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The old guy with a big beard on that A&E show about a bunch of guys who make duck calls got fired (surprise! un-fired!)


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I don't embrace or support that practice. However it is not illegal.

Parental consent is what is needed in those situations. If all parties involved are in agreement...especially the young ladies parents...so be it.

Wow, justification on the basis of legality.

***bangs head on desk.........repeatedly***

Parental consent is bull****, not every parent have their children's best interest in mind.

And apparently for the Duck Commanders they just need a free hired hand.

Hey, is it wrong to ask the parents to provide a dowry too?

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Why not, seems this guy agrees with a lot of polices with our friends over there.


He has a nice Taliban beard too, as well as many shared beliefs.

I guess this is the one time Phil is talking from experience.


He was 18 when he started dating his future wife.


She was 14.


What's the statute of limitation on child rape?

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I guess this is the one time Phil is talking from experience.


He was 18 when he started dating his future wife.


She was 14.


You sure about that?....or just more shoddy reporting



This material is right there in Phil Robertson's autobiography, "Happy, Happy, Happy," which has been out since last May. I have it in my Kindle. At page 52:

Miss Kay was the perfect woman for me. I was sixteen and she was fifteen when we were married.




What do we want to say about high school sweethearts marrying (in a world where most of us seem to accept them having sexual intercourse)? She loses her father and her boyfriend closes in on her, limiting her life choices and not really ready to be a man and treat her right. But she sticks to the path she chose, and she makes good, the way wives have traditionally done, and few young women are inclined to do these days.

Here's how Slate's Amanda Marcotte presents the story: "Phil Robertson Says Girls Should Be Married Off at '15 or 16.'" The headline is bad, because "married off" expresses the point of view of the parents of a young woman. Robertson spoke from the perspective of a man looking for a wife who will treat him well. Marcotte goes on to speak from this perspective, but she gets that wrong by assuming he was addressing older men: "His advice for a happy marriage is to make like R. Kelly and hang out in high-school parking lots."

Should 2 teenagers — close in age — marry? We've drifted toward no, I think, mostly because we accept sex outside of marriage, which we do in large part because of birth control (and abortion) and the various sexual practices that don't lead to pregnancy, including the anal sex that we know Phil Robertson can't get his mind around. Before we sneer at the idea that teenagers should marry, we need to be honest about what we are accepting.

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Gee look how much skinnier and younger they were in those pictures.  I mean come on Asbury.  Maybe the president got fat for the show too.


They had beards long before the contract was signed.


But integrity isn't something your posts care about.

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Gee look how much skinnier and younger they were in those pictures. I mean come on Asbury. Maybe the president got fat for the show too.

They had beards long before the contract was signed.

But integrity isn't something your posts care about.

This isn't about fat and skinny this is about an act to sell duck calls. Do you seriously believe this suburbanite millionaire family just decided that the redneck lifestyle was the life for them?

BTW, I never said they grew the beards for A&E...I said they grew the beards to sell merchandise.

He's right there with this down home redneck....and just like this guy their whole schtick is a marketing ploy.


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This isn't about fat and skinny this is about an act to sell duck calls. Do you seriously believe this suburbanite millionaire family just decided that the redneck lifestyle was the life for them?

BTW, I never said they grew the beards for A&E...I said they grew the beards to sell merchandise.

He's right there with this down home redneck....


You are posting pics from different eras/generations.

They didn't get on A&E because they grew a beard or gained weight.  You are just wrong.


I am not saying the show isn't scripted.  Not sure why you care.

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You are posting pics from different eras/generations.

They didn't get on A&E because they grew a beard or gained weight. You are just wrong.

I am not saying the show isn't scripted. Not sure why you care.

First, typically people go from looking like the duck dynasty crew to the clean cut crew when they get rich...when they go the other way around people tend to ask why.

Second, you're misusing the word generations, because each successive family level is a generation, and era is not synonymous with generation.

Third, well duh, it would be pointless to show pictures of their current look to contrast them to their current look...so obviously you have to look back in time. That's kinda the point.

Fourth, why do I care? Because people believe it, and it's just as fake as Larry the Cable Guy.

Fifth, as for scripted, check out the stories regarding the level of non-disclosure agreements that the crew are required to sign. If their life is so authentic and real then why the secrecy? Why the make-over?

But then yeah, I'm not interested in integrity and honesty.

Sixth, "grow beards and put on weight", honestly you just don't get it, it's the whole persona, the whole act, the whole redneck schtick that they adopted that's why they got put on tv.

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First, typically people go from looking like the duck dynasty crew to the clean cut crew when they get rich...when they go the other way around people tend to ask why.

Second, you're misusing the word generations, because each successive family level is a generation, and era is not synonymous with generation.

Third, well duh, it would be pointless to show pictures of their current look to contrast them to their current look...so obviously you have to look back in time. That's kinda the point.

Fourth, why do I care? Because people believe it, and it's just as fake as Larry the Cable Guy.

Fifth, as for scripted, check out the stories regarding the level of non-disclosure agreements that the crew are required to sign. If their life is so authentic and real then why the secrecy? Why the make-over?

But then yeah, I'm not interested in integrity and honesty.


Dude, post a picture of you in high school, marriage, and now.


You are being dishonest.  Don't play that any other way.


Dishonesty isn't something I prefer to play in.


Those pics were LONG before the show and if it's your implication that they weren't you are lying and dishonest.


Don't be that way.

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Believe what you want chip...call me a liar if you want. I'm not the one scamming their customers and audience.

But you just have to ask yourself one question; why did all of the men in one family suddenly adopt the same exact look, a look that by all accounts is not part of their history? Why? One brother decides to grow a bread, fine. Two...ok. But the whole bunch, all around the same time?

Really now.

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Well if you have evidence the beards were grown for the A&E show, prove it or admit you are a liar.

Putting words in my mouth and you call me a liar, when you simply are demonstrating a reading comprehension problem?

Seriously, go back and READ what I wrote...read it so that way you won't look silly posting stuff like you just did.

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Putting words in my mouth and you call me a liar, when you simply are demonstrating a reading comprehension problem?

Seriously, go back and READ what I wrote...read it so that way you won't look silly posting stuff like you just did.


Authenticy and Integrity your post had neither.  It wasn't your first post to imply the look was to create millions.

I mean even thinking logically....REALLY?


I know what you posted.

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Authenticy and Integrity your post had neither.  It wasn't your first post to imply the look was to create millions.

I mean even thinking logically....REALLY?


I know what you posted.

Oh I absolutely believe they adopted the look to sell merchandise, and because of the look they adopted to sell merchandise A&E picked them up for a faux-reality show.

What exactly do you find illogical about people doing something to make more money?

Larry the Cable Guy did the same exact thing, is that illogical to suggest he converted his look to portray a character to make money?

Yet, apparently, when all the men in a family do the same thing that's illogical.

Seriously though, I'm done being called a liar by you tonight.

You've offered no counter evidence, you defend them by calling me dishonest and a liar, you've repeatedly put words in my mouth.

You have fun believing their act.

Good night.

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Seriously though, I'm done being called a liar by you tonight.

You've offered no counter evidence, you defend them by calling me dishonest and a liar, you've repeatedly put words in my mouth.

You have fun believing their act.

Good night.


I already posted a link in this thread stating when Phil Robertson grew his beard.  LONG before the show.  You ignored it and continue to post old family photos.  I will post it again for you.  http://www.examiner.com/article/willie-robertson-of-duck-dynasty-reveals-reason-behind-their-long-beards

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I already posted a link in this thread stating when Phil Robertson grew his beard.  LONG before the show.  You ignored it and continue to post old family photos.  I will post it again for you.  http://www.examiner.com/article/willie-robertson-of-duck-dynasty-reveals-reason-behind-their-long-beards

You also ignored the fact that, near as I can tell, he has never once said that they grew the beard for the show.

In fact, I think he's stated exactly the opposite, several times, now.

And, near as I can tell, you've ignored it, every single time, and continued to pretend he said something he didn't. (Well, until today, when you decided, instead, to claim that A&E's decision to create a show about them had nothing to do with their beards.)

This may come as a shock, but the definition of "liar" isn't "somebody who I made up something he hasn't said, that isn't true"

Granted, this thread really became a dead horse along about page 2 or so, but give it a rest. Please?

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You sure about that?....or just more shoddy reporting



This material is right there in Phil Robertson's autobiography, "Happy, Happy, Happy," which has been out since last May. I have it in my Kindle. At page 52:

Miss Kay was the perfect woman for me. I was sixteen and she was fifteen when we were married.









The high school sweethearts started dating when Kay was just 14 and got married in 1966 when she was 16.


Considering Phil was born in 1946 and his wife was born in 1950 (according to wikipedia), he would have been 20 and she 16 when they married. Go back 2 years, and he was 18 and she was 14 when they first started dating.

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