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So am i the only one who still hasn't given up on this show?

edit after show: I guess so. :(

I'm still watching. Tonight's episode was pretty good. For once the FBI wasn't completely idiotic. And the Jacob/Paul scene was actually quite good.

The show is what it is. It won't be the next 24/Lost, but is still fairly decent overall.

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So am i the only one who still hasn't given up on this show?

edit after show: I guess so. :(

My wife and I started watching this because Kevin Bacon was in it. I figured it can't be that bad if Bacon signed on. It has its good moments but the writing and story lines are very weak compared to what we get from Showtime & HBO. I guess those networks spoiled me.

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Holding on by a string....my gf likes it so im sure i will continue to watch..

Will be interested to see if Jacob goes right back to Emma.

From the look on his face at the end of the episode I'm going to go ahead and assume that there is going to be a lot of tension there.

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I'm committed once again to the show now that the episodes being filmed in my area are being run. Weird to recognize all of the places in the show. Our Sunday morning diner was in last nights episode and the old police station in town will be used in a few episodes.

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I hope so...im gonna be pretty pissed if he goes back to her..and from previews of upcoming episodes it kind of looks like he goes crazy...

I have a feeling that we will see a completely different Jacob starting this week. Now that he has gotten his "first kill" out of the way and he is pissed at Emma for turning her back on him. He may turn into a badass just to impress Joe.

I am looking forward to the last few weeks, As someone else mentioned, I think that we have been in the "mid season lull" and are getting ready to come out of it with a BANG.

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I have a feeling that we will see a completely different Jacob starting this week. Now that he has gotten his "first kill" out of the way and he is pissed at Emma for turning her back on him. He may turn into a badass just to impress Joe.

I am looking forward to the last few weeks, As someone else mentioned, I think that we have been in the "mid season lull" and are getting ready to come out of it with a BANG.

Yea, i hope he is pissed that the first person he had to kill was someone he loves and he blames it on Emma...

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Mediocre to disappointing. Although I still think Bacon is giving full effort---maybe overworking it even. Holding on for a bit yet. I thought the premise was iffy from the start.

This show grabbed my attention at first, but its just starting to get frustrating. I also think they bit off more than they could chew trying to broaden the scope of the show. Way to quick on the trigger with that.

This should would have been great as a 1-2 season series.

Of course, that probably doesn't make enough money to justify running it...

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I'm still watching, though I'm still having a tough time buying Joe as this all powerful villain. I don't think law enforcement has looked more inept in a TV show since Dukes of Hazzard.

I agree. When the FBI guy was shot through the door?? I mean really? And i thought for sure they tagged Claire with a GPS the way she took right off to go see her son.....guess i was wrong on that

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I have watched every show, but it is starting to piss me off how unreal its becoming. 24 might have stretched some storylines (when terrorists broke into white house comes to mind) but the Federal agents where atleast ahead of the bad guys from a technology and training standpoint. These last few weeks have been frustrating. Here's a couple of my biggest problems:

The "followers' have a special device in the old farmhouse that can trace a phone call going to a person in protective custody, but the Federal Govt. cannot do the same to their calls? They keep saying their encrypted, but so was the FBI call but they were able to bipass it. They can call the FBI directly with nothing coming from it? The way that they hacked the servers and got the wifes location was lazy writing.

When Bacon and his buddy where trying to keep the 2 militia guys and Rodderick from getting the girl, they killed a guy who had an uzi and vest. Instead of using either, they chose to use a handgun and shotgun with limited ammo. Infact, Bacon gave his gun to her and ran out of the house with no gun at all to confront someone....really ?

I feel like 24 would atleast be realistic with these things and had much better writing. That being said, I will still watch the show but its crap is starting to pile on me.

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I have watched every show, but it is starting to piss me off how unreal its becoming. 24 might have stretched some storylines (when terrorists broke into white house comes to mind) but the Federal agents where atleast ahead of the bad guys from a technology and training standpoint. These last few weeks have been frustrating. Here's a couple of my biggest problems:

The "followers' have a special device in the old farmhouse that can trace a phone call going to a person in protective custody, but the Federal Govt. cannot do the same to their calls? They keep saying their encrypted, but so was the FBI call but they were able to bipass it. They can call the FBI directly with nothing coming from it? The way that they hacked the servers and got the wifes location was lazy writing.

When Bacon and his buddy where trying to keep the 2 militia guys and Rodderick from getting the girl, they killed a guy who had an uzi and vest. Instead of using either, they chose to use a handgun and shotgun with limited ammo. Infact, Bacon gave his gun to her and ran out of the house with no gun at all to confront someone....really ?

I feel like 24 would atleast be realistic with these things and had much better writing. That being said, I will still watch the show but its crap is starting to pile on me.

This show has grown the ineptitude of FBI on 24 and the idiocy of women from 24 exponentially higher. It has been soooo painful to watch since week 3. Joe's wife is such a dumbass and so is the FBI girl. The short haired follower girl that looks like Peter Pan is so fugly and annoying that i ffwd thru scenes with her. Basically i'm done with this tripe as it's god awful.

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When Bacon and his buddy where trying to keep the 2 militia guys and Rodderick from getting the girl, they killed a guy who had an uzi and vest. Instead of using either, they chose to use a handgun and shotgun with limited ammo. Infact, Bacon gave his gun to her and ran out of the house with no gun at all to confront someone....really ?

Not only that, but at the hotel we have the FBI on protection detail against a terrorist org that has infiltrated them at every turn and the bad guys are the only ones with bullet proof vests?????

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Yesterday felt more like an episode of 24. A really really watered down version of 24. And now according to the previews theyre planning a terrorist attack. Yeah, 24 wannabe.

Ill watch the remainder of the season since there is only 5 ep. left but not sure Season 2 will be worth it.

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I am not feeling a whole lot of love, but last night had some areas of improvement, and there's nothing else on at the same time. Like Revolution, it's more of a time-passer (minus Rev's eye candy). In terms of my viewership, both benefit from my being a relatively easy date on themes like post-apocalyptic settings and serial killers or basically decent sci-fi stuff. Pretty mediocre overall though. For instance, even the now-well-worn Criminal Minds is still a much better serial killer show IMO, and we won't even mention Dexter (not fair). The Cult is one I quit watching after 3 tries. Really nothing there.

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Monday's episode was good. But overall, I'm still wondering where the show is going. It seems pointless and is just meandering along. I do wish Jacob would just kill Emma though. It's only fitting that he would. I'll keep watching it until the end since I've taken it this far. But I don't rearrange my schedule to watch this show.

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