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Washington Post: Texas voter ID law is blocked


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A federal court on Thursday blocked a controversial new voter ID law in Texas, ruling that the state failed to show that the law would not harm the voting rights of minorities.

The three-judge panel in the historic case said that evidence also showed that costs of obtaining a voter ID would fall most heavily on poor African Americans and Hispanics in Texas.

Evidence submitted by Texas to prove that its law did not discriminate was “unpersuasive, invalid, or both,” wrote David. S. Tatel, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in the panel’s 56-page opinion.

The ruling will likely have political implications in the coming elections. Republicans and Democrats have been arguing over whether increasingly tough voter ID laws discriminate against African Americans and Hispanics.

Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott said that the state will appeal Thursday’s ruling to the Supreme Court, which is the next stop in a voting rights case.

Didn't see this posted yet. Seems like a pretty major decision after the PA one. Curious how those two rulings will impact each other as far as the appeals process since SCOTUS is next.

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Merit of the laws withstanding, I still think the strategy of targeting the groups who traditionally vote Democrat (poor & minorities) won't win in the end.

With the increased tanning of the voting population, the GOP will eventually need to court these voters if they want to survive and not continue to disenfranchise them and keep them from ever voting red.

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These ridiculous laws have a bigger effect in a state like PA than they do in Texas. This should have happened in PA as well.

Part of the civil rights amendment says that states which Historically have used Jim Crow laws have to have voter rights laws passed through Justice. Texas falls into that category, Pa and Ohio do not.

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Good for the Texas judges for blocking something so unamerican and unconstitutional. There is no coincidence that all but 1 state proposing these ID laws are Republican and the laws mainly affect non-Republican voters. The party is supposed to be about protecting people's constitutional rights, including the right to vote. It is disgusting that they even proposed this law and all party members should be ashamed and calling for the resignation of legislators who proposed it. How can you support the prevention or impeding of the right to vote for millions of American citizens, especially when the fraud "problem" they are trying to "solve" didn't even break 100?

Let's call it what it is: a dirty, sleazeball tactic by one party to prevent people from voting for the other party, at the sacrifice of what is supposed to be our most valued right as Americans. So much for all the rhetoric about loving America and being like the founding fathers. Actions speak louder than words, and the real Republicans need to man up and call these people out instead of continually sacrificing their integrity.

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Part of the civil rights amendment says that states which Historically have used Jim Crow laws have to have voter rights laws passed through Justice. Texas falls into that category, Pa and Ohio do not.

and even more so ,have the burden of proving any changes do not affect minorities

the cowards put off ruling on the constitutionality of section 5

on to SCOTUS :saber:

proper vetting of voters is protecting votes and prevents nullification of votes.

Duckus , not even the dead are gonna save ya this round :pfft:

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proper vetting of voters twa? Where are the numbers to support voter fraud is a problem, because all the numbers so far show that it isn't even 100th of 1 percent. But ID laws impact millions of people. How does it make sense then? You have a law that impedes the right to vote for millions to stop less than 100 people NATIONWIDE from voter fraud. It doesn't make sense, unless you have some paranoid delusion that illegal immigrants and former felons are committing fraud just so they can vote for those evil dems.

And if you do have that paranoia, it means you're so wrapped up in your side winning that you are willing to impede the right to vote for other Americans, in essence that makes you un-American.

Stop and think about it. You're claim is that people on a massive scale are deciding to misidentify themselves so they can vote, but in order to do this they have to steal someone else's vote. Where are the reports of people's votes being stolen?

Again, you're impeding the right of Americans to vote because of some stupid paranoid delusion that in reality doesn't even have 100 cases in a presidential election. Way to spit in the faces of our forefathers and crap on the highest ideal and right of Americans just for the sake of your party winning. George Washington would be disgusted.

Where are the REAL Republicans? The ones that care about rights for ALL Americans and are objecting to the audaciousness? Oh, it's mostly the other side that is affected, hence why these laws were put forth in the first place, and when it;s the other side then we are all for taking away the rights of Americans. Pathetic.

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Elka....hasn't it been demonstrated in states with voter ID that it has not suppressed voting?

how do you prove voting fraud w/o using ID?

We do know the DEAD still vote,and Florida had some 'interesting' results when the news compared jury duty and voter rolls.

requiring the same level of ID we do for most govt interaction is no burden or barrier

but feel free to continue to treat and punish generations differently for others actions while telling me about protecting rights and equality.


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Good for the Texas judges for blocking something so unamerican and unconstitutional. .

It was federal judges as part of the "civil rights act of 1964". Look for this to be targeted by the supreme court case in the next few sessions.

---------- Post added August-31st-2012 at 11:56 AM ----------

Philly Man says he is voted a couple of Times

That's is totally creditable... "is voted"? How about "has voted".

Here is another report on America's voter fraud problems...

* Fraud by individual voters is both irrational and extremely rare.

* Raising the unsubstantiated specter of mass voter fraud suits a particular policy agenda.

* Claims of voter fraud should be carefully tested before they become the basis for action.

There is no documented wave or trend of individuals voting multiple times, voting as someone else, or voting despite knowing that they are ineligible. Indeed, evidence from the microscopically scrutinized 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State actually reveals just the opposite: though voter fraud does happen, it happens approximately 0.0009% of the time. The similarly closely-analyzed 2004 election in Ohio revealed a voter fraud rate of 0.00004%. National Weather Service data shows that Americans are struck and killed by lightning about as often.


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The guy in the video meant he decided to come back and try to vote a couple times, but the lines were long each time. If you understand the context of what he was saying than it was clear such was his intention.

Seriously, if you just stop and think about the intent of voter fraud, and what would have to happen for it to actually be a problem on a national scale, then you'd realize that fears of fraud are absurd.

Plus, why does it have to be an ID? Why can't it just be a bill, or some piece of mail with your name and correct address on it? Something people at the residence would have?

People aren't lining up to commit voter fraud, so impeding millions of Americans from voting to solve a non-problem is absurd, as well as un-American and unconstitutional.

I'm hopeful that the SCOTUS doesn't screw this up when it gets to them.

---------- Post added August-31st-2012 at 02:34 PM ----------

Elka....hasn't it been demonstrated in states with voter ID that it has not suppressed voting?

how do you prove voting fraud w/o using ID?

We do know the DEAD still vote,and Florida had some 'interesting' results when the news compared jury duty and voter rolls.

requiring the same level of ID we do for most govt interaction is no burden or barrier

but feel free to continue to treat and punish generations differently for others actions while telling me about protecting rights and equality.

Do you really think there are millions of people out there who aren't allowed to vote but who just have to, so they take the time to find out the name and address of a person in the voting district and then go vote, hoping that person didn't already cast their vote?

So, what you are saying is that it is ok for big government to require citizens to get ID and be registered if they want full access to the right to vote?

Wow twa, I never thought I'd see the day where you supported big government intrusion into the life of the private citizen. And only because your party says so, and only to stop something not even 100 people do in an election.

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So, what you are saying is that it is ok for big government to require citizens to get ID and be registered if they want full access to the right to vote?

Wow twa, I never thought I'd see the day where you supported big government intrusion into the life of the private citizen. And only because your party says so, and only to stop something not even 100 people do in an election.

In case you haven't noticed Big government is all up in our voting,districting and every other aspect.

How do you prove fraud w/o a ID requirement?

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In case you haven't noticed Big government is all up in our voting,districting and every other aspect.

How do you prove fraud w/o a ID requirement?

The existence of big government doesn't mean you have to endorse it, and in most cases you don't seem to, except in this one, which is approved by your party. Coincidence?

If you can't prove fraud then how are people caught? Oh that's right, as I said in the previous post, which you even quoted but cut off the pertinent part, you have to have the correct name and address, and also hope that the person hasn't already voted.

Is something that few are actually motivated to do in need of proving? Seriously, I'll ask again. Do you really think there are MILLIONS of people out there committing voter fraud? They look up a person's name and address, go to that district and vote hoping that the person hasn't already voted and that they don't get caught, all just to vote. Do you really think those that can't vote are so interested that they would go to that kind of trouble?

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Seriously, if you just stop and think about the intent of voter fraud, and what would have to happen for it to actually be a problem on a national scale, then you'd realize that fears of fraud are absurd. .

Actually, I keep pointing out.

Let's just suppose, hypothetically. I'm a rabid partisan Trekkie, and I want to vote 20 times for William Shatner for President.

Am I going to go vote 20 times in person?

Walk into a public polling place, with 20 poll workers, clerks, helpers, records, official documents, probably a cop or two, dozens of witnesses (all from my neighborhood), walk up to the counter and say "I'm Kilmer, and I'm here to vote"?

And, am I going to do that 20 times, on the same day, in the same polling place? Or, one time each in 20 different polling places?

Or, am I going to make a phone call to San Francisco, claim that I'm Predicto, and have them send an absentee ballot to an address here in Florida where I can get it out of the mail? Vote 20 times, as 20 different people, in 20 different counties? Using a method where I never have any face to face interaction with any government officials? A method that lets me vote 20 times over a three-week period?

I think it's pretty obvious that if people intend to commit voter fraud, 99 out of 100 are going to do it, absentee.

But, we aren't seeing any great upsurge in laws mandating that absentee voters jump through hoops to prove their right to vote.

(Curiously, absentee voting tends to favor Republicans. Gee, can't have any laws "protecting the sanctity of our elections" that also just happen to have the side effect of making it slightly more difficult to vote absentee, can we?)

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proper vetting of voters twa? Where are the numbers to support voter fraud is a problem, because all the numbers so far show that it isn't even 100th of 1 percent. But ID laws impact millions of people. How does it make sense then? You have a law that impedes the right to vote for millions to stop less than 100 people NATIONWIDE from voter fraud. It doesn't make sense, unless you have some paranoid delusion that illegal immigrants and former felons are committing fraud just so they can vote for those evil dems.

And if you do have that paranoia, it means you're so wrapped up in your side winning that you are willing to impede the right to vote for other Americans, in essence that makes you un-American.

Stop and think about it. You're claim is that people on a massive scale are deciding to misidentify themselves so they can vote, but in order to do this they have to steal someone else's vote. Where are the reports of people's votes being stolen?

Again, you're impeding the right of Americans to vote because of some stupid paranoid delusion that in reality doesn't even have 100 cases in a presidential election. Way to spit in the faces of our forefathers and crap on the highest ideal and right of Americans just for the sake of your party winning. George Washington would be disgusted.

Where are the REAL Republicans? The ones that care about rights for ALL Americans and are objecting to the audaciousness? Oh, it's mostly the other side that is affected, hence why these laws were put forth in the first place, and when it;s the other side then we are all for taking away the rights of Americans. Pathetic.

I've never seen a group of people so continually and obsessively focus on nothing but bad apples. It must be depressing.

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Court overturns Ohio early voting restrictions in win for Democrats

A federal judge issued a ruling on Friday that overturned early voting restrictions in Ohio, handing a victory to President Barack Obama's campaign, which had argued that the restrictions disproportionately hurt Democrats.

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also, twa, since you're asking how fraud could even be proven, then I'll ask you that if it can't, then how do you know it is even a problem? How can you tell if there is enough fraud to where it's hurting elections if it can't fully be proven, as seem to claim?

Credit card fraud is proven when the effected person says "hey, I didn't buy that, my card or identification was stolen." So the same would happen when a voter says "hey, my name is crossed off, but I didn't vote." Where are all those reports, I ask again?

If fraud were such a problem, where millions of people were getting their votes stolen, enough to counterbalance the millions whose votes are impeded by ID laws, wouldn't there be lots of such reports? Where are they? Because so far, the facts show those cases don't even equal 100 in an election.

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Elka...how would a dead person notice?

How do you prove someone is undocumented?

Between it just being a misdemeanor and the difficulty in proving the person in question actually did it w/o requiring ID,COMBINED with the short statute of limitations make proven cases rare....with the present system it is more trouble than it is worth


But since you want big govt out of it please inform the Feds to quit telling us what we must do

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