally, she is probably my favorite person at the job because I have worked with her more than most, and I actually did good at my job...

What I am trying to say is that while people on the outside see things and make their own opinions of someone, there are other people in the inside that had developed a personal relationship with that person. So I like the fact that the players are sticking up for Shanahan...

But 24-40 is 24-40.

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Fletcher is set to retire and Trent Williams is a Pro Bowl LT.  What's your excuse for them?


Fletcher wouldn't want to retire trashing his current coach.  T-will is a top guy on this team and he will support whoever is in charge. 


Guys like Chris Baker should shut up

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