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Its time to finally make fedex field rock!


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It will be interesting to see how NBC handles the broadcast. They are notorious for pointing out how many opposing fans are at FEDex. I believe that the tide is turning, though, and The Skins are not being made out as "jokes", anymore.

They'll probably still pan through the crowd and try to find the few Crackboy fans that do show up. They have to because of course it's Dal@ss and they have to get their due. :doh: Hopefully, the best they can do is just pan to Jerruh if the Skins are up big. :fingersx:

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well, its hard not to get excited about a good play that happens. and there are so many fans in the stadium that the cheering runs over to when the offense is in the huddle.

No excuse. Our attendance IQ has sharply fallen over the years as tickets go to more and more casual fans who are there for the "event" rather than the team. Denver, when they have the ball, Invesco is dead silent. And if they aren't Peyton will make sure of it within seconds.

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Not trying to damper the mood or be a party pooper... but sweet sassy molassy. This is about the fourth thread this week alone with this topic...

It goes without saying too. That said, I think it's just fantastic that three of the top five threads on the front page right now are some variation of MAN OH MAN WE ARE BACK IT FEELS SOOOOOO GOOD SUCK IT NFL. We've earned it.

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No excuse. Our attendance IQ has sharply fallen over the years as tickets go to more and more casual fans who are there for the "event" rather than the team. Denver, when they have the ball, Invesco is dead silent. And if they aren't Peyton will make sure of it within seconds.

huh. i havent really gotten that vibe, but maybe its true. i went to every home game from the 05-06 season through coach mikes first season and i was pretty quiet when the offense was on the field. i was there for the team :)

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Not trying to damper the mood or be a party pooper... but sweet sassy molassy. This is about the fourth thread this week alone with this topic...

so freaking what?!... every one should post this thread...again and again... let's get psyched up people..... let's get it going boyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

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I've seen it, too. When the skins give us something to cheer for, Fedex can get just as crazy as any other stadium in the NFL. It's going to be cold, we're going to run the ball, defense is going to give multiple looks, and the crowd is going to be too loud for Dallas to make consistent adjustments at the line. The more they screw up, the louder its going to get. We're overdue...

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