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Previews of Coming Attractions: Upcoming New Movies (Thoughts and Info on Movies That Don't Have Their Own Thread Yet).


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Godzilla vs. Kong’ Set for 2020 

Warner Bros. and Legendary are teaming up on a 2020 movie “Godzilla vs. Kong,” representing the official unification of the two monster franchises.

The companies jointly announced Wednesday that the basis for the film would be an “ecosystem” of giant super-species, both classic and new, as the Monarch organization that uncovered Godzilla in the 2014 film expands its mission in multiple releases.

The first films in the partnership have already been announced: “Kong: Skull Island,” which opens on March 10, 2017, and “Godzilla 2” on June 8, 2018.



Count me in.  B)

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They changed at least 3 major parts from the book but I didn't really mind. Since I had to rush to finish the book in 17 days and I read slowly I finished the book a few days before I had actually seen the movie. So most of the movie was spent trying to compare what I saw in the book to what I saw in the movie. And I wasn't disappointed, its' not like there were major deviations. The plot largely stayed the same. 


I found the protagonists' sarcastic wit annoying at times in the book, and the book was very technical.For someone who is NOT technical like me that can be a bit much to grind through, hence the 17 day completion time. The Martian managed to simply much of the technical jargon and maintain a lot of what was writ in the book (I wish they had added the boobies reference Mark typed in his chat) but the reaction to the implied chat message was just as hilarious. 


Now to what they took out, I realize the movie was long enough as is but they did remove 


- Mark blowing out Hab power and killing Pathfinder with his power fiasco (in the ride to Ares IV he receives the text "Are you ****ing kidding me" in the middle of his journey when it is received at Ares IV after) 


- dust storm when he is going to Ares IV 


- Ending 


I was also a little disappointed they didn't show the scene where he arrives at the craft and the author describes him jumping around in ecstasy. That was removed from the movie


I was surprised about the ending because as we all know he never punctured his suit, yet they felt like they had to throw that in there. The book of course ends with him on the ship, not in a classroom teaching the astronauts of the future. I was very curious what happened to him after he reached Earth, so that was a good tad of insight 


Overall the movie was good but the ending deviated from the book. I enjoyed it
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"28 Months Later" might happen....on one condition.  




In fact, the next squad of biters might just be heading back to Europe to terrorize whatever survivors remain 28 months (or maybe even years?) after the walker virus wreaked havoc on all of humanity.


“Steve Jobs” director Danny Boyle, who artfully destroyed most of London and whatever hope had lingered for its handful of uninfected in 2002’s “28 Days Later,” has reiterated his interest in helming a third installment to the series — but only if the script is on point.

“It’s the usual thing: it’s not about whether people think it’s a good idea that you’re directing. It’s whether you respond to the script or not,” he said. Translation: “Get a good script together and we’ll talk.”






Somebody needs to start writing.  Immediately.

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Mark Walberg is starring in the "6 Billion Dollar Man". The movie based on the 70's TV Series: "6 Million Dollar Man".






I remember watching that show as a kid.  It will be interesting to see how they translate that to the big screen.  Making movies out of classic TV shows; hasn't been to successful.  Wouldn't mind cameos from the surviving cast members.

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This Week's Cover: Inside the magical world of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


The magic is back! The wizarding world of Harry Potter is returning to theaters next year with the ultra-mysterious prequel film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and EW has the scoop.


Based on J.K. Rowling’s 2001 encyclopedia beastanica describing magical creatures and her first-ever screenplay, Fantastic Beasts has been hidden under an invisibility cloak of secrecy — until now.


Beasts stars Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything) as world-famous magizoologist Newt Scamander, who embarks on an adventure in 1926 New York. In our cover image (see the full image below), you get a first look at Scamander, his pivotal briefcase in hand, standing inside the entrance of the majestic art deco-influenced Magical Congress of the United States of America (or MACUSA), which is the American version of the Ministry of Magic that’s housed inside the Woolworth Building in the film. Coming along for the ride are Katherine Waterston (Steve Jobs), Colin Farrell (True Detective) and Samantha Morton (Minority Report).


So what’s this movie actually about? What are the characters? How will Fantastic Beasts differ from the Potter films? What creatures can we expect? And what are American wizards like, anyway? We’ll have all that, interviews with the cast and producers, plus first photos from the set, and more.

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This is a ****ing outrage




Memento remake in the works from AMBI Pictures


Christopher Nolan’s mind-bending thriller about an amnesiac trying to piece together his wife’s murder is getting the remake treatment from AMBI Pictures, which will finance and produce the project, the company announced Monday.


AMBI took ownership of remake rights to Memento in September when it acquired the 400-title library of Exclusive Media Group, which also contains such films as Donnie DarkoCruel IntentionsEnd of Watch, andSliding Doors. AMBI then announced a $200 million film fund last week, which set up Memento for a greenlight.


Released in 2000, the original film starred Guy Pearce as a man suffering from a rare form of memory loss that prevents him from retaining new memories and seriously complicates his quest to track down one of his wife’s killers.


Told in a unique combination of chronological and reverse-chronological order, Memento received strong reviews, earned Oscar nominations for screenplay and editing, and marked Nolan as a rising filmmaker.




“People who’ve seen Memento 10 times still feel they need to see it one more time,” AMBI founder and CEO Andrea Iervolino said in the announcement. “This is a quality we feel really supports and justifies a remake. The bar is set high thanks to the brilliance or Christopher Nolan, but we wouldn’t want it any other way.”



So what you're saying is, what justifies a remake is the fact that the film was AMAZING the first time?  That's moronic.  It's the exact opposite - that's why it doesn't need to be remade.  There's not an obvious problem to fix.  



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I have no problem with Memento being remade, provided its been more than say...30+ years since it was last made. The idea that a 15 year old masterpiece requires a remake now is lost on me.


John Carpenter's 1982 remake of The Thing was a great remake of what was then considered a great 1950's scifi film (The Thing from Outer Space)


Another example is Cronenberg's remake of The Fly. Again, it was a better movie than the 1950's version, which again was considered a great 1950s scifi film.


Not to mention the Coen's remaking a classic western in True Grit and making it even better (in a lot of people's opinion).


It can work..I just think it should be more than 15 years apart. 

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I'm not saying you can't remake a movie that was good. But those movies also had something to "fix". Outdated special effects and stunt work. Stylized acting that dates it and comes off weird now. Or the story has a completely new twist that makes it worth telling.

This stinks of a direct to video cashgrab like that Donnie Darko "sequel " that was completely unaffiliated.

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We're not even talking about improved CGI technology for a movie like memento.  I don't like this either.  If Hollywood is insistant on remaking movies, why not go about fixing some of the duds that have come out over the years instead of staying safe with classics that in many cases just need to be left the hell alone.

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Had no idea Return to Paradise (Vince Vaughn's best movie, IMO) was a remake/takeoff.  Apparently Midnight Express has a very similar plot and was directed by Oliver Stone.  Never heard of it, but I gotta check that out. 


Didn't think Italian Job remake was that bad.  But most of these joints....yuck.





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After watching Pixar's *The Good Dinosaur* earlier today I can tell you that it is a very, very good movie and you should watch it. Awesome. 


There is a bit of violence in it. Being a kid's movie you expect things to not "die" so there is some death in it


but key plot points aside, Spot does tear off a ladybug's head to eat it and a raccoon gets eaten alive which is pretty disgusting. Most of the time villains get swatted away or hit all the way off-screen and "disappear", but the deadly violence, however rare, was jarring. 


That being said if you can put some of the violence aside it is largely a good movie and yes it is PG so the little kids might want to be a bit careful around it, but overall it is a solid movie. The plot may be derivative to some, and yes, it's one that's been done time and time again. But Pixar does a good job of keeping the movie fresh, and it's still enjoyable. The most amazing thing is the graphics. At one point, Arlo climbs up this cliff while trying to chase down Spot. He is all alone on top of a cliff, and you can see a mesmerizing look at the rivers, canyons, forest, mountains...it is simply breath-taking and so well done that I even thought they just added the computer animation to real life. It's that realistic. 


Overall the plot may be the same as many other movies but don't let that deter you from watching this film, it really is a masterpiece and well-done. Perhaps one of the best cartoons of the year.

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