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It was obvious that RGIII isn't at Full Speed. Probably won't be against Dallas.


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I think this is kinda being overblown a bit. RG3 has a knee brace on. I've never worn one but I'd imagine that even if he was 100% he wouldn't be able to run well with it on. He did state in the preser it affected his mobility. I took the game as Shannhan not wanting to put to much work on the knee. But I do think he will be running all over the boys.

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personally, I think we used our QB's mobility more last week at Cleveland than this week. Didn't even seem to me he rolled out that much.

Next week is week three of a three week injury so hopefully he'll have a less bulky brace at least.

My biggest concerns, did Wilson and Gomes get back on the field? We don't need more injuries to our already weak secondary

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I really hope he ditches the brace next game regardless in a passionate display of "Nothing is keeping me from being me, not this game" type attitude. And before someone flames me and says something stupid like "And risk his future for one game?!?!", IT'S A GRADE 1 SPRAIN IN IT'S THIRD WEEK OF HEALING!!!!! People have played all out with much worse.

Lose the brace Robert....unleash your speed.

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personally, I think we used our QB's mobility more last week at Cleveland than this week. Didn't even seem to me he rolled out that much.

Next week is week three of a three week injury so hopefully he'll have a less bulky brace at least.

My biggest concerns, did Wilson and Gomes get back on the field? We don't need more injuries to our already weak secondary

I think he is fine, they were being cautious, next week he should be full go, it is a 1-3 week injury and next week is week 3 and with the game in Prime Time and RG3 playing so well during big moments, I expect RG3 to LIGHT IT UP

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Even if he has one leg..Griffin will use it to kick their asses. Rob Ryan can't stop the "little college offense" as he called it after the Thanksgiving debacle. LOL RGIII is going to light them on fire. My biggest fear is the defense we really need them to step it up on Sunday!

All they have to do is keep Dez in check imo.

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As beat up as our secondary is right now.....and not as if that was a team strength to begin with.....i envision another 60 pass attempts for Romo sits to pee nexdt sunday. That is more of a worry to me than rgiii maybe not being as mobile as before the injury.

Today he looked a little off.....and as others have mentioned, probably part of the reason he played today. But, he can still beat you with his arm, his brain, and a good offensive gameplan from kyle. He is mobile enough to move out of harms way in the pocket as well.

Our team will have to step up and play well......get some d stops and turnovers.....and hold the ball on offense. Should be a great game, and one where we will be NFCE champs at the end of the night hopefully.

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I think this is kinda being overblown a bit. RG3 has a knee brace on. I've never worn one but I'd imagine that even if he was 100% he wouldn't be able to run well with it on. He did state in the preser it affected his mobility. I took the game as Shannhan not wanting to put to much work on the knee. But I do think he will be running all over the boys.

I never played football but I played soccer in college. While in college I tore me ACL twice so I have a lot of experience with knee injuries and knee braces. I don't know exactly what type of brace he was wearing, but I really think everyone is blaming the knee brace a little too much. The brace I used to wear was basically weightless and really didn't limit my normal range of motion. It made it pretty much impossible to move in any direction it's not supposed to move, but the way they measured my knee and leg in about 1,000 different ways, they made it fit perfectly and didn't limit me at all. I don't think the brace is a factor, I think it was mostly just the game plan and maybe a little bit of him being reluctant, which is expected with a knee injury and will only get better after a big win.

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As beat up as our secondary is right now.....and not as if that was a team strength to begin with.....i envision another 60 pass attempts for Romo sits to pee nexdt sunday. That is more of a worry to me than rgiii maybe not being as mobile as before the injury.

Today he looked a little off.....and as others have mentioned, probably part of the reason he played today. But, he can still beat you with his arm, his brain, and a good offensive gameplan from kyle. He is mobile enough to move out of harms way in the pocket as well.

Our team will have to step up and play well......get some d stops and turnovers.....and hold the ball on offense. Should be a great game, and one where we will be NFCE champs at the end of the night hopefully.

If Romo sits to pee throws 60 times, the Cowboys have almost no chance of winning this game.

---------- Post added December-24th-2012 at 12:09 AM ----------

I never played football but I played soccer in college. While in college I tore me ACL twice so I have a lot of experience with knee injuries and knee braces. I don't know exactly what type of brace he was wearing, but I really think everyone is blaming the knee brace a little too much. The brace I used to wear was basically weightless and really didn't limit my normal range of motion. It made it pretty much impossible to move in any direction it's not supposed to move, but the way they measured my knee and leg in about 1,000 different ways, they made it fit perfectly and didn't limit me at all. I don't think the brace is a factor, I think it was mostly just the game plan and maybe a little bit of him being reluctant, which is expected with a knee injury and will only get better after a big win.

My buddy has a lot of knee braces he's had to wear and like what i think youre talking about theres some that are skeleton like that don't limit you that much. But if you look at RG3's it appears to be a substantial full wrap type. Kind of seems a little bit of overkill for a grade 1 sprain.

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personally, I think we used our QB's mobility more last week at Cleveland than this week. Didn't even seem to me he rolled out that much.

Next week is week three of a three week injury so hopefully he'll have a less bulky brace at least.

My biggest concerns, did Wilson and Gomes get back on the field? We don't need more injuries to our already weak secondary

Wilson was back out there, not so aure about Gomes.

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He was 67% with a 102 passer rating. I'd take that every game. He was slower moving, which worried me early, but it didn't stop him from playing a good game.

Most importantly, the Eagirls didnt get ANY pressure on him. The game plan got the ball out quick, and made him effective. I think he can do the same against Dallass

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We are going to need RG III at or close to 100% to win this game. The way the Dallas offense is playing lately is scary. They are going to put up their share of points. We need to be able to match, keep control of the clock and force some turnovers.

It's probably going to be a shoot out. As good as the Dallas offense is their defense is as bad.

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You mean we need to get extra crowd noise pumped in, then have the delusional sycophants in the National media falling over themselves at the 'extra' noise? ;)


We could always get a couple of verses of 'You'll never walk alone" knocked out before kick off :-)

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