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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I oppose Common Core and believe we should abolish the federal department of education. Retweet of you agree!



I'm not sure "Common Sense" is going to help students catch up to other 1st World Countries pumping out smarter citizens.




IDK, wtf he is doing. the anti-common core crowd isn't going his way, they have already picked Cruz. He really should have kept his comfy Sunday night gig at fox news. Unless he felt he had to run to stay relevant. I like him as a guy, but he turned into  a politician and it's sad to see. He trying to chase votes and he's not even doing a good job. 

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Looks like Bernie has a battle to get on the New Hampshire ballot.  Maybe, he should become a full fledged Democrat if he wants to run for the Democratic nomination. This is the one state where I think Bernie could win big because New Hampshire loves to do that sort of thing.  Will Hillary and her minions make sure Bernie doesn't qualify?



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Looks to me like it won't be an issue.

From the link . . .

Sanders does have many factors in his favor, and remains a virtual lock to get on the New Hampshire ballot: The Democratic National Committee has welcomed him into the Democratic race without qualification. Sanders has caucused with the Democrats for the past 25 years and has held top committee positions within the party — he’s now Senate Budget Committee ranking member and served as Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman when the Democrats were in the majority. In Vermont, he’s voted in Democratic presidential primaries.

He also has the unqualified support of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, which would be allowed to make its case to a bipartisan commission in the event of a challenge. “The New Hampshire Democratic Party considers Bernie Sanders a Democratic candidate for President and we will work to satisfy any requirements to make sure he’s on the ballot in February,” said state party chairman Ray Buckley.

People in New Hampshire also note that it would be a political nightmare for the state to ban Sanders — who is receiving more than 30 percent support from New Hampshire Democratic voters according to two polls this week — from the ballot. “It would cause all sorts of negative feedback if Sanders was banned for the ballot, no matter if there technically was a legal case or not,” said University of New Hampshire political science professor Dante Scala.

Sanders has said several times that he will win in New Hampshire, and his campaign doesn’t seem unduly concerned about getting on the ballot.

Said spokesman Michael Briggs: “We don’t think it’s going to be an issue.”

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I like what ol' Bernie had to say on Real Time.

A lot of people like what Bernie is saying. He is a serious challenger. Check out the crowds he's drawing:


And here's a story about the Bill Maher Interview, with video:


And a quote, "What the campaign is about is a very radical idea. We’re going to tell the truth, and the truth is that for forty years the middle-class in this country has been disappearing, and there has been a huge transfer of wealth from working families to the top one-tenth of one percent, and what the people of this country are saying is enough is enough. Our government and our country belong to all of us and not just a few billionaires.”

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I come from a family of farmers in MD.  My family of farmers have lots of wealth on paper, their land is worth millions of dollars.  From of cash perspective they are poor.  Farmers don't sell their land, they pass it on to their kids.  They aren't fancy figs on a plate kind a folk, they are hard working, up before the crack of dawn blue collar folk.  Of course, once the tax man cometh, and farmer folk die, the land must be sold.


Tell them to look into an LLC or a trust.  It isn't even all that hard.  They can start to transfer the land to their children before they die with conditions in place.  This can be done slowly to avoid taxes, but it isn't the same as gifting it because the children can't do whatever they want with the land/farm.


The parents can maintain control until their death.  They can also be useful in terms of limiting legal liability and can then help protect the assets against law suits so have uses beyond estate planning.


To s0crates, most locales recognize farm land for what it is and have a different property tax associated with it.


It is taxed, but at a lower rate.

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Dems - 247, needs 23

Repubs - 206, needs 64




Tossups:  Nevada - 6, Colorado- 9, Iowa- 6, New Hampshire 4, Ohio- 18, Virginia- 13, Floirda- 29


If you agree with Larry S's assumptions; not much wiggle room.  If you don't, then list what other state would be a tossup would flip. The only one that could flip would be Wisconsin if Walker is the nominee but he's not exactly doing well there right now.


Hillary needs to win 2 of the smaller tossup states and one of the larger tossup states to win.

The Republican candidate needs to win all 3 big tossup states and one small tossup states.


In reality; the race could come down to just 3 states. I figure the Repubs will win at least one of those small tossup states but they absolutely have to win Ohio, Florida and Virginia or Ohio, Florida and flip either Michigan or Pennsylvania.   Doubtful they flip any states unless they get Walker to win them Wisconson- 10. Then they would need to win 2 small tossup states.


My guess the campaign is Ohio, Florida and Virginia.  Repubs don't win that, election is over. You will also know pretty quickly if that's the case. I think by 9pm; they could declare Hillary the winner.

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Are farms really worth that much? How do farmers pay their property tax?

Is it possible for the law to distinguish some assets from others for the purposes of inheritance?

Just pipe in because this is something I know about from being in property tax.


At least in NM, and I suspect Maryland is similar, Ag gets a huge subsidy in terms of property tax.  Farmland for which the real value has long ago been in development gets taxed at its ability to produce ag income, or some approximation.

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You mean Hillary or Bernie?

Come on Bernie is drawing huge crowds and polling at 40%, just a few percentage points behind her.


I can't wait for the DNC debates


Everyone is excited for the republican circus; but the DNC will be where it's at. Hillary is going to come off as the fake politician she is..if Bernie pushes. 


Bern: So Mrs. Clinton you're pro gay marriage, since when?  

Hill: When it started polling above 50%, in battle ground states, 2013. 


Bern: In 2003, you stated you were adamantly against illegal immigration, is that your position today. 

Hill: No, sir. Times change.

Bern: you're referring again to polling. 

Hill: Yes. 

Bern: You don't think liberal voters will have a problem with this? 

Hill: They don't know any better. Either one of us would win 40% of the Hispanic vote either way. You just happen to be one person the DNC could find older and more unattractive than me.

Bern: **** my life. 


Ok, Mrs. Clinton you may ask Senator Sanders a question:


Hill: Would you like to be in my cabinet? Nothing serious, don't get crazy, but health and human services something like that? Just email my people. 

Bern: **** my life. 

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You mean Hillary or Bernie?

Come on Bernie is drawing huge crowds and polling at 40%, just a few percentage points behind her.

Howard Dean looked good at one point in 2004.


I'll go ahead and say that Bernie wins New Hampshire.  The Libs will feel good but then reality will set in.  Do they really think they can win a national election with Bernie Sanders or do they go with the safer choice Hillary, despite all her flaws?   I think Hillary wins that and the Dem voters go with their heads after New Hampshire. 



If Hillary loses the nomination; it will not be to Bernie Sanders.  What will happen is that in early fall; Hillary is not only polling behind the Top Republican candidates, but almost all of them. Even someone like George Pataki.  That would prompt the entry of one or more candidates like an Al Gore or John Kerry or Elizabeth Warren or Karen Gilabrand, etc..  People who stayed out because of Hillary would then reconsider and enter the race.

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Have to admit... that was pretty funny, 3D. Now, do one for Cruz.

Well, on the issues, Cruz is going to sound good. He's smart and eloquent. That said:


Moderator: Senator Cruz, Our polling suggest, despite the President providing his birth certificate, 100% of your supporters claim President Obama is not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of the Presidency; do you share these beliefs?


Cruz: Listen, Ted, is that why we're here? To talk about my Birth Certificate? The Lord has entrusted us to care for our nation and this what we're talking about? 


Moderator: Well, Senator, the "birther" conspiracy was/ is a major issue for your supporters: the question of what defines an American and what defines a "natural-born citizen". Why do you feel you supporters questioned the President but do not have a problem with you being born in Canada.  


Cruz: Well, I mean...


Moderator: ? 


Cruz: C'mon (laughter) ...I mean...C'mon (laughter).

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To Mr. Cruz and Mr. Rubio;


>>For all the problems with the name Bush; how to reconcile the fact that having hispanic names may not play well with some of the Republican electorate?<<


I would love to see a moderator ask that question because I think in the Republican primary; there will be some people that will not consider them, simply due to their race.

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