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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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5 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

Oh horse**** Rudy! That mother****er has had no problems talking about the Clinton foundation. I believe he said she should be indicted over it.

I heard somebody say that all of the GOP presidential nominees from the last three elections probably talk about how they pass Rudy around like a nympho cheerleader at a post game keg party when they get together.

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7 minutes ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

Holy ****... What are these things I'm feeling when I see W? Is it...appreciation and respect? That can't be right. What's going on here?? So confused.

Both he and his family have been involved in some good work since he left office. 


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8 minutes ago, visionary said:

Both he and his family have been involved in some good work since he left office. 


I got to say, even at it's worse, I never thought of W as a bad person. Not smart, wrong, gullible, completely unfit to be president, sure. But vile and deplorable? No. And I see him now and compared to Trump, it just stands out so much more. And Trump's loathsomeness and repulsiveness also stands out even more in contrast. 

The real question though: Cheney or Trump? And even then I'm taking Cheney. Without hesitation. 

Maybe I'm wrong but I'm taking "passionate" neo conservatism over slimey crypto-fascist nationalism. All day. One is the ****ization and exploitation of what I hold to be our true American values and the other one is the complete destruction of those same values. And you can't clean up aisle 2 if it no longer exists.



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1 hour ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

I never thought I would miss George W. Bush.


I don't miss him at all but I do have just a little sympathy for him. It has to be tough to live with the fact that your decisions cost hundreds of thousands of civilian lives and also thousands of young American troops and he has a constant reminder seeing the ripple effect of those decisions every day. That's something you don't ever get over unless you don't have a conscience. He also continues to be a pariah in his party, turned his family name into a joke and basically cost his brother any chance at higher office. 

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3 minutes ago, AJ* said:


I don't miss him at all but I do have just a little sympathy for him. It has to be tough to live with the fact that your decisions cost hundreds of thousands of civilian lives and also thousands of young American troops and he has a constant reminder seeing the ripple effect of those decisions every day. That's something you don't ever get over unless you don't have a conscience. He also continues to be a pariah in his party, turned his family name into a joke and basically cost his brother any chance at higher office. 

Saw this earlier today.  No idea how true it is, but I thought it was interesting.


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6 minutes ago, Bliz said:

What on earth is Rudy talking about?  The Clinton foundation sold 20% of our uranium to Russia?  That makes so little sense in so many different ways I don't even know where to begin

Another conspiracy theory. Forwarded by InfoWars and Breitbart (along with others). SovCits really bought into it. They were posting that endlessly during the Malheur takeover.  It's been severely debunked,but typical of the Trump campaign,they'll keep puking it out of their mouth because they know the conspiracy part of their base,(which means a lot of them),will be good lemmings and believe it and forward it. 

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10 minutes ago, visionary said:

Saw this earlier today.  No idea how true it is, but I thought it was interesting.



I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. GWB was an idiot but he didn't seem like a man that lacked empathy which is why I think his decisions are going to haunt him all the way to his grave. I like to think he was the kind of man that could be easily manipulated into rushing into war by heartless neocons instead of actually being a neocon himself.

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