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The old guy with a big beard on that A&E show about a bunch of guys who make duck calls got fired (surprise! un-fired!)


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twa and like-minded souls,


Is it your claim that I am precluded from being offended by anything you claim, if the basis for your claim is your religion?  (I'm using the royal "you" there.) 


Is that basically the thrust of this?  "Its my religion" is a get out of jail free card for anything that offends other people?


My "claim" is that employers are bound by law to reasonably accomodate religious belief and speech and practices of employees.

they are further restricted from punishing or disparate treatment of said employees for religious beliefs....and if a complaint is lodged the employer bears the burden of proof of harm.


I can fire,demote,suspend ,or whatever i wish as a employer.....I also have to answer for my actions,both to the authorities and the public.


the more A&E uses his expressing religious beliefs outside the workplace as justification for suspending him the more a case becomes possible.


as you are aware interpretation of law is in flux,no telling what right will be 'found' next


naturally it can be further complicated by contract terms

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Hey, corporations are people, buddy.

And they don't have to like you.



However if they have over 15 employees and are not a religious organization they DO have to tolerate and accommodate my ass if they make the mistake of employing me.


:unsure: .

It's odd to see dyed in the wool extremely pro-business people like TWA supporting the worker (Duck Daddy) over the big business (A&E). 


I support them both.....I wanna see blood

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Phil was on an interview that asked him what he believes to be sins, he answered what he believes to be sins.  People got offended over what Phil believes to be sins.  A&E punishes Phil because people were offended about what he believes to be sins.


He wasnt directing his comment at gays or anybody else, he was merely stating what he, as a catholic, believes.  


No.  If he had said, "I believe homosexuality is a sin" we wouldn't be having this conversation.  He said a lot more than that.  He mocked gay people.  Go look at the quotes.  


“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Read More http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson#ixzz2oiAaOps1


Also, this is just getting swept under the rug:


“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Read More http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson#ixzz2oiAnipzI


This is offensive because it paints the picture of the stupid southern black male, just happy to have some field to work on.  Its wrong to downplay the struggles of african-americans pre-civil-rights.  Its offensive to claim they were happier before they had the same rights as everyone else.  If you don't know, before the civil rights movement, when Phil claims blacks were "godly," was a little thing called "segregation."  To even insinuate things were better for black americans under separate but equal is offensive.


For the record, I'm a catholic, and now I'm offended even more by him, assuming you're right that he is.  Although, just from the way he discusses the Bible, I don't think he is a catholic.  


Let's not pretend he just said "I think homosexuality is a sin."  He said a lot more.  It was offensive.  It should be offensive to a lot of people.  A&E took action based on the FACT that a whole lot of people were going to be offended by these comments.  They were legally permitted to do it.  There's no free speech angle to this.  It was offensive.

My "claim" is that employers are bound by law to reasonably accomodate religious belief and speech and practices of employees.

they are further restricted from punishing or disparate treatment of said employees for religious beliefs....and if a complaint is lodged the employer bears the burden of proof of harm.


I can fire,demote,suspend ,or whatever i wish as a employer.....I also have to answer for my actions,both to the authorities and the public.


the more A&E uses his expressing religious beliefs outside the workplace as justification for suspending him the more a case becomes possible.


as you are aware interpretation of law is in flux,no telling what right will be 'found' next


naturally it can be further complicated by contract terms


Holy **** man, there's no legal case.  Get over it.

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That's the glory of freedom...I get to choose what I determine to be hateful & offensive, and opine with my wallet.

Since I pay for A&E through cable, I guess it gets my support, to a degree.  But that channel is absolutely never watched, so then again, it doesn't.

I buy, & will continue to buy Redskins gear, even though some people find it hateful & offensive.  It's my choice.


He chose to opine.  A&E chose not to be sued by someone who was offended.  If it happened to the Redskins, it could definitely happen to a TV network, so from a legal stance, they chose to not #standwithphil.

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I wonder if people have as many redneck friends as I do after being raised in DC.


Redneck is a descriptor, which is only taken as a negative by people, who have only come across a small sample of redneck people.


Rednecks fish, hunt, and do all kinds of crazy stuff all the time, that many urban people would have zero interest in. Being a redneck does not make you ignorant, intolerant, or racist. Don't get me wrong there are certainly those people out there also, but they are from exvery demograph imaginable.  


OT: A question that has been posted here before was about the dixie/rebel flag, and how it makes people feel. One of the people that defended the flag is clearly not a racist, and white. Now that person may be a redneck...but not really.

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Belief in magic will not stand the test of time.

Oh my goodness you did it! After 2,000 years you're the first to ever call Christianity and the existence of God magic....








*looks around*

Oh, nevermind, as you were.

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I wonder if people have as many redneck friends as I do after being raised in DC.


OT: A question that has been posted here before was about the dixie/rebel flag, and how it makes people feel. One of the people that defended the flag is clearly not a racist, and white. Now that person may be a redneck...but not really.

You can call me redneck. I can pee/poop in the woods with the best of 'em.  I've held more than my share of barf bags, and can round up cattle, pigs, or chickens.


I also know what every single piece of anything is used for on the most formal of dining tables.


Just what is your point?  That people can't or shouldn't learn new stuff? 

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Just what is your point?  That people can't or shouldn't learn new stuff? 


Point being, just because someone is a redneck doesn't make them klan members, uncultured or ignorant.


You and I are about the same age. My best friend through elementary school was a redneck through and through. We would ride bikes together, walk to school together, go to monster truck events, hell, our parents would even make meals for either of us if we were visiting the other.

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Sorry, I misinterpreted...like must've skipped that whole part of your post that was right there...dude, uber stupid of me.  Sorry again! 



We're cool.


I love that my circle of friends incorporate all types. Once you have that broad base and perspective, your eyes are open to all kinds of potential situations.

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