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ESPN 980 unveils new afternoon radio show, "The Drive with Cooley and Czabe"


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Can anyone recap what was said with RGIII?


What do you do in your free time/what was it like having your offseason so packed with stuff/what is it like for you when Shanahan wants to talk to you in his office, are you scared or nervous or anything/etc, etc...


Cooley talked with Griffin about drawing nekkid ladies during team meetings lol...how he got in trouble with Gibbs for drinking too much on the flight back from a game (said the vets egged him on)...how RG3's rehab routine was insane, he's be reabbing during meetings lol...


Stuff like that there.

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Cooley talked with Griffin about drawing nekkid ladies during team meetings lol...how he got in trouble with Gibbs for drinking too much on the flight back from a game (said the vets egged him on)...


Cooley is just a dude's dude for that kind of stuff  :lol: .  Reminds me of my YOUNG/single military days before I had to set an example and stuff ;) .  I didn't hear the interview, but I'm waiting right now to listen to Sheehan's sitdown.


As an aside, I'm glad Scott Jackson told Sheehan to get bent on the whole "Super Bowl is the goal every year" thing.  Shanny says that every year.


I hope Loverro doesn't rub off on Sheehan, because he's been teetering towards being a troll of late.

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Soup's Uncle, on 27 Aug 2013 - 08:54, said:

Cooely's show is already 1 million times better than Lavar And Pukes.

this. also, it was a great interview. it was refreshingly lacking in the same stuff that's been asked of him ad nauseam. it was less "interviewer and superstar" and more two friends having a conversation, recalling anecdotes, comparing notes on the coach, etc.

and yeah, cooley talking about Griffin doing rehab exercises during meetings was funny.

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The Cooley show isn't too bad, but Chris needs to loosen up a little in the booth during games, I know that he is new to this so he'll probably improve with time.

You think so. I listened to him on Saturday because I was driving home from a football game and got stuck in traffic. But I think he sounded good. So glad that he is in there.


Don't get me wrong, I love Sam Huff, but I didn't like listening because I felt sad for him.


I laugh at Cooley, but it's different. :D

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I haven't really listened much to the new Cooley and Czabe show......probably will give them more of a listen now that Skins season will be in official full gear on Monday.  I was all for jettisoning Andy Polley from TSR, but think he'll be good on MMQB with Sheehan.....even though Galdi seems to be a hard-working dude, he still has always come across as a bit too bland.

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I love Cooley on there.  One thing I like about him, he is more down to Earth than Czabe or Polis will ever be.  And he was a Redskins on top of it all.  Czabe and Andy get on their high horse and it gets annoying.  Cooley has great insight and is entertaining.  This a great change and has me listening to 980 again over Lavar and Dukes.  I like Dukes but Lavar is so-so.

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I caught the begining of the show today when they did the recap of the game. It was very good. If it was the old show Andy and Czabe would have devolved into speculation about what is wrong with RG3, talked about Dr. Andrews on the sideline, all that BS. Cooley, with his knowledge and connections to the team, shuts all that down. Czabe was deferring to Cooley on all of the questions and asking him good follow ups. It was a shockingly good discussion of the game with no handwringing or sensationalism.  Very rare for local sportstalk radio.

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I hear Pollin is returning with a morning "Sports Reporters" at 6-9 am on Tuesdays thru Fridays on 570 AM (he'll do the MMQB show with Sheehan on Monday mornings). Interesting that Pollin's show means only the 9-10 am portion of Czaban's national show will be heard on 570.

That's too bad, Czabe was my go to alternative to the Junkies when they were on commercial or I just needed a change for a bit
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The reason Cooley is so much better than Lavar is that Cooley is not attaching any type of agenda to his opinions other then wanting to give listeners insight into the mindset of the players, while Lavar is all about the "it's the coaches fault, the GM's fault etc etc....cause back when I played blah blah"


It's not that Lavar never makes a decent point here and there but his vantage point is so skewed.


Also, Cooley is able to shoot down a lot of the BS speculation due to him playing with a majority of the players on the team.  Cooley does a FANTASTIC job of mowing down 90% of the sensationalism behind hyped up nothing-stories that the media tries to create. He comes off very honest about stuff and has no time for bs speculation.

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Cooley had some great insights today on what went wrong against Philly.

He said the team was well prepared and that he was shocked at how poorly the Skins played to start the game.

Commented on how the team wasn't emotionally ready to play which surprised him.

He said the ideal amount to play in preseason for RGIII would have been in total about one games worth.

Also said he thought RGIII would play much better from the outset. And that he was surprised how little emotion and excitement RGIII showed as he said 'that wasn't the RGIII I know'

Cooley doesn't have the smoothest delivery and jumbles his thoughts together at times but his insight as a former player with ties to the current team makes for a good listen and unique perspective.

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This show is terrible...absolutely cringeworthy.    The only good thing going for Cooley is his insight as a recent former player but that won't last long.   There is no chemistry between the Cooley, Czabe, and Galdi.  Czabe seems awkardely out of place, probably told to defer to Cooley. 


Too bad, Sports Reporters was much better and way more entertaining.  I have turned to 106.7 for the drive home.


Still love the Sports Fix though.. 

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This show is terrible...absolutely cringeworthy.    The only good thing going for Cooley is his insight as a recent former player but that won't last long.   There is no chemistry between the Cooley, Czabe, and Galdi.  Czabe seems awkardely out of place, probably told to defer to Cooley. 


Too bad, Sports Reporters was much better and way more entertaining.  I have turned to 106.7 for the drive home.


Still love the Sports Fix though.. 

I don't know what you are listening to, but it must not be the same Cooley and Czabe show I listen to. Because everything you said is opposite of the show I listen to.

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