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The Everything Chris Christie Thread


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I was reading about the move Christie made today for a special election to fill Frank Lautenberg's seat following the Senator's death this week. Basically how Christie could have just appointed somebody to fill the seat for the rest of the term, but that would have created a interesting dynamic where he'd be pressured by the GOP to replace Launtenberg with a Republican while Dems would be screaming that one of their own should fill out the term.


So, in an expensive (est $12mil) but IMO, Smart move, Christie is going to allow the voters to make the choice for him.


So, this leads to 2016 in my mind, and a guy who's trying to lose weight to LOOK electable, while walking the razors edge to not offend anybody at the moment.


I'm wondering....


1. Regardless of what he does, will the GOP support him in 2016 during the primaries?

2. By 2016, will he still be a Republican? or will he have switched to an Independent

3. Does this move raise him above the normal nonsense we see form guys like Issa or Rand Paul that are safe in their own voter areas, but probably unelectable on a national level?


Chris Christie: Special Election To Be Held In October For Frank Lautenberg's Seat                BY ANGELA DELLI SANTI, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

TRENTON, N.J. — Gov. Chris Christie said Tuesday that he wants to

hold a special election in October to fill the U.S. Senate seat made
vacant by Frank Lautenberg's death on Monday, and that he intends to
appoint someone to serve in the meantime.

At a news conference where he laid out the process he intends to

follow for filling the seat, Christie didn't answer the big question of
whom he'll appoint to the seat in the meantime.

The move could bring criticism for putting more elections on the

calendar, which can be expensive. The state Office of Legislative
Services says each election costs the state about $12 million.

In this case, there would be two – an Aug. 13 primary and the special election on Oct. 16.

"The people must choose," Christie said.

 More from the link.

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Those who don't live here don't realize how effed up this state was when he took over. It still blows, but he is at least doing something to control costs. He isn't doing chest thumping b.s. like nuts in WI or TX, and in fact his changes have been quite modest and necessitated by the fact that McGreevey and Corzine bankrupted the state. How bad is it? I have a 3 BR house appraised at 360k, plus an empty adjacent 0.6 acre lot....

And I pay 18k/year in property taxes.

And Dems were screaming about Christie's right-wing extremism for wanting to limit property tax increases to 3%/yr.

He's probably too sensible/pragmatic to win a GOP national primary, unfortunately.

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Well, right now, he is. 


But then, the voters like people when they don;t know much about him.  (Or when what they know is "he insults politicians".) 


If he runs, then no doubt the opposition will then choose to reveal things about him that the voters don't know about him.  Whether he can withstand that, remains to be seen. 


(But then, that's true of everybody else, too.) 

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I think he will handle the opposition well. I imagine that he'll handle it much like he has all along, with a no nonsense, facts first approach. An inability to bite his tongue and speak what's really on his mind.

Could go well, could go poorly. I think a lot of the male demographic would really enjoy somebody like that though.

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if the GOP doesn't come back to reality by 2016 with their candidates, can he survive a primary from the extreme right? I think he'd be better served going independent while still Governor and building a war chest that way....if that's how he feels. I get the sense that he's tired of both parties, and while he's on the right. He's not that far right where he wouldn't be able to make things work with the center-left.


I'm interested also. I'd like to see what he does during the 2014 election season.

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if the GOP doesn't come back to reality by 2016 with their candidates, can he survive a primary from the extreme right? I think he'd be better served going independent while still Governor and building a war chest that way....if that's how he feels. I get the sense that he's tired of both parties, and while he's on the right. He's not that far right where he wouldn't be able to make things work with the center-left.


I'm interested also. I'd like to see what he does during the 2014 election season.


Americans don't have the ability, capability, or stomach to vote outside of the 2 parties.

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It's early but for now he's my front runner. Yes, a lot may, hell, probably will come out about him before the primaries but he's the kind of pol I can get behind. Too bad he's not bald along with being tubby. :-)

I sooo hope he runs as an independent. I think he'd make history that way and hopefully open the eyes of both parties.

what is impressive about him?

So far he's shown a penchant for going against GOP orthodoxy. As long as he doesn't turn into a flaming liberal or a far right wingnut he's my kind of pol, i.e. a centrist.

IMHO pols like him are the last hope of the GOP. Sorry but the GOP as John Birch Society doesn't work for 85% of the country. Having those types in charge of the party is a disservice to the balanced political culture the country needs.

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I'm voting for him in 2016 whether he's running or not and whether he runs as a D, R, or I.  That's pretty much all I have to say about the 2016 election.


Oh, one more thing, I don't see him bending to anyone and I don't really see him intentionally walking the thin line not to offend anyone.  He has no problem offending whoever he wants, if it's warranted (one of the many reasons I like him).  I believe people think he's trying to appease both sides, but in reality, it just looks that way because he's REASONABLE and is not deluded by hard line ideology, sticking to idiotic beliefs and agendas simply because his party wants him to.  That gets my respect immediately; anyone who calls people out and calls reality like it is gets my respect...which is sparsely given out to any politician these days. :)


Though many in my affiliated party are a bunch of dumbasses and are ticked off at him right now, I think they'll come around in the primaries; particularly when he puts other candidates in their places when they attempt to play games.

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1.  He has no chance in the REpublican primaries.  The right wing will make sure of that. The Republican base dislikes him more and more each day.


2.  He could become independent by 2016 and could mount a run and maybe finish ahead of the Republican candidate.  Hillary would please; give her an easy path to the presidency. Christie as a third party candidate will tip several more states to the Dems.


I really don't think he has appeal beytond the northeast because he comes off as jerk, thug, punk, bully, etc.   His attitude may play in the part of the country he's from; I don't see him wearing well in the rest of the country.

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so he is a fat Mitt? :lol:

Not at all. Romney was an utter failure at governing who left office with his ratings down in the 30s. He lost every election he'd ever run in except one time when he was able to slip in on William Weld's coattails. Christie is a Repub in one of the most hardcore Dem states, and has soaring approval rates.

That said, I unfortunately think the nutcase wing of the GOP will push him aside for a lesser candidate, just as Huntsman went ignored while people floated from Bachmann tp Perry to Cain to Santorum and were left stuck with the least undesirable man standing.

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When he's forced out of the GOP primaries because he doesn't appeal to the tp'ers or what's left of the moral majority, could he be the secret weapon of the Clintons?


How about as Hillary's VP?


It would make that ticket even more appealing to a large percentage of the voters...

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So what is impressive is his appeal to Dems?


so more like McCain,till the Dems turn on him ......a Clinton/Christie ticket lol


C'mon TWA - you're better than this.


Christie and McCain are not alike.


McCain had a pretty good record of voting lockstep with his party before he willingly allowed his party to hang an albatross around his neck (Palin). So it's not like anyone abandoned him. He never had the support of the Dems in the first place.


Christie appears to have crossover appeal because he appears to believe that not everything good comes from one party. He appears to be willing to piss off his own party if he feels it's the correct thing to do. And truthfully, there aren't a lot of GOPers these days that can say that. They usually kiss the ring (Limbaugh or whoever is the flavor of the month) and vote in mass. 

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The guy is a genius


He gives the President a hug in October and Dems love him after screaming bloody murder at him for 3 years in NJ, especially after he went after the teacher's union


If Dems are smart and want to tank his candidacy, they'll continue to praise him. The TWA's of the world will never be able to get behind him.


I like his politics, I like his economics, I like the fact that he went after sacred union cows in NJ. 

I think this article sums it up



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