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Should Kyle still be calling our plays on offense?


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If that worked no one would complain about it because it would've worked, period. Let's not lie, dude; if Morris barrels his way into the end zone on that play, would you really be sitting on your couch llike "harrumph, what a weird play call". Or would it be "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! TOUCHDOWN FROMO!! TOUCHDOWN!". Lol. Let's just be honest is all I'm saying.

We don't have a "ground and pound" o-line. I wasn't wild about the playcall, but if it worked, none of us would be complaining. In fact, there would be more people complaining we didn't do it more on the goal line the next time if we just got in an I-formation and got stuffed.

Naw man, that direct snap was lame. That stop usually doesn't work in the NFL. I am not lying, that joint was lame. As far as me getting of the couch, the only play that made me do that this year was the Garcon catch. Every other exciting play just received loud:

"OHHHHHH!!!!! Man that was (fill in random DC slang for good)" :ols:

But yeah, we don't have the line to ground and pound. Maybe if Trent was more healthier we can run that way, but Polumbus isn't moving anything out the way. But that is still my dude tho....

---------- Post added October-8th-2012 at 08:35 PM ----------


Offensive plays: 80

Passes: 52

Runs: 28

Percentage of running plays: 35%


Offensive Plays: 45

Passes: 24

Runs: 21

Percentage of running plays: 47%

Atlanta won the game.

I bet they did. I guarantee you out of those 52 passing plays, about 60-70% were thrown 5 yards or less. Besides, their running game wasn't getting the type of yards our was. If I was them, I would have thrown it 50 times too.

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I bet they did. I guarantee you out of those 52 passing plays, about 60-70% were thrown 5 yards or less. Besides, their running game wasn't getting the type of yards our was. If I was them, I would have thrown it 50 times too.

Atlanta went to their short passing game to help their offensive line and relied on their receivers to get YAC. Atlanta also got away with some nasty holds. Seems like our pass rush is always a step two slow.

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Off topic a little here.. but when Shanny is out as HC, is it the plan for little Shanny to eventually become Hc, or Morris to step up? Or is no one thinking that far down the line yet?

Doesn't matter who vacates what position when in the FO.

ES is chock-a-block with qualified HC's, OC's, & DC's etc..

We could hold a random drawing and whatever screen name picked would be eminently qualified for the task. Just ask 'em. :pfft: :evilg:

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Just gotta wonder why we fix what's not broken and don't fix what is. Play action/ bootlegs were working great. So we stopped. Haven't seen many play action passes for the past two weeks. Defenses stack as we go run, run, pass, like always, but this year Morris is beasting. But god forbid we s.t.r.e.t.c.h, the field. Ever. Ever ever ever. We play not to lose. We don't play to win. Don't go for the score with less than a minute in the first half with timeouts. We run, call timeout to run again, call timeout, then run again?????? Why risk an injury at all if we're not trying to score or atleast give cundiff a chance to miss another kick?

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Just gotta wonder why we fix what's not broken and don't fix what is. Play action/ bootlegs were working great. So we stopped. Haven't seen many play action passes for the past two weeks.

...Right, I'm sure that's what Kyle said.

"Man, these play action passes are working well...*rips that page out of his playbook."

Every time Robert's been under center we've run play action, and we've run play action off zone/read.

People don't watch games. And when I say watch, I mean actually watch and pay attention instead of passively watching.

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Sorry Mods I didn't see this in any other thread.

It seems to me that Kyle seems like he either is over his head play calling or simply isn't good at it. I know he was the OC with the Texans prior to coming here but I believe Gary Kubiak called the plays. So my question to you all is simple....

Does Kyle deserve to call these plays or should his father take on this duty? I understand that prior to today our team was either #1 or #2 in scoring offense but I tend to side with the league not having enough tape on RG3 and that was why we were scoring. 5th week and the Falcons were able to limit him or was it the case of Kyle calling a bad game? I think a combination of both but why Josh Morgan wasn't targeted why there was no down field plays called until Cousins is in speaks volumes. I really think for us to be successful Kyle needs to stop calling the plays.


I agree 100%

Kyle had the #1 QB and WR in Houston and could not make the playoffs 1 time. As soon as Kyle left Houston and came to Washington, Houston made the playoffs the very same year, and is now considered one of the best teams in football this season.

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I agree 100%

Kyle had the #1 QB and WR in Houston and could not make the playoffs 1 time. As soon as Kyle left Houston and came to Washington, Houston made the playoffs the very same year, and is now considered one of the best teams in football this season.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Houston went from 9-7 Shannys last season to 6-10 the year after he left.

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I agree 100%

Kyle had the #1 QB and WR in Houston and could not make the playoffs 1 time. As soon as Kyle left Houston and came to Washington, Houston made the playoffs the very same year, and is now considered one of the best teams in football this season.

...the Texans went 6-10 in 2010. And they had a historically bad defense. They didn't make the playoffs until Rick Smith hired Wade Phillips in 2011.

The Houston Texans were a game out of the playoffs in 2009, and the only reason they didn't make it was because the Bengals rested some of their starters and allowed the Jets to back ass end first into the playoffs.

Reality is a funny thing.

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I bet they did. I guarantee you out of those 52 passing plays, about 60-70% were thrown 5 yards or less. Besides, their running game wasn't getting the type of yards our was. If I was them, I would have thrown it 50 times too.

My point is not necessarily to say it is beneficial to go all pass or run. My point is more that fans can throw all kinds of numbers and statistics and say that we should do this or should do that. It often goes beyond these simple statistics - if it didn't, then we should be dominating this year. Our running game is absolutely lethal and our turnover differential is also excellent. Our defense has scored 3 touchdowns. Our offense is outstanding.

The problem, in my opinion (and it is just that, my opinion), lies not with the coaches. The fact is, that every single Sunday, we have breakdowns throughout the game that add up to become killers. For a team to be great, they simply CANNOT make those mistakes. Mistakes that have nothing to do with the coaches, but yet your typical fan wants to pin it all on anything and everything because, like me, they live and die by the Redskins and are usually in a bad mood for a couple days following a loss. We lost the game yesterday because we were playing a phenomenal opponent and had a series of mental and physical mistakes made by the PLAYERS:

In no specific order:

1) Key drops on third downs early in the game when our defense was playing outstanding and giving the offense the chance to build a lead: (A) Fred Davis drops a crucial pass (I know the defense made a great play to break it up, but we simply have to make that play and Tony Gonzales was doing it all day to us despite great coverage) and so does Santana Moss. Those third downs were essential, the right plays were called, guys were open, RG3 was off and so were the receivers.

2) Billy Cundiff. He needs to go. I think Coach Big League Chew does too. Nuff said. Against perfect teams, you have to play perfect, Dropping third down catches and missing field goals = going into the half (most likely) up at least 10-0 vs 7-7.

3) RG3 makes a horrible pass to Garcon in the redzone when Garcon is wide open on a slant and would have easily scored. Garcon makes a great catch but is downed at the 5. Ultimately leads to not only a field goal instead of a TD but also RG3 being injured.

None of these, with the possible exception of Cundiff being signed over Gano, is on our coaching staff. And that is my opinion. We have always been a team that is close in games but makes those few lapses, almost always by the players, that ultimately results in our downfall. They cost us yesterday and they probably will continue to do so until this team truly turns a corner and is able to come together and put a whole game together. Offense, Defense AND Special Teams. The coaches and their schemes, however, have not been the problem.

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I agree 100%

Kyle had the #1 QB and WR in Houston and could not make the playoffs 1 time. As soon as Kyle left Houston and came to Washington, Houston made the playoffs the very same year, and is now considered one of the best teams in football this season.

Um, no?

Maybe they didn't make the playoffs because he had one of the worst defenses in the league? Think that might have had something to do with it?

But please, continue on with the agenda-driven tirades.

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I agree 100%

Kyle had the #1 QB and WR in Houston and could not make the playoffs 1 time. As soon as Kyle left Houston and came to Washington, Houston made the playoffs the very same year, and is now considered one of the best teams in football this season.

It's posts like this that remind me why I have to take extended breaks from message boards like ExtremeSkins. I mean come on.

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Don't you have a Kyle Shanahan Haters club meeting to go to or something?

If you must know, we met earlier today. You were sorely missed. We discussed, among other things, the importance of third down conversion rates in sustaining drives. There was also a presentation by an outside consulting group on the dangers of nepotism. :)

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If you must know, we met earlier today. You were sorely missed. We discussed, among other things, the importance of third down conversion rates in sustaining drives. There was also a presentation by an outside consulting group on the dangers of nepotism. :)

Did you discuss the merits of having a top ten scoring offense along with being top ten in yards and total first downs and how third down conversions are only about 1/10 as important as those?

Or was this the "blatantly ignore everything good he's done and focus on the one bad thing" lesson? Because you've mastered that one.

Your agenda is glaringly obvious.

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The Texans offense sure looked like they missed Kyle last night. I can't believe they've managed to thrive without him.

I'm sure having Arian Foster come into his own in 2010, being arguably the best RB in the NFL, and having a very, very good back up in Ben Tate have had nothing to do with that, nor has their defense going from worst to first.

I guess we're just ignoring that the Redskins have been a top scoring offense this season. Skins lost to the Falcons and didn't score enough when RG3 went out, Skins are 2-3, everything must go! aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!

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The one that really PISSED me off was before the Cundiff miss. We were rolling and had a 3rd and 2 at the 11. Kyle calls a godamn 'Sweep" that nets minus 2 yards. Why on gods green earth are we not letting Griffin throw the damn ball? I'm so sick of the conservative play calling and "protecting" Griffin. Let the kid play. If he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. We're not going anywhere, so why not let it all hang out offensively? I mean, the conservativism is "obviously" not working.

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Did you discuss the merits of having a top ten scoring offense along with being top ten in yards and total first downs and how third down conversions are only about 1/10 as important as those?

Or was this the "blatantly ignore everything good he's done and focus on the one bad thing" lesson? Because you've mastered that one.

Your agenda is glaringly obvious.

And so is yours. It's glaringly obvious that your agenda is to deflect any criticism of your boy, Kyle. Have fun with that. Godspeed.

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I'm sure having Arian Foster come into his own in 2010, being arguably the best RB in the NFL, and having a very, very good back up in Ben Tate have had nothing to do with that, nor has their defense going from worst to first.

I guess we're just ignoring that the Redskins have been a top scoring offense this season. Skins lost to the Falcons and didn't score enough when RG3 went out, Skins are 2-3, everything must go! aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!

Foster is such a stud--such a smooth runner. How do you think we will end up from a record perspective this year?

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And so is yours. It's glaringly obvious that your agenda is to deflect any criticism of your boy, Kyle. Have fun with that. Godspeed.

Criticism is fine as long as it's rooted and grounded in fact.

Your criticisms of Kyle keep getting disproved.

You'd save yourself time and energy if you simply said you didn't like that Kyle is Mike's son.

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Criticism is fine as long as it's rooted and grounded in fact.

Your criticisms of Kyle keep getting disproved.

You'd save yourself time and energy if you simply said you didn't like that Kyle is Mike's son.

You guys are hysterical. You bend yourself into a pretzel to defend him. Take a look at our record since he's been here 13-24. Disprove that. We've been a top 10 scoring offense through 5 games so far this year, sure, valid point, but since you guys put so much stock into rankings, it has been against the 32nd, 14th, 18th, 27th and 17th ranked defenses, respectively. We haven't played a top defense all year. Watch what happens when we do--I don't think it will be pretty. But, disprove away my friends.

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