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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I'm not asking to be snide or in a rhetorical way. I'm honestly just curious what you want and what is important to you because so far it seems like all you've talked about is what ISN'T important to you and what you DON'T like.


It's simple, a plan for economic growth.  All the rest of this nonsense is party wrangling.  Grow the economy, tax that economy, we all win.

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If I was Kasich, Rubio or Walker, I would go at Jeb and completely ignore Trump. Not even acknowledge him on stage


I don't disagree with that. I think the problem is getting enough time to do that and not look like Bachmann whining for attention. "Anderson...ANDERSON".


Some guys will see this as their must-happen moment. So, ignoring Trump will be hard if he's in the middle and getting a lot of focus. Stay aimed at Bush. But what if the question is based on something Huckabee or Cruz said which is really out there? 



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If I was Kasich, Rubio or Walker, I would go at Jeb and completely ignore Trump. Not even acknowledge him on stage

Walker has to, Trump has already attacked him.  If you get attacked by Trump on stage and don't respond; you look weak and timid.  If you are called out on something, you have to respond.


Tim Pawlenty didn't that last time around and it help in sinking his campaign.

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Jeb Bush’s Camp Sees an Upside to Donald Trump’s Surge in the G.O.P.


WASHINGTON — It may be the Summer of Trump, but the publicity-hungry real estate magnate is not the only Republican presidential candidate relishing all his attention.
Donald J. Trump’s surge in the polls has been met with barely concealed delight by Jeb Bush and his supporters. Mr. Trump’s bombastic ways have simultaneously made it all but impossible for those vying to be the alternative to Mr. Bush to emerge, and easier for Mr. Bush, the former Florida governor, to position himself as the serious and thoughtful alternative to a candidate who has upended the early nominating process.
With little indication that his support is slipping and the promise of the center stage at Thursday’s debate, Mr. Trump has essentially frozen the rest of the field.
“The longer it goes, the greater the panic is going to build,” said Alex Castellanos, a longtime Republican strategist. “And that means you may not have the luxury to flirt with an undeveloped, budding candidate. Trump has set the Republican Party on fire, and if you’re going to put that fire out you don’t have time to waste. You’re going to have to grab the biggest blanket you got and throw it, and right now that’s Jeb.”
Many Republican officials, while acknowledging that Mr. Trump has tapped into the current of anti-establishment anger, believe he has little chance to ultimately win the nomination. The broad attention given to his position atop national polls overshadows more worrisome indicators for him, including the substantial number of potential primary voters who say they would not support him under any circumstances.
But for the moment he is depriving many of the other 16 Republican candidates of the political oxygen they need to win attention from grass-roots supporters in early nominating states and commitments from fence-riding donors.
That mainly helps Mr. Bush, who can quietly continue to build his daunting advantages in money and organization while his would-be challengers struggle to break through.


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Walker has to, Trump has already attacked him.  If you get attacked by Trump on stage and don't respond; you look weak and timid.  If you are called out on something, you have to respond.


Tim Pawlenty didn't that last time around and it help in sinking his campaign.

This is probably the mindset the other candidates are going to have going into it, and it's going to provide the rest of us with a great comedy show.


There's a much better way to deal with it, but I think only 1-3 of the candidates are capable of doing it.


Trump's 'attacks' are the equivalent of 5th grade put downs. If you can't deal with that in a reasonable way then you probably shouldn't be president.

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This is probably the mindset the other candidates are going to have going into it, and it's going to provide the rest of us with a great comedy show.


There's a much better way to deal with it, but I think only 1-3 of the candidates are capable of doing it.


Trump's 'attacks' are the equivalent of 5th grade put downs. If you can't deal with that in a reasonable way then you probably shouldn't be president.


You mean calling somebody a "dummy" isn't a good political strategy? 

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You mean calling somebody a "dummy" isn't a good political strategy? 


I didn't think it was.


But there's a lot of people attracted to that level of critical thinking, just look at the polls. Trump's taking the TV tactic - appeal to the lowest common denominator. Over a year out it seems to be working.

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I see the Hillary crush hasn't faded for some posters. How else would you explain 99.9% of their posts on this thread being centered on her?


BTW - the GOP debate is going to be entertaining as hell. 


Meh....I don't think there are a bunch of pro-Clinton folks here. I know I'm not. I think she'll win for being the least ****ty of all the turds who have a realistic shot to make a general. That's not saying much.


Yeah, people are hoping the debate is Summerslam. I think some will try to maintain their composure. I think others are going to lose their **** early. 

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Gotta love it.





But there's also a lesson here for the broader mainstream media, which needs to get over its blind hatred of the Clintons. It not only leads to gross failures in journalism, but ends up being a massive distraction from the actual scrutiny Hillary Clinton deserves.

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I'm no Hillary fan or hater (mild dislike similar to my feelings on Romney minus religion), but I'd expect to see her function as sort of an opposite v. Obama or Bush 2 in regards to management---more as a very competent "CEO" type of CIC--still holding to her liberal agenda (or just "her agenda" if you prefer) within that, of course.

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Your implied point seemed to be that she shouldn't be talking about minimum wage because she's never made it. Well, shouldn't you apply that standard to pretty much any political argument then, if you're going to apply it to that one? That's why I brought up the abortion thing. Should people who have never had to make that choice be advocating one way or the other then, if people who haven't made minimum wage shouldn't be advocating one way or the other regarding it?


Interesting point.  I guess I would say that anybody who has had children has had to make that choice.  Some have decided to have an abortion and some have deiced not to have an abortion.   I think all of them have made that choice though.  

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