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Huge Game Next Week vs. The Giants


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First off, I'm stoked to get our division schedule underway next week, as I'm tired of playing the riff raff from other divisions, etc. When the season started, I was fully aware that we might enter our first divisional game with the season already out of hand. What has unfolded however, is an intriguing scenario for our team...

Cowturds - (2-3) - On the verge of losing the locker room. Jerruh is gettin' restless, and Garrett is a lame duck coach. Heads will roll at some point this year, and I wouldn't be shocked if that team gets blown up in January. Here's to hoping that they continue to lose painfully.

Seagulls - (3-3) - Turnover machine. Their guys have already quit, you can just see it in their body language. The bar where I watched the game had a bunch of Cheeseteak fans right behind me. It was all I could do not to jump out of my seat when Hanson split the uprights today. Andy Reid is toast, and they will have to rebuild as well.

G-Spots - (4-2) - They handed the Niners a beatdown today. They are a playoff team, and they usually play their best football late in the year. Polar opposite of the Cowturds.

Then there's the lowly Skins. You know, the team that Pee-Turd King (my favorite thread of the year) picked to win two games? The team that has languished in the cellar of the NFC Beast for far too long? The team that just snapped an abysmal 8 game skid mark at home? The team with the crap secondary that somehow has gotten a pick in the last 7 games?

So, we waltz into NYC next week with the chance to take over 1st place in the division at the 7-game pole of the season. I'm not a "next week's game is huge" kinda guy...but next week's game is huge.

If we win, we will be in 1st place. If we win, we will gain some momentum in the locker room and in the media. If we win, we will be playing meaningful football games in November. And don't say we were 3-1 last year, blah, blah, blah. We sucked last year, it just took us until week 5 to figure it out.

This is a big game for us, and I'm happy that we're playing on the road in NYC. We could make a statement. There's something special about this RG3 kid, and I'm looking forward to a tight game.

I'm not expecting us to make the paloffs, but with a win this week I might be forced to re-examine my thinking on that matter. Even if that re-examination only lasts for a couple of seconds, I'll savor the **** out of it.

Sunday is only 7 days away...

Line has Giants by 7. Actually I thouht it would be bigger.
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Regardless of us beating them twice last year, going to be a tough game for us. With RGIII we always have a chance to win. K Shanahan is doing a great job in his scheme right now. We need to keep the Giants guessing to win. These are the best two "teams" in the NFC East right now, meaning playing cohesively and together. It's the type of game before this year I would have given us no chance in.

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I think the giants are a better team than the falcons. Of course it's the nfl and anything can happen, and who knows if RG3 didn't get hurt we probably would have beaten the falcons. The thing that scares me is that this is probably the fastest defense we've faced all year and I hope we don't have the breakdowns we had against cinci. They put a hurting on the 49ers, and their line is pretty good. I think our d can stop their run game, but we might get thrown on a LOT, though, honestly, we've improved the past two weeks in stopping the pass because we've played less cover 0. I see another game where we let them take the underneath stuff and Eli throws 45+ times.

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The RexCannon wiped his a** with the Super Bowl bound giants. This one should be a gimme for bob griffin. I'm already looking past this game.

Wait...has Shanahan stated who will get the start? I assumed we kept Grossman for our two games against NY...kind of like how some knuckleball pitchers have personal catchers in baseball.

---------- Post added October-15th-2012 at 01:38 PM ----------

Jokes aside, I don't consider this a big game at all (unless we pull the upset). We shouldn't beat the Giants yet. We might and it would be fun, but it shouldn't happen. The next key game to me is against the Panthers as they are another team in our wheelhouse. The Steelers and Giants are experienced teams contending for something.

Disclaimer...this is my take strictly as a fan. I obviously expect the entire organization to believe that they will win on Sunday.

---------- Post added October-15th-2012 at 01:48 PM ----------

Some more context...

This is the third straight year (out of three) that we've started 3-3 under Shanahan. In 2010, we actually sat at 5-5 in late-November before fading down the stretch. Last year, we dropped all the way to 3-7 before finally beating Seattle. It would be great to get to 5-4 at our bye, but even 4-5 gives us a decent record with a week off and a tough second half of the schedule.

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I'm trying to remember how we kept Victor Cruz under wraps last year.

I don't think he played the first game, but the second game we held him to 5 catches and +40 yards.

We need to be able to have a monster performance from our D Line and Haslett cook up some exotic blitzes, because I don't our DBs will be able to cover Cruz for longer that 3 seconds.

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Im sorry but Garcon needs to play this week....what kind of foot injury could he possibly have i thought it was one that couldnt get worse??? he needs to play through the pain we dont have teh luxury to sit him till hes 100 percent we need him now I dont want to see another drop by Briscoe.

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lol, good thing some people wanted to pack it in and rest Griffin against the Vikes, right? :paranoid:

Those people were nuts from the start. The Redskins don't make those decisions, it's independent doctors. People didn't seem to grasp that concept

---------- Post added October-15th-2012 at 03:26 PM ----------

Im sorry but Garcon needs to play this week....what kind of foot injury could he possibly have i thought it was one that couldnt get worse??? he needs to play through the pain we dont have teh luxury to sit him till hes 100 percent we need him now I dont want to see another drop by Briscoe.

His foot is getting worse rather than better. I think they are going to shut him down until after the bye

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no freaking way we contain Fun with Eli's Drunk Pic. He just might have a freaking field day.

We have to play an unconventional, flea-flicker, onsides at half time type of game to even compete. I feel the giants are so far advanced ...

They didn't look so advanced against the Eagles or Cowboys. NFC East games are dog fights

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I don't see this as that big of a game for the Redskins unless your goals are to win the division and be a SB contender this year. In that case, then yes, it's huge.

But for me, the goal has always been 7 to 9 wins with obvious improvement from years one and two under Shanny. We can lose the next two, beat Carolina, and still be on pace for that as our post bye week schedule isn't particularly daunting.

The Tampa and Minneosta games were huge to me because I didn't see how we could lose those games and still feel OK about where we were. We won them both.

House money this week, and to slightly lesser extent, next week as well.

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I agree with your basic point kleese, this is not a SB run year so fans need to temper expectations a bit, but it can be huge in ways other than div title/playoff berth, etc.

Griffin has shown amazing talent so far, not the running or pass % but in his leadership abilities. I want to see how he takes his team ('cuz it is "his" team now) against a divisional foe in their house and competes. We have seen far too many times when the Skins head north and **** the bed, emotionally, psychologically, out of it by halftime and just wanting it to be over. Genuinely showing up to play, and for the whole 60 minutes, going head-to-head w/ NY no matter what the final score will tell us something important about this team.

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I don't see this as that big of a game for the Redskins unless your goals are to win the division and be a SB contender this year. In that case, then yes, it's huge.

But for me, the goal has always been 7 to 9 wins with obvious improvement from years one and two under Shanny. We can lose the next two, beat Carolina, and still be on pace for that as our post bye week schedule isn't particularly daunting.

The Tampa and Minneosta games were huge to me because I didn't see how we could lose those games and still feel OK about where we were. We won them both.

House money this week, and to slightly lesser extent, next week as well.

I agree with this. I want us to look competitive and put up a fight in the next two games (and I'll be going nuts during the 3-4 hours I'm watching the games), but it's not a must-win for our team given where we are in our development (unless we're a year or two ahead of schedule). I have us at 4-5 at the bye and still looking good for my realistic goals this year.

In short, of the games remaining on our schedule, I think we should beat Carolina and Cleveland. In addition, I think we should win a couple division games (no idea which ones) and be competitive in all 6 of those. If we were to get blown out against Baltimore, that wouldn't surprise me. That would project to 7-9 from where we stand now. If we do that and the offense continues to look good, I don't see how anyone can be disappointed.

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His foot is getting worse rather than better. I think they are going to shut him down until after the bye

This would probably be their best move. Giving him a months rest, heck even put him in a boot or on crutches. Don't risk any other injury to his foot!! We will need him for the second half of the season...one of the toughest stretches in the league!!!

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The goal is always to win every game and make it to the bowl. The players feel like this every week. They feel like they can contend with anybody in the league, and why shouldn't they?

I know many are clamoring for a 7-9 or 8-8 season...and while that would be a slight improvement from last year, would still leave me slightly disappointed. I say this ONLY because what we've seen RGIII do thus far this season. I feel like the dude can keep us in ANY game, and that factor alone gets me excited week in and week out. Here's to the Skins taking the division this week!!

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This game is HUGE! This is when Redskins Nation proves to this NFL that laughs at us that we are no joke anymore! Take us very serious now or get your ass whipped!

---------- Post added October-16th-2012 at 09:20 AM ----------

no freaking way we contain Fun with Eli's Drunk Pic. He just might have a freaking field day.

We have to play an unconventional, flea-flicker, onsides at half time type of game to even compete. I feel the giants are so far advanced ...

I will totaly agree with that statement gortiz. The Giants are making the big boys in the NFL look like chumps. They are going to be very pissed at us sweeping them last year and will be fired up. But bet your ass Mike Shanahan isn't coming to NY to lay down or not prove this Redskins team can beat anyone, including these badazz Giants. I seen Dallas whip their ass the 1st game you better believe it can be whipped again. Lets make sure we are the next ones to whip it!

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Interesting tidbits from a few Giants fans on their message board regarding this game:

Thread title is "Does Washington Scare Anyone"


They're young a young team who's been winning a couple games looking to make a huge statement. You can bet they'll be fired up about this game. The Giants better not sleep on them. RGIII is the real deal. Kid is gonna be a star and a thorn in our side for a long time

Can't stand back either cause RG3 is fast and is like a wr and third down back mixed with qb. Gots to come with some blitzes with faster defenders.
I just worry we won't play up to our skill after the emotion of this win. It is a bit of a trap game. All the Skins have is RGIII, without him they are the same 4-12 team they have been for the past 10 years.
They swept the Giants last year and their rookie QB makes them much more dangerous than last year.
RG3 wont last in this league already a concussion this early in the year. Already has blown out his knee once. Telling u guys the reckless way he plays and how they let him get hit, the early years of his career will be his best. Rg3 gets happy feet in the pocket if the ends and LB's contain and Joesph and Canty "Hope he plays" get pressure in his face we will be fine.
He's been pretty awesome throwing the ball too. I don't think I've ever seen a QB as athletic as RGIII who can throw the ball as well as he can. You take aways his legs and he's still gonna be a great player. I am worried about him hurting us with the run though. Mobile QB's have been the Achilles heel of this team for as long as I can remember. I'm not looking forward to facing him 2 times a year for the next 12 or so years.

I still think the Giants win. Washington's defense isn't the same as it was last year. I'm just forecasting that if Dan Snyder doesn't find some incredible way to screw it up again this team will be a force to be reckoned with before long.

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If we can have our way with run defenses like the Bucs and Vikings( which in our last game in particular, admittedly were helped tremendously by RGIII's 76 yard run), I think we can run on the Giants, and keep them from flying off the ball, making them play more honest.

I think this weeks issue will be containing their offense, and protecting Griffin. If we can do those two things, and play good enough on special teams, I think we can win this. Some more turnovers will help too. We have to play better in the TOP area though.

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