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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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There are plenty who do like Hillary though. She's plenty smart, accomplished, about as experienced as an Oval Office candidate can be, and she reminds them of a better time.. The biggest worry for me, ironically, is the old boy's club. Seems these people have been entrenched too long and too long exposed or corrupted by influencers, power, and money.


I think she is corrupt to the core; just like Bill is. Both people value money: making, getting and keeping it.  Nothing else, really.  I fully expect there some major financial scandal that will derail her second term. Heck, it will not shock me to see her become the first president to be impeached and removed from office.

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Just idle speculation, here.  But I wonder if Obama's proposal to normalize relations with Cuba, affects the balance in Florida.  n


Note for outsiders:  Florida is a different state from pretty much the rest of the US. 


In the rest of the US, "Hispanic" mostly means "Mexican", and they vote Democrat.  in Florida, "Hispanic" often means "Cuban", and they vote Republican.  (Last I read, Hispanics vote Republican 70%, in Florida.) 


And the Cubans hate the Mexicans, and their #1 legislative agenda is to never lift the embargo with Cuba.  Which Obama is proposing to do. 


Does this action cause Florida to shift?  Maybe from "tossup" to "leans Republican"?  (Or were the Cubans already voting R, anyway?) 


Possibly, although even if Florida shifts back to Republican, if you take the 2012 electoral map, you still have the Democrats with > 300 EVs   




According to Gallup, about 60% of the U.S. population is for lifting the embargo (with 30% against, 10% no opnion), so its possible that it actually Democrats in other battleground states




Edit: I found another article which suggests that the backlash against Obama/Democrats even among the Cuban-American community, to be minimal or possibly even have a positive effect.  Of course this is that liberal rag NPR so I guess you'll have to take that into consideration



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Heh, speaking of data breaches...




Three-quarters of all government Web and mobile applications fail their initial security reviews, making it the worst-performing vertical -- and government agencies are also the slowest at fixing vulnerabilities, according to a new report released today by Veracode.



The whole conversation about data breaches is so infuriating to me, because the government (and defense contractors) have successfully spun this narrative that "it's really hard" and therefore they get cut slack when this stuff happens.


The IT sector (across the board) is suffering from a severe lack of talent. This is reason 1a why this is such a problem. There's a lot of people in this field that have no business being in this field but they get away with it because there's too much work and not enough people.


Reason 1b? People don't actually care about security, it's just lip service. Security means access to things becomes more cumbersome and slower. Security means everyone has to follow a set of stringent rules. Security means you have to pay for the right equipment, this includes upgrading old ass systems that are inherently flawed.


People don't want to do those things. So security falls to the wayside for the sake of convenience. Then when something happens everyone goes "oh man this security thing, it's so hard"


The beautiful thing about IT, from programmers to people in charge of securing/storing data, to the desktop support, all the way up the line... things are not magical, there's a trail for everything, there's an explanation for everything.


Un-patched systems, sloppy programming, poor access control mechanisms (or not following the ones you have in place), and an entire system (government contracting) that is designed not to provide the best of the best to our government but instead to suck every last tax payer dollar out of the system.


Hillary Clinton as Secretary of state was allowed to forward her state department email out of their system to her own system not managed by the state department and most people didn't bat an eye. It's become another stupid political talking point where people on one side scream about how important it is (while ignoring their own 'kind' that do the same thing), and people on the other side just ridicule those complaining for various reasons. But no one actually cares.


It's not hard.


People just don't care. Quick pretending you/they do.

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Looks like the lardass bully from Jersey could get in next week.



Feel like his window has passed. Got caught up in some controversies. Might be better to bide his time. At one point, I thought he was interesting. He was at least willing to work with everyone and didn't seem such a slave to party.


Nothing wrong with a bully in the White House. Some of our best Presidents have been gruff.

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Just idle speculation, here.  But I wonder if Obama's proposal to normalize relations with Cuba, affects the balance in Florida.  n


Note for outsiders:  Florida is a different state from pretty much the rest of the US. 


In the rest of the US, "Hispanic" mostly means "Mexican", and they vote Democrat.  in Florida, "Hispanic" often means "Cuban", and they vote Republican.  (Last I read, Hispanics vote Republican 70%, in Florida.) 


And the Cubans hate the Mexicans, and their #1 legislative agenda is to never lift the embargo with Cuba.  Which Obama is proposing to do. 


Does this action cause Florida to shift?  Maybe from "tossup" to "leans Republican"?  (Or were the Cubans already voting R, anyway?) 

The Cubans who voted for Obama weren't voting for Hillary anyway.  So I don't think his attempt at normalizing relations with Cuba affects anything really.  Though it may get Jeb some extra cash down the road.

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Looks like every Republican in the country is running for President. Why not I suppose. The crop of Republican candidates runs the gamut between incredibly unelectable, and only mildly unelectable.


I'm personally rooting for Trump to get the nomination, but only because late night comedy shows would be absolute gold.

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Disappointed we have to wait until August for the first debate. Gotta include everyone, it's only fair. :)

I hope the introductions includes a clown car driving onto stage and everyone filing out when their name is called :)

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Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker are the only serious candidates capable of raising the money and building the brand to win the nomination. Walker isn't in and is going to have strong negatives when/if he does get in. And Ted Cruz has zero shot at winning the general. His negatives would be off the charts, even among moderate Republicans. There would be no energy outside the most conservative part of the base, and he would be SURE to energize liberals. There is just no way his campaign couldn't.

I don't think the GoP is so divided that they would be willing to throw away the WH by nominating Cruz. It's between Jeb and Rubio, and Jeb is the one with bigger support in Florida... He is the best candidate the GoP can nominate, by far. The best one they have had going back several elections. Might be the best candidate period. He would slaughter Bernie Sanders and give Hilary everything she could handle. He's a better politician than her and her negatives are going to be higher than his. And I think his campaign has better talent running it.

It'll be interesting to see how divided the GoP still is. I don't fully discount the tea party having the power to undermine Bush's campaign by making the field run so far right that even Sanders could run center on them. And I don't discount them being foolish enough to do it. But I don't know... It just feels like the GoP is going to try and move back towards the center for this election. Particularly on social agendas. At least superficially.

And the Democrats could be a lot more divided than they have been the past eight yeas. Sanders's popularity is clear evidence of that. Not sure Hilary is a strong enough leader and candidate to unite the party like Obama did.

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Jim Webb, we hardly knew ya




Webb defends use of Confederate flag


“The Confederate Battle Flag has wrongly been used for racist and other purposes in recent decades,” Webb said. “It should not be used in any way as a political symbol that divides us.”

“Honorable Americans fought on both sides in the Civil War,” he added.

Webb was the first potential candidate to launch an exploratory committee for next year’s White House race, though he’d face a steep climb to a Democratic nomination. Front-runner Hillary Clinton has strongly backed recent moves to remove the Confederate flag from positions of prominence.

Webb urged Americans to respect the bravery and heroism of individual Confederate and Union soldiers during the Civil War.

"It was in recognition of the character of soldiers on both sides that the federal government authorized the construction of the Confederate Memorial 100 years ago, on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery,” Webb said.



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This is my formal ES announcement that I too am making a run at the GOP nomination. I am currently seeking another poster to be my VP. Any takers?

Let's shake up the slate, Slateman and go for multiple blocks at once. I suggest you pick Asbury skins fan. He'll give you the religious voters, the Kentucky block, and he may even steal some liberals away.

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Let's shake up the slate, Slateman and go for multiple blocks at once. I suggest you pick Asbury skins fan. He'll give you the religious voters, the Kentucky block, and he may even steal some liberals away.

You need to go further right to win the base. I'm thinking Redskins3D or twa.

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