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You guys lost an AWESOME fan this weekend


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Tommy LOVED the Redskins. He lived in Central NJ. He told me that when he was a kid, he became a Redskins fan to piss his father off who was an Eagles fan

He drove down to the stadium every year for every home game....obviously he had season tickets. He was 45. We went to a few Giant-Redskin games together. I remember a game down there, I think it was a Sunday night, and the Giants-Redskins tied. It was a terrible game, but we had fun. One thing that always shocked me was the immediate swift retribution he dealt out any time another fan dared say 1 derogatory comment about him all decked out in all his Redskins gear. I often thought that he is going to get in a nasty fight one day, but I guess they thought he was crazy because he never did......That was Tommy. He was an uncle, a good friend, a cop, a godfather, a golfer and an all around crazy dude. He had a subtle all knowing, humor that took a little while to get used to....He was my friend I will miss him terribly.....I felt like you guys should know

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Hey Giants4EVER, thanks for posting this. I believe that Tommy and I would have hit it off just fine! As my wise Grandma always used to say: "If you remember me and are sad, never think of me; if you remember me and smile, remember me always!"

RIP Tommy, Redskin nation will miss you!

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He lived alone, he got sick (I've been hearing flu) and was unconscious for undetermined amount of time, but I'm guessing less than 8 hours. He was brought to the hospital where they said he had double pneumonia, he fought for a week, he was getting better, but this past Saturday his heart gave out.....

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