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ESPN.com: Kyle would like to be a HC


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I'm fine with this. People wanted nothing to do with Kyle Shanahan until Robert Griffin III came into the picture. RG3 is a great player and would be a great player even if Rex Grossman (hyperbole) was the OC. If Kyle Shanahan goes I won't lose any sleep over it. Sucks that Rg3 would have to learn a new system but he is a smart dude.

With that being said I am sure Mike Shanahan told him to put this out just to increase the $$ he can get from Snyder on a extension.

I think Kyle coaching a middle of the pack offense out of last year's squad showed as much about him as coaching a supreme talent like RG3 does. As Houston and this year show, give him players, he'll give you a top offense. Give him crap, he'll find a way to make something out of nothing. I don't think people appreciate how good a job that was with what he had to work with.

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People have given up better spots now and will in the future. If I was a head coach I would want all my assistants to become Head coaches when they could. I wouldnt want a guy under me that wasnt hungry and was fine with being an OC for 5 years.

Players>System we will be fine if Kyle leaves

I dont fault him for having the ambition to be a HC. I just wouldnt jump at the first opportunity and be set up for failure in a place like Buffalo. Why not attach yourself to one of the greatest players to come out in a decade. It is totally feasible that he takes over the skins in a few years. He will be in his mid-thirties, be running a huge market franchise, and have possibly the best player in the league in his prime. I would think long and hard about this if I were him.

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It would not be wise of him to separate himself from Robert Griffin III. He should ride this train for a while. Cause if he leaves, no one is going to give up that spot.

Coaching a great QB has created a lot of head coaches in this league. Coach up a QB and you can punch your ticket. Tom Brady's gotten 3 OCs head coaching gigs. lol

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People need to understand, its not the money (even though thats the best weapon in keeping him here), but its the principle. Any football coach has a dream to be a HC of an NFL team, if he gets an offer, he WILL take it. The only hope we have is that Snyder offers him a crap ton of money so he doesnt answer his phone for interviews.

If at 33 he wants to leave a team with a stud running back and an all world athlete at QB to go coach weeden in Cleveland.... I guess congratulations Kyle. I still think its all posturing to get Snyder to pony up and commit to having him coach here eventually.

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john feinsteins apparently not a fan of kyle, as an OC, HC possibility, and as a person. went off about him on the junkies today.

sheesh, that guy has an ax to grind.

Oh yeah, that was nuts! Bitter much, Feinstein??? He even took the next step and said he was a bad person. Sheeeeeeesh

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Of course his goal is to be a HC. Why else are you a coach then? He is going to get his money but there is no better situation than this one right now. What staff would he be able to put together elsewhere? Unless a great job comes up, he isn't going anywhere

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Of course his goal is to be a HC. Why else are you a coach then? He is going to get his money but there is no better situation than this one right now. What staff would he be able to put together elsewhere? Unless a great job comes up, he isn't going anywhere

You nailed it.

Job openings are there for coaches because the team hasn't performed well (a few exceptions are there like Chicago or Marty's 14-2 Chargers) and you have a pissed off owner/GM. I never bought the despotism argument for having Kyle, but if he's the top dog for a team, then Mike isn't there. Dan isn't there. Bruce isn't there. He's out there on an island. With a bad team. And an unhappy owner/GM. And a very angry fanbase. And no RGIII.

I think that he'll stay because he knows that this is his team as soon as his dad hangs it up.

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