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(Screenshot via Facebook)

This is a photo of director Steven Spielberg sitting next to a triceratops prop on the set of “Jurassic Park.”

This is a 6,000-post-deep comment thread in which many, many peopleexpress their deep outrage over Spielberg’s “slaughter” of the “majestic animal.”

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  • 4 weeks later...
Man: I bought every pie at Burger King to spite noisy child



At one point he asked the mother if she could get the child to be quiet, but she told him to stop trying to raise her child and got back on her cell phone.

So he decided to get revenge on the pair.

“I order every pie they have left in addition to my burgers. Turned out to be 23 pies in total, I take my order and walk towards the exit. Moments later I hear the woman yelling, what do you mean you don't have any pies left, who bought them all? I turn around and see the cashier pointing me out with the woman shooting me a death glare. I stand there and pull out a pie and slowly start eating eat as I stare back at her. She starts running towards me but can't get to me because of other lineups in the food court. I turn and slowly walk away.”



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  • 2 weeks later...

China liquor reported spiked with Viagra


HONG KONG (Marke****ch) -- A Chinese liquor maker has been arrested for secretly adding a version of the erectile-dysfunction drug Viagra in spirits sold to consumers, China's state media reported recently. To "increase liquor sales and make money fast," the founder of the Hubei-based Nine Springs Ecological Agriculture Development Co., bought 1 kilogram of Sildenafil on the Internet in January, adding the drug -- marketed as Viagra and Revatio -- to alcoholic drinks without mentioning the special ingredient on the label, the state-run China News Agency said Friday. The spirits were marketed as "nutritional healthy liquor" and sold around Hubei province at a price of up to 60 yuan ($9.70) per bottle. The founder, identified in the report only by his surname Huang, also allegedly kept 30 bottles of the potion for himself, CNA said.


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  • 1 month later...

Woman Hospitalized After Using Potato for Contraception


A Colombian woman has been hospitalized after she used a potato as a contraceptive device. She had placed the root vegetable inside her vagina after being advised to do so by her mother. The identify of the woman has not been released at her request.


The 22-year-old went into the hospital complaining that her stomach hurt, when the doctors examined her the potato was discovered. It had begun to germinate and grow roots which had led to the additional discomfort that she felt. Colombia Reports, the largest news site in the country originally covered the story.


The young lady explained that she had placed the potato inside her vagina after her mother had told her that this would stop her from getting pregnant. “I should put a potato up there,” the embarrassed young woman explained what she had been told by her mother, “And I believed her.”


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I guess that's one way to make mashed potatoes.

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lightweight Euro pigs


It's an Australian Feral pig, so I'd imagine the entire nation of Oz is embarrassed at the damage to their reputation by this lightweight.


Although ... "The alcohol also made the pig hungry and was seen looking through rubbish bags for something to eat." ... who hasn't done that.

Edited by Corcaigh
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It's an Australian Feral pig, so I'd imagine the entire nation of Oz is embarrassed at the damage to their reputation by this lightweight.


Although ... "The alcohol also made the pig hungry and was seen looking through rubbish bags for something to eat." ... who hasn't done that.


European immigrant pigs


Feral pigs - fact sheet

Feral pigs originated from domestic stock brought to Australia by the early European settlers. By the 1880s feral pig populations were fully established in NSW and they can now be found across about 38 per cent of the continent.

As a result, by August 2004, 'predation, habitat degradation, competition and disease transmission by feral pigs' had been listed as a key threatening process by both the federal and NSW governments.



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I'm only putting this here in the spirit of it being useful for many of our forum conversations. <old angel smiley> <old devil smiley>


West Virginia is the least educated state in the USA.








The Redskins are not a very good football team.







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Students: Transgender Woman Can’t Be Diversity Officer Because She’s a White Man Now 
Wellesley College students are okay with him on campus, but not in a leadership position






But some students thought that allowing Boatwright to have the position would just perpetuate patriarchy. They were so opposed, in fact, that when the other three candidates (all women of color) dropped out, they started an anonymous Facebook campaign encouraging people not to vote at all to keep him from winning the position.


“I thought he’d do a perfectly fine job, but it just felt inappropriate to have a white man there,” the student behind the so-called “Campaign to Abstain” said.

“It’s not just about that position either,” the student added. “Having men in elected leadership positions undermines the idea of this being a place where women are the leaders.”

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childish and obviously a bad idea....but I'm still giggling   :lol:   Delaware man woke up from colonoscopy exam wearing pink panties: lawsuit The pink undergarment wasn't there when the Dover man came in for a colonoscopy. He believes staff at the Delaware Surgery Center put them on him while he was under anesthesia for the exam, according to a civil lawsuit filed in New Castle County Superior Court.



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Robbery suspect arrested after returning to gas station, deputies say


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -  A robbery suspect was arrested Sunday after he returned to the same gas station and was identified by the customer he robbed, according to a Broward Sheriff's Office report.




According to the report, Sims repeatedly masturbated while in the interview room despite numerous warnings from deputies to stop. Sims eventually had to be placed in handcuffs to get him to stop.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is gold. Happy Halloween.


Candy Corn is Garbage

Many people like candy corn, such as hobos, serial murderers, and Satan. But actually, candy corn is terrible. If you give it out to trick-or-treating children this evening, you belong in ****ing prison.

Hey, do you know what would be a great autumnal confection? A candy that tastes like a candle. Especially if it is shaped like corn. That is a thought process someone had once. His name was George Renninger, and he worked for a company called Wunderle Candy Company in the 1880s, and if there is any justice in this broken world, a demon is using him as a Q-Tip right now. Corn-shaped candlefood is the worst idea anyone ever had, and the list of ideas also includes, like, the atomic bomb and Mission to Mars and "Now let us sign Gilbert Arenas to a contract extension," so, you know, that is one terrible-ass idea.

But people invent dumb **** all the time. The more pressing question is: What in the damn hell is wrong with the rest of the human race, that a market for these deodorant-flavored earwax nuggets persists into the 21st century? Why purchase these wee little warhead-shaped misery pellets? Why consume them? Why give them to children?

. . .

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warning black humor



A father in India is facing murder charges after he invited his daughter’s alleged rapist to dinner and then tortured and killed the man, authorities say.

The 36-year-old father, who has not been identified, reportedly burned the 45-year-old man’s genitals with heated tongs and strangled him Friday, The Indian Express reported. The incident occurred in Delhi’s Khajuri Khas area.

In a statement to police, the father told authorities that two months ago, while he was away at work, a medicine supplier came to his home, found his 14-year-old daughter alone, and allegedly raped her.

After the man was killed, the father went to a local police station Sunday, surrendered himself and gave police details about what happened.

He told police he didn’t intend to kill the alleged attacker, but the idea that the man who he says impregnated his daughter would not get justice was too much to bear.

“I burned his genitals once, he screamed. I did it again, he shuddered. When I did it the third time..he did not move. He was dead…I did not want to kill him,” the father reportedly confessed.

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Indonesian police rapped over virginity tests

...women applicants are required to be both unmarried and virgins, and the virginity test is still widely used despite the insistence of some senior police officials that the practice has been discontinued.

In a series of interviews with HRW, young women — including some who underwent the test as recently as this year — described the procedure as painful and traumatic.

The women told how they were forced to strip naked before female medics.

“I don’t want to remember those bad experiences. It was humiliating,” said one 19-year-woman who took the test in the city of Pekanbaru, on western Sumatra island, and whose identity was not disclosed.

“Why should we take off our clothes in front of strangers? It is not necessary. I think it should be stopped.”

Edited by Riggo-toni
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Girl, 12, saved from forced prostitution when her father tracks down alleged pimp and beats him with a baseball bat

  • Police say a little girl in Memphis, Tennessee was taken by Brian Jones to a home where he forced her to have sex with men

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2850806/Girl-12-saved-forced-prostitution-father-tracks-alleged-pimp-beats-baseball-bat.html#ixzz3KEdMpA5E 

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A Florida man wanted some late-night Taco Bell — and ended up in the clink.
Gabriel Harris, 33, went through the drive-thru at the popular fast food joint — on his bicycle — in New Smyrna Beach as the eatery was closing on Sunday, the Miami Herald reports.
Workers refused to serve him but he wouldn’t leave so they called cops, who found him with his two-wheeler at the order speaker.
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 Pure Cow-Ka Cola


The ‘gaumata’ will be saved, and it will probably be her bowel movements that does it. Giving ideology a backseat, employees at the Kanpur Gaushala Society (KGS) are getting their hands dirty churning out products from cow dung and urine. It’s their own cow-and-bull story, and it’s out to prove that the bovines make economic sense, and hence deserve protection. The KGS, closely linked to Hindu nationalist organs RSS and BJP, recorded a turnover of Rs 2 crore last fiscal, proving that what goes out really has a market.


The KGS product profile now ranges from mosquito coils to aftershave lotions, from face packs to phenyl. But it is their newest offering, released earlier this year, that has really put them on the map. Goloka Pay is a cold drink concentrate laced with distilled cow urine (five per cent of total volume!) which is doing reasonably well in the market. The idea of creating a soft drink first came when Baba Ramdev lashed out at Coke and Pepsi (reportedly their sales plummeted after the rebuke). “That was when we began work and came up with this healthy alternative. Along with urine it contains herbs like tulsi, brahmi and shankhpushpi. It has done well so far,” says P.L. Toshniwal, the KGS general secretary. It comes in orange and lemon flavours and over 500 one-litre bottles of the concentrate have sold so far and another batch is being readied.


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