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HTTR24-7: Know Your Opponent: The Real Seattle Seahawks Defense ( Film Breakdown)


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In the "how do we attack the Seahawks defense" thread I mentioned that prior to even establishing the run, I wanted to come out the first drive and PA pass our way down the field. I feel they will be selling out for the run, they watched our game film, they have Alfred Morris fresh in their mind. They're not concerned with our passing game, and we need to make them pay for that. I think if we come out throwing, we're going to put up a lot of points on the day. Pass to run not run to pass. If we try to run it like we did in Dallas we're going to get stuffed. We need a good mix, 60-40 pass selection would make me happy.

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Interesting you choose the Dolphins game. Yesterday Morris was on 980, and he referenced this game as an example of Seattle's defense being mortal.

Yep, I was going to post the same thing. Al Mo also said he saw holes in the defense from that film. I was surprised given there were other teams, like Rams, who gave them a tough time.

Sportscenter picked up on something similar like this morning. Seahawks are ranked 24th on Defense in play action, their secondary bites on fakes and RG3's QBR is 2X better in play action.

Good write up Leap.

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that board is straight bonkers. i know we have our fare share of them over here but I have seen too many "The Redskins have zero chance winning. ABSOLUTELY NONE. The Seahawks are superior top to bottom" and "The Redskins don't even deserve to be in playoffs". You'd think the Redskins played in the MAC or Big East... And let's not even get into the "Seahawks are different on the road now to compared to the beginning of the season, BUT LET'S TOTALLY DISCOUNT THAT THE REDSKINS STARTED 3-6, which is the beginning of the season, AND WON 7 IN A ROW, which is the end of the season"

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we'll exploit them just like Miami did. Can't wait. I can see this getting out of hand early if we have success like we did against the Rams (physical D) when we went up 21-6 on them. If we do that against Seattle, and force Wilson to abandon the run game, it'll be over quickly.

Of course, we gave up that lead and lost that game. That being said, our defense is lots better than it was in week 2 (I was at the game, they looked out of sync mostly). I've been nervous, but you know what? I'm starting to become more confident. In large part thanks th this breakdown.

Bring on those Sea-chickens.

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that board is straight bonkers. i know we have our fare share of them over here but I have seen too many "The Redskins have zero chance winning. ABSOLUTELY NONE. The Seahawks are superior top to bottom" and "The Redskins don't even deserve to be in playoffs". You'd think the Redskins played in the MAC or Big East... And let's not even get into the "Seahawks are different on the road now to compared to the beginning of the season, BUT LET'S TOTALLY DISCOUNT THAT THE REDSKINS STARTED 3-6, which is the beginning of the season, AND WON 7 IN A ROW, which is the end of the season"

Get outta here with yerr "facts" and "knowledge" and "logical thinking" and other new aged do-goodery!

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My favorite part is the Ravens fan calling the Redskins fanbase delusional...

The Seahawks are tough bunch anyway you slice it. They have a tremendous defense that while can be exploited will limit your opportunities to do so. Russell Wilson has been tremendous and while the don't ask him to do very much he is still incredibly effecient and definitely deserves the praise he has received. I've always admired Marshawn Lynch and he seems to be the heart of there offense. When he starts rolling there offense is unbelievable but I think you can slow them down if he doesn't run wild all day. I do enjoy the fact that we are playing at home because I don't think we would stand much of a chance against them if this game was on the road, just my opinion but that is how I feel. At the end of the day I have zero hatred toward the Seahawks or there fanbase and if we lost to them I wouldn't mind seeing them taking the whole thing.

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Really enjoyed the analysis LL. Can't believe their safety plays so deep on their Man Cover 1. Plus RG3 and Garcon make a killing going over the middle, I'm really looking forward to this game.

I hope Moss and Cooley are talking to some of the newer players about the past.

---------- Post added January-3rd-2013 at 02:37 PM ----------

that board is straight bonkers. i know we have our fare share of them over here but I have seen too many "The Redskins have zero chance winning. ABSOLUTELY NONE. The Seahawks are superior top to bottom" and "The Redskins don't even deserve to be in playoffs". You'd think the Redskins played in the MAC or Big East... And let's not even get into the "Seahawks are different on the road now to compared to the beginning of the season, BUT LET'S TOTALLY DISCOUNT THAT THE REDSKINS STARTED 3-6, which is the beginning of the season, AND WON 7 IN A ROW, which is the end of the season"

Let's all just make accounts now so that we have the opportunity to rub it in hard when we beat them Sunday.

...haha kidding

:secret: kind of

I won't lose sleep if I get a lifetime ban from their site

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Really enjoyed the analysis LL. Can't believe their safety plays so deep on their Man Cover 1. Plus RG3 and Garcon make a killing going over the middle, I'm really looking forward to this game.

I hope Moss and Cooley are talking to some of the newer players about the past.

---------- Post added January-3rd-2013 at 02:37 PM ----------

Let's all just make accounts now so that we have the opportunity to rub it in hard when we beat them Sunday.

...haha kidding

:secret: kind of

I won't lose sleep if I get a lifetime ban from their site

And what if we lose....

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Nah, keep the hype coming. I want the Skins to play like a scared dog, cornered and foaming at the mouth. The Seahawks are awesome, the Skins have no chance, Wilson is better than RGIII- this week is playing out perfectly. I think the Seahawks personally are a good team, but they certainly can be beat, and our two biggest advantages are playing at home and coaching. When the Skins get the running game going, look out of the play action. I think we can bait this team into some long plays.

did you get the catch 22?

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Thanks LL, the work is appreciated. Good to see they definitely have some holes in their defense. The fact is, no matter who the defense is there is so much to our offense and so many ways we can attack that no defense can truly stop it all. It's exactly as Shanahan has said, when a defense chooses to stop one thing, it only opens up something else for this offense. That was so obvious against Dallas when they chose to stop our passing game and we simply ran it down their throats the entire game.

Seattle certainly has one of the better defenses we've played all year and they do have a great secondary, but our offense is designed to open up any defense and it has done so all year. I think Barry Cofield was very correct in saying this game will likely come down to which defense plays better and can come up with more big plays/turnovers. We've done an excellent job at protecting the football all year and we certainly need to continue that trend on Sunday.

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This is a crazy informative and fun to read OP … awesome. Would it be too much to sticky Mods?? We need to have more X’s and O’s stuff on the front page! Enough of the Alfred Morris Nickname type of threads ( I just posted in that by the way! :pfft: )

I have a question … do the skins EVER let the WR keep the ball on the play action handoff/reverse play?? It seems to open up so much, but it is not like we ever let the RB or WR keep the ball and run with it … EVER.

We did that earlier in the season with Banks, a couple of reverses where he got some decent yardage.

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Running teams have run the ball well against them. Save for the 49ers... who had a terrible gameplan and who were coming off of a big win against New England.

This game will come down to the turnovers and how well our defense performs.

Thanks LL.

Fortunately for us, we don't turn the ball over.

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I just hope the Seahawks stick to their regular defense and go with that Cover-1 look as often as they have. Though if they play 2-deep i think morris will gash them so lets see how it all plays out.

They could change but I don't think they will. As a team they can not stop the run with only 7 in the box, they need Chancellor to be involved in the run game.

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If there's a great take away from our full season of results, it's that we have been able to put up points on almost every team we've faced. Sure, Cincy's Defense did wallop Griff on too many occasions in Week 3 and we did lose but we put 31 points on a very good Bengals defense.

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Great analysis. One question -

If you were able to identify this weakness in their cover 1 man defenses, why hasn't this been exploited by other teams? Did the other teams not have the right personnel, did Seattle successfully take it away, or did the other teams just try to beat Seattle in a different way?

Also, is there any particular reason that we run the fly route on the opposite side of the formation from the post? Wouldn't the fly pattern being on the same side as the post lead to more big plays? The safety would have to shade toward the deep sideline to take away the fly, leaving the entire remainder of the field available for YAC once the post receiver makes the catch.

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They could change but I don't think they will. As a team they can not stop the run with only 7 in the box, they need Chancellor to be involved in the run game.

and what was funny is that they (well, most of their fans anyways) seem to think that this won't effect their passing game.

All one needs to do is watch Dallas on Thanksgiving... where Dallas went to take away the run... AlMo still ran for over 100 yards and a TD, Rob threw 4 TDs and ran for over 40 yards...

Then... pop in the second Dallas game where they were like "We're not going to let Robert beat us through the air." AlMo gets 33 carries for 200 yards and 3 TDs, Rob throws when he needs to and moves the chains that way.

They are right about something... Seattle gets to pick what they shut down... but by doing that, they pick which way we kill them. Choose wisely ;)

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Great analysis. One question -

If you were able to identify this weakness in their cover 1 man defenses, why hasn't this been exploited by other teams? Did the other teams not have the right personnel, did Seattle successfully take it away, or did the other teams just try to beat Seattle in a different way?

Not sure it is truly a "weakness" they execute that cover-1 really well due to their physical corners. They have those corners that can be left on an island and destroy WR at the LOS (dirupting the timing/rerouting the routes going to the middle of the field), when you have that luxury running a cover-1 scheme is not such a bad idea. Also, its not like they are in that look every single snap im sure they mix it up with cover-2 and 3.

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